Infinite Lucky Emperor

Chapter 221 - On the stove

That night, news spread again that Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian were in conflict with the outer disciples who were waiting for them in the courtyard. Anyone who heard the news had a deep impression in their minds. These two people are not easy to get along with!

It was discovered earlier that these two people were always alone and not easy to approach. In just one month, there were two news that they were in conflict with other people.

Regardless of what was going on between the two sides, from the outsiders’ point of view, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian were people who would not hesitate to turn their backs on someone else saying something was wrong, and their tempers were too much.

But how can the thoughts of outsiders not affect Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian at all?

Especially Xia Ruize, since his dazzling elf bloodline has been promoted to the top, his communication with people depends on his temperament. After all, the malice emanating from some people is really uncomfortable, why should he force himself to endure it?

Because Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian had two mountains on their heads, Li Shunchen, who learned that the two had been taught by the immortals alone, was recently stimulated to work hard against the clock. It was not until the morning of the new day on the way to the lecture hall that he heard about the evening before. Clashes in the courtyard.

The young disciple who came to spread the news also patiently persuaded: “Senior Brother Li, those two are too arrogant. We don’t ask them for anything. I don’t think you need to come up and post their cold face.”

Li Shunchen is a little confused. In his opinion, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian are indeed not very close, but it is absolutely no problem to get along and communicate as ordinary friends. Why is his perception a little different from the image created by others?

After thinking for a moment, Li Shunchen shook his head firmly and retorted:

“I have communicated with the two senior brothers, and I know that they are not mean and harsh people, nor are they arrogant and complacent, it must be that those who come to the door have done something wrong that caused the senior brothers to dislike them.

I don’t need to listen to what other people say what to do, I have my own judgment, and these words can’t be said. “

After speaking, he glanced coldly at the person who came to pass the news.

The other party was stunned for a moment, and quickly said yes with a smile.

Today’s class is medicine pills class. After giving a big class to more than a thousand young disciples, Luo Qixian with white hair and white beard pointed a finger, and a whisk flew out of his cuff, and it became big in a few seconds. Can stand on the handle.

Luo Qixian took a long step to stand on the handle, and then invited Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian to stand up together.

Luo Qixian built a magnificent palace on the white head peak. The white jade is the wall, and the top is covered with a golden roof.

When I really walked into the main hall, I found that the interior was even more magnificent. The golden dome above the main hall was actually transparent, and the brilliant sunlight shone into the hall through the golden dome, which was extremely bright.

Inside the hall, there are three layers of raised circular platforms, each of which is filled with large and small alchemy furnaces, and flames are still burning under each alchemy furnace.

The strange thing is that the flames under different alchemy furnaces are of different colors. In addition to the common blue and red, there are some rare and dazzling flames such as pink, white, purple, and green.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian, who followed Luo Qixian into the hall, looked left and right, but felt that everything was very novel, and their eyes were not enough.

The hall is filled with the scent of medicinal herbs. I don’t know what kind of medicinal herbs it is. I just know that taking a sip will make people refreshed and sane.

Immortal Luo Qi led the two all the way to the center of the three-story ring-shaped alchemy furnace, pointed to the futon on the ground, and said casually, “Sit down.”

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian sat upright with their legs crossed, but they saw Immortal Luo Qi casually lying on the futon.

Oh, it turns out that this futon acts as a lazy sofa.

Returning to his own site, Immortal Luo Qi seemed to be very relaxed and comfortable. After stretching his waist, he half-squinted his eyes as if he was sleeping, and said to the two of them slowly:

“When your Song Xianchang came to me and asked me to teach you a private class, I actually refused. The class is already troublesome enough. Those boring contents have to be repeated twice in a short time, which is really looking for guilt for myself.


But I don’t want to offend him. I have to rely on him to collect materials for me. After thinking about it, hehe, it really made me think of a good way! “

The sighing Luo Qixian seemed to be very excited when he said that the final sound went up.

Xia Ruize moved his fingers a little uncomfortably. Why did he feel that Luo Qixian was deliberately teasing them, and his whole body was full of anticipation to watch the fun?

Then Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian saw that Immortal Luo Qi threw a jade slip, and the palm-sized jade slip was suspended among the three.

