I Decided to Kidnap the Male Lead

Chapter 108: Death Hunters (XII)

But after that, let alone torture… The man was confused when they properly fitted his chin and thumb, affirmed all his beliefs, and even acknowledged it.

‘They are the ones who hinder us from fulfilling our mission and eventually cause us to fail.’

Truly an unbeliever against God’s will.

But why were they so meekly affirming God?

And Ophelia, who had been waiting for this moment, cleverly dug into the man’s confusion.

Ordinary human beings were destroyed by fear and pain, acceptance and empathy.

“Did you hear the mission of God yourself?”

“No, the Prophet…”


The man, half dazed, began to tell his story, like water pouring from a broken embankment.

Most of the words that continued for a while were about his hard, exhausting life with no tomorrow in sight.

“I heard my sister’s leg might be healed. So I went to that village.”


Richard’s eyebrows twitched, but the man didn’t notice and just kept talking about himself.

His story continued to spin without context, but Ophelia and Richard pulled out the necessary information from it.

Village, prophet, and God.

Ophelia and Richard exchanged various glances at the story that came out of the man’s mouth.

They could add a few more words to it.

Pseudo, human trafficking, the murder of the head and successor of a family friendly to the imperial family, and…

“…James will take good care of it.”

“Is that the village James went to? Do you know where James is now?”

As if he couldn’t hear Richard’s voice, the man blankly moved his mouth.

“He’s a newcomer, but still…”

Leaving behind the man’s babble, Ophelia lowered her voice.

“If it’s James, is it Sir Gryu?”


“My God, so this is the village that Sir Gryu went to investigate.”

“Yes. A village suspected of being in contact with Neir. Indeed, Neir’s name, which came out of human trafficking, wasn’t a lie either.”

“What are they planning to do… Ah, I don’t even have to ask that.”

“If we look at the families they have been targeting—”

“It must be treason. And—”

“Lady Neir, not the marchioness, must be involved.”

Words bounced back and forth, like they were of one mind and body.

“Whatever Raisa Neir is trying to do—”

“Must have something to do with the village.”

“Regression too?”

“Otherwise, not just the Marquisate of Neir—”

“Ah! There was no way that such a town could have been created without Richard’s knowledge. Then ultimately—.”

“We must go to the village.”

Finally, with all the pieces in the right places, Ophelia and Richard could see the whole picture.

A picture of greed created by Raisa Neir using infinite regression.


When the girl’s brother was spitting and crying out to God.

The god he served, the creator of the prophet… Raisa, was lost in thought.

To be precise, she was buried in one thought.

“I don’t want to die.”

Raisa muttered incessantly and chewed the inside of her mouth.

If any one saw her now, they would mutter at once.

—She’s just like the drugged Marchioness Neir.

Raisa, who looked exactly like her mother, whom she hated and sought to destroy, swallowed the blood from her tattered mouth.

She was thinking. Constantly.

No, could it be simply a thought?

An obsession with not wanting to die.

It should be said that it was the desire of dead people who had already died once.

Or rather, should she say it’s an intense greed for life?

“Ah, ah, ah ah!”

Raisa struggled. No matter what she did, if the world collapsed, she couldn’t avoid death.

Scratching the floor, she stopped abruptly.

No one whispered in her ear, but it was instinctive.

“Destruction, regression… If it happens because of regression.”

The very first was in front of her eyes. The moment just before the first regression came to mind.

At the same time, Raisa, having scratched her neck enough to see blood, shook her head and hesitated.

“Isn’t it okay to make what has been done through regression into something that didn’t exist?”

Just as the earthquake and flood was made into a thing of the past, if she got rid of what happened because of the regression…

“Then everything will be fine.”

White breath flowed out between her parted lips.

The day she first died was a cold day that made her bones ache.

With a squeezed voice, and as she scratched the small notebook with her trembling hands, she muttered,

“I have to be okay.”

‘Whatever it is for me to live, I will not hesitate.’

After regression, Raisa’s purpose was twofold.

