Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 219

While I’m walking to Jett’s place after sex with Jim, I wonder how many babies I got it up to. Rubbing my belly I decide to check it and clear out my waiting screens.


I’m confused when I first read it, but then I start to get angry and change my course towards Jim’s house. Luckily before I get there I remember that Arhu’s name was still listed on my Status after he died, even if it was grayed out. I shouldn’t disturb the man just because I’m forgetful. I got new skills, so I should check them out after my sex status. 43 babies is actually more than I was expecting and I’m kind of proud I got it so high. With only one or two from each time Jim finished in me, it was a lot of work. I guess pretending his wife was still alive was worth it. I open my skills menu and check the newest ones.

(New)Homewrecker’s Allure: (Passive)

Increase your attractiveness to spouses that aren’t your own.

(New)Cheater’s Virility: (Passive)

Double litter size when impregnated by a spouse that isn’t your own.

I sigh since the first one is horrible. I guess it’s already the highest it will go, so I’ll be getting more degradation instead. That’s nice at least. The second one seems really good, even if it is only with a few men. I wonder why I got the title that was probably the source of them from the boss spider, but haven’t gotten messages from getting pregnant by him so many times now. I’m sure it’s been more times than Jim at least. I check the title to make sure I didn’t miss anything.

(Golden Seed Thief) Pregnancies from spouses that aren’t your own may have beneficial effects.

You have been impregnated by ???’s concubine. Your womb benefits greatly from the event.

I’m still not sure why the spider doesn’t count. Maybe it has to be a Player, so monsters don’t give stuff? I nod to myself since that makes the most sense right now. It’s still weird that it doesn’t apply to the thing I got the title from. Well, if I can get more free skills from Jim even though his mate is dead, I’m more likely to come back. Of course I’ll have to test it with a few other people I know who are married but okay with having sex with others. If I don’t use this body it will take a while, since my other bodies don’t have this race and can’t build pregnancy numbers.

I get back to Jett’s house, but he still hasn’t returned. If he’s not back by morning I’ll ask my granddaughter if he usually leaves this long. If he doesn’t then that’s probably why he asked me to tell them sorry. He might have a quest that will take a while to finish, but was in a hurry and didn’t have time to explain. I’ve gotten quests that are really limited on time, so I can understand. He just doesn’t have other bodies to keep everyone updated.

I lay down on the bed next to Garnet and watch my cute little son sleep.

The next morning

Citrine slows her flying and pokes my head with her chin to get my attention. I ask “What’s going on sweetie?” She sighs before answering “I got pregnant at the orgy with sis and my niece last night, so I wondered if it’s alright to wait until after the birth to come pick you up?” I’m eager to surprise Amber with my piercings and larger breasts, but we don’t usually do a lot of stuff while we’re pregnant. Carrying me in that condition could be hard for her so I reply “Just take care of yourself sweetie. I’ll be fine and can keep an eye out for the 7th tier zombies.” I feel her kiss the back of my head and squeeze me before increasing her speed again.

Back on Jett’s bed, I roll away from my little boy who’s grown a lot overnight. I don’t think he’s fully grown yet, but it shouldn’t be too much longer. Probably a few hours at most. Getting off the bed, I make my way over to the chest filled with piercings and look through it a bit. I don’t find anything for my tongue that I like, so I look over at my son and think. I should go to the arena since Garnet’s father will probably be waiting there to fight my wife. It’s hard to be as mad at him after he gave me such a cute baby, so I can’t just let him wait there all morning for a fight that won’t happen. Citrine won’t be able to bring Amber while she’s pregnant after all.

I kiss my sleeping son on the cheek before leaving the room and house. It doesn’t take me long to get to the arena, and Ken is already standing outside with his arms crossed. I’m a bit surprised since it’s pretty early, but maybe he doesn’t have to sleep. I wave to him as I get close and he turns to me with a grin. “Where’s that mate of yours? Did they give up before even fighting?” He asks and I shake my head answering “No, they’re just a bit busy today so I wanted to reschedule the fight.” His smile forms into an obvious frown. He says “It’s fine if your mate is a coward, it’s not like I haven’t seen it before. Leave them for a real man.”

All the good feelings he earned from giving me a cute baby drain away, and I feel angry. How dare a squishy weakling like him call Amber a coward. I stop myself from just smashing him on the spot. This race’s feelings are too intense so I have to be careful. Instead I hear myself growl before saying “I’ll fight you instead. How does that sound?” As I glare at him he shrugs his shoulders and answers “Why would I fight you if I want to make you my mate? You don’t even have scales.” I stand a bit more straight and reply “If you can beat me I’ll accept you as my mate. How does that sound?”

His eyes go wide in surprise and he asks if I’m serious, to which I nod. I’m going to have to beat him up myself since my wife can’t make it today. So I’ll just leave out the fact that he doesn’t stand a chance. “Great!” He finally answers with a huge smile, probably thinking he’ll easily get a mate today. This man really knows how to make me angry and I’m looking forward to knocking him around a bit. I follow him into the arena structure, and we’re soon standing on opposite ends of the fighting platform. That’s what my granddaughters called it yesterday at least.

