Life After The End(LATE)

Chapter 11: Author's Note(Mana Signature's and Mana Detection)

 Hey there, reader. Watchout here.

I'm here to give you the first of many explanations for the powers of LATE. Most of them will be explained by the characters. However, there are some I would like to explain personally. I will re-explain this in the future, but I wanted an extra chapter dedicated to it in case someone wants to return and re-read.

This chapter is dedicated to explaining Mana Signatures and Detection. So, without further ado, let's get started.

In short, it's as the names say. Mana Signatures are like the presence of a being that a mage can sense with Mana Detection, which is like echolocation in our world. It's also like how a spider makes a web and feels all the vibrations that happen on the web.

Mana Signatures are the core of each being, and others describe them by their character, origin, beliefs, ideals, personality, and various other factors.

A good example is Leon. When someone senses Leon's Mana Signature, they will sense a bright flame filled with determination, courage, strength, and love.

Mages in LATE send out mana in different ways; most can only send it out in a burst in one direction, while more skilled mages can send out mana constantly in all directions around themselves. Any mage can change the Mana Detection to focus only on particular objects/Mana Signatures or scan for everything and anything.

Depending on the mastery of using magic and Mana Detection, the range of detection increases.

The powers of mana and their negative and positive effects are tied closely to the nervous system, as you see in the story with Leon and the others. The effects can range drastically from healing wounds and strengthening the body to death.

Throughout this dear story, you will watch many characters use mana in different ways, both creative and destructive. This is the most straightforward ability a standard mage can use, and you will learn more as you read this incredible journey to freedom.

Thank you for reading this small segment, and back to the story!

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