Hatred and greed.

The first was revenge against her mother who abandoned her.

And the second was to sit on the throne, which her mother had longed for.

In fact, the second one must have been part of her revenge against her mother.

Raisa regressed for her own purposes. She did it again and again, so many times that she lost count.

Thus, she reached a certain point.

Her mother lost her wits due to drugs, and recently, when even the supply of that drug was cut off, she started trying other drugs.

‘Before her mind completely disappeared, if I slit her throat like she did to me in the past…’

Again, Raisa scratched at her bloodied neck.

“It’s not me. It won’t be me this time.”

In the scene where the severed head rolled on the floor, she herself must laugh.

‘To do that, I must live first.’

One of the things she did after her regression was irreversible.

No, she didn’t want to turn it back.

Her mother’s ruin.

If she regressed to when it didn’t happen, then was there a reason for regressing?

She crumpled up the notebook.

“That’s why this miracle came to me.”

Even though she obsessively clung to life, she couldn’t let go of her first death.

Eventually, she turned her attention to her second goal.

Greed for the throne. And she had arranged to clear the way for that.

“Village… It’s that village.”

Raisa’s gray eyes glittered as she chewed the inside of her mouth.

A huge village built by Raisa using a man.

An area that turned people into tools only for her own purposes.

It wasn’t perfect. But it was close to perfect.

So that was how Raisa regressed, and then regressed again.

Ultimately, the village itself was the essence of Raisa’s infinite regression.

“If I get rid of it…”

Then it would work. Then the inevitable death of the end of the world would also disappear.

The evidence was very poor, and there was nothing to be sure of.

However, Raisa strongly believed.

Just as she hunted and killed Richard as she believed it was a miracle for her that she was able to satisfy her greed by constantly regressing.

If the village was destroyed, the end of the world could be prevented.

Even though she went through countless regressions, she hasn’t changed a bit since her first death.

In the face of the horror of death, her terribly unpleasant desire seemed to be suppressed, but the essence did not change.


Only that greed headed in the direction of wanting to live on the throne that held the empire.

Raisa bit off the tips of her nails like the insides of her mouth.

“What did he say?”

Before the sun was consumed by the darkness, the messenger from the village talked about something.


Was it about the hanging done while in search of the impure element that was disturbing the village?

“And one more… man… He said there was one more man. They are delaying it.”

She was sure she heard the man’s name, but she couldn’t remember it.

‘No, did I even hear it?’

Immediately, Raisa laughed viciously.

“It won’t matter. now.”

It really didn’t matter. Impurity or whatever.

Wouldn’t they all be burned anyway?

Raisa stood up. Her eyes trembled and turned red, but she was smiling.

As she saw a way to live.

Just as she poisoned her mother much faster than planned and turned her into an empty shell, this also had to be done several times faster than before.

Just as the sun suddenly disappeared today, she would never know when or how death would bite her neck.

Paralyzed by the fear of death, Raisa began to move like a puppet controlled by someone.

The one holding the end of her thread wasn’t her mother, whom she had broken.

It wasn’t even herself.

It was an insubstantial fear and the greed that resulted from it.

No, for Raisa Neir, it must be the fear of ‘death’ that had a clear reality.

So, driven by greed for life, she decided to return to the beginning.

The village where she put so much effort into, regressing again and again.

“I have to get rid of everything.”

The village reflected in the gray eyes shining brightly was burning.

So desperately, that not even a single ant was left.


So the solar eclipse occurred and a few calm days passed.

Of course, there was an aftermath of the eclipse.

People used to gossip about it whenever they got together.

“God is punishing us.”

“Hey, is it God’s punishment to remove the sun for a while and then return it? What punishment is so short?”

“You… You have a point.”

Some started to put ‘God’ in their mouth.

Ame: I guess it’s a good thing James and the girl went off ‘_’ I knew Raisa is crazy, but damn!

Dea: She reminds me of that meme with the little girl smiling while the house is on fire behind her

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