Immortal Luo Qi suddenly opened his eyes wide and looked at Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian, then dropped a reminder: “Look carefully.” After speaking, he closed his eyes slightly again.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian glanced at each other without talking too much. They concentrated their spiritual power on the jade slip as ordered by Immortal Luo Qi, and a blank page immediately appeared in their minds.

Just when they were slightly surprised, a line of words suddenly appeared on this blank page, obviously Luo Qixian’s voice:

[The best way I can think of is, let’s take classes through jade slips, so that it is more convenient to communicate and you can learn more. 】

After this line of words was displayed, Immortal Luo Qi was obviously not ready to see how the two would react, and the basic knowledge of medicinal pills began to appear on the blank page line by line.

“Isn’t this a high-end brain wave input method, what you want is what you get, it’s really convenient!”

Seeing this, Xia Ruize couldn’t help but sighed in his heart. This input method is what the text workers in the real world want most, right? As long as their brains are active enough, they can easily produce tens of thousands of words per day?

Immortal Luo Qi was very proud of the teaching method he came up with. He recorded the knowledge he wanted to teach on the blank jade slip with his spiritual sense and let his disciples watch it. It was really easy and convenient for his teacher.

The only thing that is not very friendly is probably that the young man who has just embarked on the road of immortality is not strong enough to watch the jade slip for a long time.

But this is good news for him. Hehe, when the two little guys are crying, he can throw the jade slip to them, and then let them go back to watch and study by themselves, hehehe…

As soon as he thought that he could solve the two little guys soon, the more ecstatic Luo Qi Xianchang felt, while using his divine sense to quickly burn the next line of content on the jade slip.

Finally, after a quarter of an hour, Immortal Luo Qi recorded all the content of the two major lectures under normal circumstances on the jade slip, stopped, and opened his eyes to look at Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian, who were immersed in the jade slip, and said casually. :

“Okay, you can take it slow, ask me if you have any questions, don’t worry, you can take it back and continue watching if you can’t finish reading it.”

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, he saw Xia Ruize opening his eyes and asked a question:

“Luo Xianchang, what exactly does the so-called ‘heating method’ test to see if a disciple has the talent for alchemy?”

Immortal Luo Qi was stunned, just at this moment Cheng Huaiqian also opened his eyes and looked at him curiously, Immortal Luo Qi suddenly said displeased:

“Learning and cultivating is all about taking a step-by-step approach, and you can’t chew too much. You should read and understand the things on the jade slip first, and then think about the next thing!”

The ‘heating method’ was mentioned in the last part of the content recorded by Immortal Luo Qi. According to the order, the content of the next class will indeed introduce the heating method in detail.

The reason why Immortal Luo Qi was displeased was because he felt that Xia Ruize was raising this question now, obviously because he didn’t study the content of the jade slip, and skipped to the end, which made Immortal Luo Qi very unhappy.

It was also very hard for him to record the jade slip, how could he so openly despise his efforts? !

As for the possibility that Xia Ruize had already learned all the content in the jade slip, Immortal Luo Qi never thought about it.

He is a big boss in the Jindan stage. No matter how talented these two little guys are, they have just started to cultivate, and their spiritual sense is not strong. The speed of their viewing cannot keep up with the speed of his recording.

Then Immortal Luo Qi saw Xia Ruize’s face and said innocently: “We have indeed read it all and figured it out.”

Immortal Luo Qi was even more displeased, and sneered in his heart, how dare the little guy speak up? ! Immediately ready to teach Xia Ruize a lesson, he said coldly:

“Since you said you’re done, okay, let me come and test you.”

After finishing speaking, he turned his hand to retract the jade slip suspended in the middle, and then began to ask questions about the contents of the jade slip.

Immortal Luo Qi asked a question urgently and quickly, and Xia Ruize answered a question unhurriedly, not only answering what he learned from the jade slip, but also attaching his own thoughts and even further thinking.

Immortal Luo Qi didn’t believe in evil, and asked another question, Xia Ruize still answered it perfectly.

In this way, after taking five or six questions in succession, Immortal Luo Qi had to believe that Xia Ruize had really learned and mastered all the content in the jade slip, and even according to his level of mastery, he would definitely be the first in the ten-day test.

Luo Qixian, who was in a complicated mood, turned his head and stared at Cheng Huaiqian. He also asked a few questions to check Cheng Huaiqian’s mastery, and Cheng Huaiqian also answered perfectly.

