Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 211


Now two of my bodies are being carried somewhere by Citrine. Apparently Jett didn’t know he was addicting his own children, and I need to help make them better. I like being helpful, and they are my grandchildren, so I think it could be a lot of fun. Usually, I only get to breastfeed my own children. Sometimes Cindy is willing to drink my milk for the extra free points, but I’m not sure why she doesn’t do it more often. Amber told me that I could probably get humans at the brothel to pay for breastfeeding, but that it was too dangerous to do with people that aren’t family.

“Honestly, it’s going to be pretty horrible for a lot of the women you’ll be curing, but I think it will be a good thing for my brother.” Citrine says as we get close to the village. I’m not sure how it could be good for him. She already said that he seemed really sad and upset. She continues to explain “Well, I don’t think he really understood what he did to Amber, me and the other slaves he kept. If the kids he helped grow and spent a lot of time with show him how horrible it is to not be in control of yourself, I think he could learn to be a better person. Before all this, he probably would have captured more slaves if we weren’t forcing him.”

I’m still not sure I understand the logic. Is it because I’ve already been a slave a few times that I know not to enslave people? I think about it, and I hope that’s not the case, but I can’t be sure that I wouldn’t be a slaver if different things happened to me… Probably not. Having slaves doesn’t sound fun at all and they probably wouldn’t like me. Having fun and doing stuff with my babies is much better. Definitely.

As we finally land in front of Jett’s house, a few people passing by stare at me curiously. I haven’t been here yet, so they’re probably just used to Citrine coming by herself or with Amber. I smile and wave at them as my angel daughter knocks on the door. We wait, but there isn’t an answer. Citrine sighs and pushes the door open anyway, walking in. I follow her and smell sex. He probably has a lot of sex in his house for it to smell like an orgy. Luckily I don’t hear any sex, so we probably won’t be interrupting him at all. She goes through a door and I hear her say “Jett, get up. We need you to gather all the women who might need to be cured.” There’s a muffled response that I can’t understand, but when I get in the room myself, I see he’s laying on his bed with his face in a pillow.

The smell of sex is much stronger in here along with another smell that I’m not sure where I’ve smelled before. Looking around, it’s not a very fancy room, and there’s not a lot of furniture. By now my own bedroom has a lot of cool stuff like dressers and bookshelves. We don’t have as many books in them as Cindy has in hers, but it still adds a nice feeling to the room. Jett’s room seems really barren in comparison. I wonder where he keeps the piercings Citrine keeps showing off?

My daughter roughly pulls my son out from under his blanket by his foot, and I watch as he falls onto the floor. “Fine. I’m the one who hurt them, I should at least help.” He says while climbing to his feet. He looks like he’s been crying a lot and his pillow is even wet. I nod, since if you break something or hurt someone, you have to fix it or you’re being rude. I don’t think he can make milk as useful as mine. Marble told me a long time ago that males can’t make milk at all, so he can’t fix them himself. Luckily that means I get to be helpful.

He looks at me, but quickly looks at the floor instead. Rude. Does he think I’m ugly now that he’s lost his memories? He asks his sister “You brought her for her milk right? That’s the stuff you gave my daughters?” She slaps the side of his head in response, which surprises me. She then scolds him “Is that how you greet your own mother who came to help fix your fuck up?” It did feel pretty rude, and Citrine doesn’t have the same caring look on her face as when we first got here. He straightens his back and looks me in the eye while saying “I’m sorry. Thank you for coming to help. I just…” His words trail off and he averts his gaze again before adding “Can you please help me cure my family?”

Citrine sighs, the angry look on her face turning back to what it was before. I answer “That’s why I’m here son. Now how are we going to do this?” My daughter suggests “I think we should find somewhere else to do it. Doing it in Jett’s house might make it worse for them. We should also do it somewhere private. Making all of this public right as they’re cured would just make it harder for the women to deal with.” I do like spending private time with my daughters when anything bad happens to me, so I can understand. The smell here would probably also remind them of all the sex they had while addicted.

“We have a closed off arena for private duels over mates. I can invite all of them there.” Jett tells us as he starts to get dressed. There’s a knock on the front door, and we follow him as he goes to open it. Standing outside is a Wyverkin woman with black hair and scales. She looks pretty solid, so I think she has Firm. This must be one of my granddaughters. She says “Hey dad. I’ve been having nightmares again and haven’t been able to sleep.” She looks behind him at Citrine and me before adding “If you’re busy I can wait.” Jett hugs the woman and starts crying. She seems really surprised and Citrine just sighs next to me before telling her “We found a way to deal with your nightmares. Can you take us there while your father rounds up everyone else who needs help?”

The Wyverkin woman asks her crying father concernedly “Is that true dad? You must be crying since you’re happy for us. Leave taking these two to the arena to me.” She pauses and then adds while pushing away from the hug “Maybe wipe off your face before gathering the others. We wouldn’t want my brothers to see you like this.” I don’t think there’s anything wrong with crying, but my boys do tend to try and hide it more than my girls. My daughters told me it’s because they want to seem tough, and my sons usually just deny that they cry a lot. I know better, but if it helps them feel tougher then I don’t mind pretending that they don’t.