Ken says “Don’t worry sweet cheeks, I’ll go easy on you. I wouldn’t want to mark up that beautiful skin.” I giggle a bit and respond “Don’t worry weakling, I won’t kill you.” His smile disappears and his mouth forms a straight line. He shakes his head for some reason and then charges at me while saying “You better keep your word when I win.” His charging form is met with my fist and I hold back a bit.

His body flies off of the platform, slamming into the wall below the stands. He was unconscious before even hitting the wall, so I watch as he falls forward, his face landing in the dirt. Walking over to him slowly, I wonder if maybe I punched a little too hard, but see that he’s still breathing. Well, it’s fine then. I stand over his passed-out form and finally reply “I don’t have to because you’re weak.” It’s strangely satisfying. This new race really does have some interesting advantages. I grab Ken’s foot and start dragging him out of the central area and into the halls.

Once I put him on the couch Jim and I had sex on earlier, I look down at him. He probably won’t fight Amber now, but it felt good to do it myself. Maybe I can convince him to fight my wife later if I go to the pink room again. I’d at least get another cute baby and my wife can get the satisfaction as well. I rub my belly, thinking about how many eggs I have right now. It will have to wait of course, since he is unconscious and Citrine stays pregnant a little longer than I do.

Rubbing my belly more I look down at it. I wonder why I’m still not showing. I should at least have a bump now right? Maybe it’s because I got more of them with this new race? I nod to myself and leave the sleeping man in the room alone. I’m glad he didn’t die since I already told Garnet that I’d introduce him to his father later. He’s such a cute boy and I wouldn’t want to disappoint him.

When I get back to the room, my brown scaled son is sitting on the edge of the bed looking around. He turns to me and then smiles saying “Mom! I think I’ll finish growing up soon. Can you take me to that dungeon thing you told me about yesterday?” It does look like he’s already grown, but he would know best. I give him a hug before sitting next to him on the bed. “Sure sweetie, but there are a few things mommy wants to teach you before we go so you don’t get hurt.” I tell him, and then start telling him about classes, free points and what to be careful of in a dungeon.

I’m a bit surprised at myself, since it usually doesn’t occur to me, but I really don’t want to forget something and see my baby boy get hurt. It must be this new race. It takes about an hour to go over everything I can think of, and once I’m done he says “That’s a lot to remember mom, but I’ll try my best. I became an adult while you were talking, so I picked the Fighter class just like you.” I nod, happy with his choice. I could tell he finished growing because his little penis grew while I was explaining that sex with monsters could be dangerous if you’re too low tier. My other sons all had tiny little ones right until they finished growing too.

I rub his hair and tell him “You can borrow some of your brother’s clothes. You should be about the same size.” I would just give him Credits for the Armory, but Jett isn’t back yet to make him a guard. It doesn’t take us long to find the right clothes and get him dressed. Garnet seems to be a little taller than his brother, but it’s not enough to make the clothes unusable. I think about something I missed and say “Before we go, which skills did you inherit? I can help you understand them better.” He gets that look on his face that people get when looking at screens before answering “I got Firm, Bunny Speed and Wide Shoulders.” I go through my own list, but don’t find Wide Shoulders anywhere in it. He must have gotten it from his father.

After explaining the other two to him, we head to the Armory together. We can’t buy anything, but that doesn’t mean we can’t pay someone else to buy a weapon for him. “Can I have a spear mom? I think I’ll be good at using a spear.” my son asks and I nod, transferring some credits to the nice woman who agreed to help us. Her eyes go a bit wide and she says “I think the most expensive spear available is only ten thousand Credits. This is too much.” I respond “That’s okay, you can keep the rest since you’re helping us out. Garnet is going into the dungeon for the first time today.” I do a little wiggle, I’m not sure why him going to the dungeon makes me feel proud though.

The nice woman comes back out holding a black colored spear with a silver pokey part at the top. My son seems happy with it, so I am too. He thanks her, and we finally make our way to the dungeon. I pick the slime dungeon. Even though it will be messier, they don’t spit acid like the worms so it should be easier for his first time. There also isn’t a crowd when trying to get in, which is nice.

In the first room, I tell him that the slimes explode and are gross, but when he actually kills the first one by stabbing it a few times, it just turns into a puddle… Maybe it was just the boss then? I let him fight another while I go to kick the last one in the room. If it’s just the boss who explodes then this will be a lot less messy, but maybe it was just a fluke. I kick the green blob and it explodes all over my legs. Ugh, so gross. I turn and see my son’s opponent turn into a puddle again. Is it just me then? That’s rude.

After a few more floors I come to the conclusion that they explode because it’s me killing them. I even tried stabbing them with the spear, but it still happened. There hasn’t been a single one that my son killed that exploded though. It must be because of that racial hatred thing. I guess this race does have a downside after all. The emotions are definitely interesting and the increasing number of babies in my pregnancy is fun. I was starting to think it was the perfect race. That reminds me though, that I should give my son that seed. It will help him max out his purchased stats faster, and he’ll be in less danger of getting hurt. Too bad I left it back at the house. Oh well, I can give him the one from this run, since I still got the screen about the slimes hating me.

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