After personal inspection, Luo Qixian had no displeasure at all, and touched his long beard a little uncomfortably, “Cough, okay, the recess time is over, let’s continue to study.”

After speaking, as if nothing had happened before, he threw the jade slip again, closed his eyes and continued to record the professor’s content.

After another quarter of an hour, Immortal Luo Qi recorded all the teaching contents of the two major classes again.

“After you read it, tell me that I will test you with a question.”

Then, unexpectedly and unexpectedly, he saw Xia Ruize open his eyes, looked at him with bright eyes, and said energetically, “Xianchang, please ask the question!”

Roach:  …

During the process of testing Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian with the question, Immortal Luo Qi kept thinking, were these two little guys really born into ordinary people in the world? Is it really not the illegitimate child who inherited the excellent talent of which fairyland boss?

Oh, that’s right, the natural spiritual sense is powerful and the talent is so unique that the parent-child of the immortal realm boss can’t be a parent. It must be the illegitimate child of Tiandao, hehe…

After answering the question, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian saw Luo Qixian straight up from a half-lying state, frowning with a complicated expression at the patterns on the wall of an alchemy furnace, silent for a while, not knowing what they were thinking.

Roach is thinking about what to teach next. Teaching genius is not an easy task, and there are more things to consider.

No wonder Lao Song hurriedly asked them to teach these two little guys a lesson alone, and he really couldn’t delay any longer.

After frowning and thinking for a while, Immortal Luo Qi seemed to have decided something. He relaxed and continued to lie down on the futon, and said leisurely to Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian:

“Alchemy is very different from Talismans. It is normal for immortal cultivators to draw bad Talismans, but it is also difficult to find a few people who can’t draw Talismans at all. As long as they have received orthodox sect training, more or less The most commonly used simple method should always be able to draw.

Alchemy is different. It is difficult to find people who can do alchemy, because the number of alchemists is too small compared to the cultivators in the entire fairyland.

The three ways of alchemy, weapon refining, and formation are considered by the cultivators of the immortal realm as a small way, and cultivation to become an immortal is the right way.

There is no other reason, these three paths all have extremely high entry barriers, lack of talent, and simply cannot enter through the door. Even if you are destined to enter the door, it will be difficult to achieve certain achievements in alchemy.

Fortunately, the ancestors from generation to generation continued to develop, and finally the three roads were widened.

If nothing else, the status of the alchemist has been greatly improved, and now it is someone else who is holding the material to ask for help in alchemy. “

When speaking, Luo Qixian shook his head with emotion, and then continued to explain:

“The sect arranges medicine pills, equipment refining and formation classes for new disciples, the main purpose is to let the disciples learn more about miscellaneous knowledge.

For example, he knows what pills to take under certain circumstances, what pills should never be eaten, he can choose his own weapons, and he can identify and solve the formation, so as to prevent his own life due to ignorance when he is abroad.

Although these courses also have the function of discovering the successors of various paths, but this matter is not in a hurry.

For example, in the medicine pill one, if you want to know if a young person has the talent for alchemy, the simplest and most commonly used method is the ‘heating method’ to test the talent.

According to the practice of previous years, it usually takes about half a year for newcomers to start the process before arranging their disciples to participate in the furnace test. You two… Do you want to try it now? “

After finishing speaking, Luo Qixian looked at Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian with long eyes, as if they dared to answer “no” to show them a good look.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian glanced at each other, and they understood what Luo Qixian said. It turned out that they were progressing quickly and their cultivation realm could keep up. I wanted to let them test their talent for alchemy now.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian also wanted to know the answer, so they nodded quickly to show their willingness.

Immortal Luo Qi suddenly showed a comfortable smile, thinking in his heart, these two little guys are so talented, if they have the talent for alchemy, they might make rapid progress, and they must be in a good mood when they teach, unlike the previous ones who were stupid like pigs The guy who almost **** him off when he was teaching.

The happy Luo Qixian flicked his finger, and a jade slip flew in front of Xia Ruize. Luo Qixian instructed: “The jade slip contains a most basic fire control technique, you can start learning it now and try it on the stove first. .”

As he spoke, he saw his left hand and his right hand, and the futons scattered around the three were piled up in the distance, leaving the middle area empty. among people.