Jett wipes his face with his hand and tells us “I’ll go wash my face. Mina here can take you to the arena.” Citrine says “It’s a pleasure to meet you Mina, I’m Citrine, your father’s sister. You can take Opal to the arena. I’ll stay with your father and make sure he can hold himself together.” Mina nods and replies “That’s probably for the best, dad can be pretty sensitive.” As Jett heads back into the house, I say goodbye to my daughter and follow my granddaughter. She looks a lot like Jett, who looks a lot like me, so I think she’s pretty. She asks me “So how do you know father? I don’t remember ever seeing you in town?”

I smile and tell her “Jett is my son. He’s pretty different now from when he was younger, but people can change a lot. I heard it was because he lost his memories.” She seems surprised and turns to me while we walk asking “So that makes you my grandmother, my great grandmother and my great great grandmother. I have you to thank for this beautiful black hair.” I nod and smile. I guess Jett gets his daughters pregnant a lot. If I hadn’t already decided not to let him have sex with me for what he did to Amber and Citrine, I might be a little jealous. Probably. I’m sure I’ll find a Player son who’s willing to have babies with me some day.

I tell her “I think your father’s scales are black because of me too, since his father was a Wyvern with brown scales.” If she likes her hair color so much, then she’ll probably like me even more if she knows where the scale color originates. They are really pretty scales. After talking a bit more about her grandpa, she says “So grandpa died while having sex. I guess I can see where father got it from.” I’m not sure what she means, but we get to a large building with a woman standing out front before I can ask.

“Suzy, did someone challenge your mate?” She asks, and the woman responds “Yeah, but Julio is really handsome, so even if he loses I’m not going to switch to Ken.” I see Mina roll her eyes before saying “That Ken is so persistent. I heard he’s challenged more than ten couples since maturing. Nobody’s going to take him with those brown scales. He should just wait for father to have an ugly daughter for a mate.” The other woman, Suzy I guess, says “Speaking of father, I heard he’s still courting Auntie. How long do you think it will be before he’s available again?” She says the word ‘available’ with weird emphasis. Mina smiles and responds “Auntie already rejected him, so I went there just now, but grandma here says they have a way to get rid of the nightmares. He’ll be busy gathering everyone up to bring here, so you’ll have to wait until he’s done for you-know-what.”

I’m pretty sure they are talking about sex, but I’m not sure why they seem to be doing it so weird. Suzy looks at me and says “I thought Mina’s grandma was Hellen. Is she maybe you’re mate’s grandmother and you’re just being polite?” Mina just shakes her head and puffs out her chest before explaining “Nope, this is Opal. She’s actually Father’s mom. So she’s your grandma too.” The orange-scaled Suzy’s eyes get bigger and she asks “Really?” before running up to me with a big hug. “That’s great! I’ve always wondered where father came from. I think we have an older sister named Opal. Do you think father named her before his memory loss thing? She is almost as old as sister Amber.”

Mina nods while Suzy squeezes me and responds “I thought the same thing sister. There’s going to be so much to talk about with everyone after this. I even have the scoop on our grandfather, and it’s pretty shocking, so I’ll wait for more people to show up before dropping it.” My orange scaled granddaughter lets me go and finally asks “So why are they bringing everyone here?” I finally see a place in the conversation to jump in and answer her “It’s better that you all have privacy when we cure you.” I see her confused face, so I add “Don’t worry, it’s not anything dangerous.”

Suzy shakes her head though and says “I don’t get nightmares, so I don’t need them cured.” Oh, so she just wanted to correct me. I decide to tell her “Well it’s not just the women who get nightmares, but all of your sisters. It should help all of you.” Mina chimes in saying “That probably means it has some other benefit too. I’m excited now to know what’s good enough for father to get off his lazy butt and gather everyone.” There are other benefits, but Citrine told me not to tell the women too much before they’re cured, since it might just confuse them. I just nod. They will be getting a few free points at least from my milk.

Thinking about how many people that I’ll be able to breastfeed that aren’t my children gets me excited. The free points and other benefits makes giving just anyone my milk dangerous, since they might try and put me in a cage to milk me all day. That’s what Cindy told me at least, and it doesn’t sound very fun. While my two granddaughters gossip, speculating on what it could be, a Wyverkin man with brown scales walks out of the structure, followed by one with purple scales who looks beat-up.

The large, brown one announces “Suzy I triumphed. Take me over this pretty boy as your mate. I’ll give you strong children.” She responds by crossing her arms and telling him “Nope, denied.” She then turns to the other man and orders him “Go home Julio, since you lost you won’t be getting sex for a week. Hopefully it motivates you.” The purple scaled man hangs his head, and the brown scaled one seems upset with her answer.

As Julio walks away, Ken turns to me with wide eyes and asks “Beautiful woman, do you have a mate?”

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