Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 215

As I’m admiring my clear stomach in the mirror thing Jett has, there’s a knock on the door. “That’s probably my sons with your potions. I’ll go get them.” My son tells me before running out of the room. I think he’s doing better now. Everything that happened earlier made him really sad. Sure enough I can hear their conversation from here, and he soon returns carrying a bunch of potions. Well, five potions, but I don’t think I’ll need that many. Didn’t Amber only use three to get her huge breasts? I don’t want to make mine that big, even if it’s temporary, so I’ll probably just use two like Citrine. It’s different for everyone, so I guess I might have to use three. Remembering the title I just earned, I decide to check it before I drink the potions and get distracted again.

(The Pure)Wis+20, Equip Bonus: Increased resistance to negative effects.

You have been purified of many mental/physical effects along with marks and brands. You are purer for it.

That’s actually the best bonus for equipping a title I have now. All the rest are only good in very specific situations, but I can probably keep this one on most of the time. I select it and wonder what it says above my head now. I decide to ask Citrine since she’s still carrying one of my bodies to Woodville. She says “Oh, that’s a good one mom. You’ll have to tell me about how you got it later.” I agree and she tells me it says -Opal, The Pure Mother of Fertility-. It does sound pretty good. The mother part comes from my Mother Opal unique title, and I think fertility was from having maxed the stat. Probably.

Of course I can hide it using my skill if I wanted to, but I haven’t really had a reason lately. Maybe I can switch it to say Human, since the Players in Woodville are human. That might be rude though and they probably wouldn’t like me if they found out. Doing one last wiggle in front of the mirror, I drink the first potion. Jett waits with me watching, but after a minute I don’t see any changes. Double checking the bottles, they are definitely the right ones. I guess I just got unlucky with my first one. So I drink another… Still nothing. Am I immune to breast potions? Jett says “I think I noticed a tiny change.“ I look down at them instead of through the mirror, and he’s right. It’s just really hard to tell. I don’t think it’s enough for a surprise.

I end up drinking the 5th one before there’s any really noticeable difference. Even then, I’m going to want more. I guess I’m resistant to the breast potions for some reason. I cup my breasts in my hands and sigh. There’s barely any difference. Maybe I’ll have to give up on the breasts for now, but I really wanted to surprise Amber with everything at once. Jett watches me play with my breasts with a frown and he says “I do have a mark that can increase breast size, but it’s new and I haven’t tested it yet. So I don’t know if it has any side-effects.”

I think about it, and I should be immune to any mental effects since I have Genuine. My new title also increases my resistance to anything bad it might give. He looks a little nervous offering it, but it should be fine. I tell him “Okay sweetie, if I don’t end up liking it you can just take it off later.” Moving over to the bed again, I bend over it. I shouldn’t need to spit on his penis again if he’s just going to stick the tip in like last time. He walks up behind me and confesses “Since this is the first time putting the mark on someone, I’m not exactly sure where I have to touch, but I think it will be one of your breasts. I’m not trying to take advantage of you.” It makes sense, so I tell him it’s fine.

*Lewd Scene*




It’s a good thing that brown Wyverkin already got me pregnant earlier today, so I don’t have to worry. It is a bit sad I missed out on finally having a baby with a Player son, but I promised myself I wouldn’t let Jett get me pregnant. I actually hear a chime, but ignore it for now. I feel strangely strong, but Jett is still sucking on my breast and ignoring me. Pulling him off of my nipple, he struggles a little, but then his eyes seem to regain some intelligence. He looks up at me and then down at the cum on my stomach. His eyes go wide, and he finally pushes himself back into a standing position.

“I’m so sorry mom, I think the mark gives you a huge boost to attrac-” He starts to say, but his eyes roll into the back of his head and he collapses onto the floor.

-POV Jett-

I can’t feel my body, and lights are flashing everywhere. Suddenly I see a floating picture in front of me, it’s mostly dark, but soon brightens as a figure watches me emerge from my egg. It looks like Opal. The woman picks me up after I fall onto my face, and her arms feel comfortable. Weird, isn’t it just a picture? How do I know what it feels like? More floating pictures surround me. In one of them the woman is breastfeeding a smaller me. In another, a familiar looking woman with orange hair is teaching me how to fight. It’s all too much to keep track of and my mind blanks.

I wake up with tears fogging my vision. My head is on something soft and comforting. I wipe away the tears and see my mom looking down at me over her large breasts. Ah, I must be on her lap. She looks worried and asks me “What happened sweetie, are you okay?” She still cares about me after everything I’ve done to my big sisters and those slaves. I don’t deserve it. There’s a screen telling me her milk has restored my lost memories. With my memories back, I realize how much Citrine truly sees me as family. It hurts that mom and Amber are treating me differently, but I don’t deserve any better.

I remember everything now. How I slowly lost myself and hurt my family. I’m a horrible son, brother and father.

Taking one last look at my mother’s beautiful face, I sit up. She asks me again if I’m okay, but I don’t know how to answer that question. Instead I tell her “Thank you mom. Can you tell everyone that I’m sorry?” I don’t look back to see her reaction as I stand and run out of my horrible house. I can hear her follow me, but as I open my front door and leave, I get to look at the place I built with my children. I sigh and jump into the air, my wings flapping powerfully. I manage to hear mom shout “What’s going on Jett?” but I can’t look at her again, it hurts too much and I don’t deserve her.

Remembering which direction my big sis told me their home is, I turn to the opposite direction and fly as fast as I can. Nobody deserves the horrible things I’ve done, so I need to start a new life somewhere worse. I don’t belong here anymore. With conviction I transfer ownership of my land to my daughter Amber. She takes after my sister, and was already doing most of the work as I indulged in sex. I shudder and reset my classes one by one. I can’t get rid of my filthy skills, but I can at least not get any more.

Flying away from the life I don’t deserve hurts, but it would hurt more to stay.

-POV End-

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