Immortal Luo Qi continued to play tricks at the alchemy furnace, and patiently explained to the two:

“The seniors found that the same people who cultivate immortals have different physiques. The ancestors roughly divided them into five types of physiques: gold, wood, water, fire, and soil, and alchemy requires people with fire physiques.

How to determine whether it is a fire constitution? It depends on whether you can quickly master the fire control art given to you just now, and use the fire control art to control the flame of the alchemy furnace. “

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian exchanged a tacit understanding. Although they were in different worlds, they generally couldn’t escape the framework of the Five Elements. They knew their own physical attributes. If nothing else, Xia Ruize might have a fiery physique.

While speaking, the countless magic tricks played by Immortal Luo Qi caused the alchemy furnace among the three to shake more and more violently. Finally, after the alchemy furnace spewed out a thick white smoke, the furnace lid was opened, and dozens of medicinal pills flew out from it. , and flew into the white jade bottle that Immortal Luo Qi had prepared first.

This pot of elixir was filled with five white jade bottles, and Immortal Luo Qi threw two of them to Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian, and said with a smile, “You two are lucky, the freshly released Gu Yuan Pill, take it. “

Immortal Luo Qi cast a magic formula to empty the alchemy furnace, and then put some materials into the alchemy furnace, and the furnace cover was automatically closed. Xia Ruize, who is constantly practicing fire control art, said:

“I’ll count down three times, and you’ll put a fire control trick on this stove, and try to make the flame burn more vigorously until you can’t hold on, remember?”

Xia Ruize nodded to show that he was clear, and at the same time continued to quickly deconstruct fire control tactics in his mind.

“Three, two, one…”

When the last number fell, Immortal Luo Qi stopped the hand that cast the magic formula, and at the same time Xia Ruize quickly cast a fire control formula on the alchemy furnace.

The fire control art touched the alchemy furnace, and Xia Ruize instantly had a kind of enlightenment. The fuel that supplies the flame below the alchemy furnace is actually the spiritual power of the cultivator, and the function of the fire control art is to regulate the supply of spiritual power.

After realizing this, Xia Ruize tried to supply more spiritual power at the same time. Sure enough, the flame under the alchemy furnace also burned more vigorously, and the raging flame instantly rose more than ten centimeters.

Xia Ruize thought that Immortal Luo Qi’s request was for the flame to be as strong as possible. After finding the pattern, he continued to increase the supply of spiritual power. Suddenly, the flame continued to soar upward. The tongue of flame that originally reached the side wall instantly wrapped the entire alchemy furnace, jumping. It is even higher than the furnace cover.

Xia Ruize was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously looked at Luo Qixianchang’s expression, but saw Luo Qixian’s face full of stunned words.

“Continue, continue, cough, continue.”

The self-proclaimed well-informed immortal Luo Qi reacted instantly and hurriedly concealed his trance.

Hearing what he said, Xia Ruize assuredly continued to maintain the maximum spiritual power output. In the middle, he found that the fire control art would gradually fail, and quickly cast a new fire control art to make up for it.

Because of his high concentration and keen observation, he added a new fire control technique in time, so that the flame was hardly affected, and it has always maintained its most vigorous state.

The red flames illuminated Xia Ruize’s face red. He couldn’t isolate the temperature of the flames, and he was soon sweating profusely.

Cheng Huai, who was beside him, moved his fingers, wanting to wipe his lover’s sweat, but he was afraid that it would affect his state, so he could only hold it down.

After a cup of tea, Xia Ruize’s spiritual power was exhausted and he was unable to supply the alchemy furnace, so he had to stop, and the flaming flame quickly extinguished.

Xia Ruize stopped, and Cheng Huaiqian, who had been pressing for a long time, immediately leaned over, holding a handkerchief in one hand to help Xia Ruize wipe off his sweat, and holding a palm fan in the other to cool him.

Immortal Luo Qi cast a trick with a complicated expression to open the alchemy furnace. A thumb-sized green round block flew out of the alchemy furnace and flew in front of Immortal Luo Qi and spun around.

“This is something you made. You put it in your sleeve to disperse flying insects.”

After carefully observing the green circle, Roach let out a long sigh and handed it to Xia Ruize, looking at Xia Ruize with unusually complicated eyes.

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