My Lewd Reincarnation

Chaper 100 – Putting My Tonguemanship to the Test

As the early morning light drifted in through the closed curtains of Vel’s bedroom at the Varsen Estate, I found myself groaning and wishing for more time to sleep. Not getting off work as early as I was meant to and then staying up even later to spend some intimate time with my cute little girlfriend might not have been the wisest decision after all, but it was not one I regretted for a second. The company of said girlfriend and the feel of her bare skin on mine as we lay in bed all cuddled up together was more than worth it, and that was without taking into account last night's shared orgasms.

"Mmm… Eve… that feels so good…" Vel moaned in her sleep, dreaming of something, no doubt, very lewd.

As it happened, her moans just happened to coincide with an interesting little phenomenon—a growing inkling in the back of my mind given to me by my newest class skill, sexual empathy, which did pretty much what it sounded like it would do. It let me emphatically feel the sexual desires that anyone I was touching was feeling as if they were my own.

Luckily, despite being a passive skill, it didn’t actually work all the time; it only worked if I was making skin contact with someone and there was actually a sexual desire they were currently feeling. In this case, the sexual desire I was faintly feeling in the back of my head was a desire to kiss every inch of Evelyn’s body, and since I was Evelyn, that was a rather weird desire for me to have. Luckily, the sexual desires that I felt through my new empathic skill weren’t all that intrusive, and I could put them out of my mind easily enough. However, I didn’t know if that would always be the case.

My sense of sexual desires through this skill started relatively small and grew with each rank the skill gained last night, when Sophia helped me understand the finer points of the class skill. If the skill’s potency continued to climb as it had, I worried about what it would be like at rank 10. Would I get so horny and worked up by other people's sexual desires that I wouldn’t be able to control myself? That didn’t sound too bad some of the time, but when I was picking up on a man’s desire to have his cock sucked and had no way of having that done to me, that sounded like it would be torture.

I guess that’s just a bridge I will have to cross when I get to that point. There’s no use worrying about it now. I reasoned to myself as I quietly slipped out of the bed and quickly went about covering myself with my dress, which I barely had time to take off yesterday before I was pulled into said bed by the horny naked young elven woman that was still occupying it.

As much as I would have liked to wake up Vel and go for another round or two before leaving to go to work, she had stayed up just as long as I had. But while I now had a job that I needed to get ready for, she could still sleep for a while longer. All she had planned for today was some training and a brief trip into the local dungeon with Caiden and his party. The latter of which actually had me a little worried for her. Logically, I knew that Vel was more than capable of handling what I was told was a relatively easy first few floors of the dungeon, but as her loving girlfriend, I couldn’t help but worry about her.

Soon enough, I was shutting the bedroom door behind myself, leaving the young elven woman to have a nice, relaxing sleep in as I made my way to the open-air bath that this estate housed. As I stripped off again in the changing rooms that led to said bath, I was hopeful that the warm water and other women currently bathing would slap some of the sluggish sleepiness plaguing me this morning. If that failed, I was hopeful that coffee existed in this world and that the kitchens there were stocked with it. I hadn’t noticed any coffee being offered during breakfast here previously, but that might have just been because Sophia and her family weren’t into it.

Finding my way into the main space of the open-air bath, I was happy to find that there wasn’t just plenty of the estate maids present, but that Sophia was also there, in the process of getting washed up for the day to come. And to make matters better, the open lewdness of the previous day’s bath didn’t appear to be a one-time thing, as the maids were just as open with their touching as the last time I was in here with all of them.

"Ah, Evelyn, good morning. Did you sleep well and will Velyna be joining us this beautiful morning?" Sophia asked as I made my way over to her, wading through the water. Once again, the fact that one of the mages was washing her while another was fingering her, just like the last time we were in the bath together like this, did not escape me.

As I passed by several of the maids showing each other their own intimate forms of attention, the small dots of their presence entered my mind, reminding me of my achievement yesterday, that of getting my charm score past 50. The range of my ability to sense the presence of people around me wasn’t all that great, but it wasn’t small either, being just shy of three metres currently. However, I expected that to improve as my charm stat increased. Who knew what the upper bound on this new ability of mine was? Maybe one day I will be able to faintly sense the locations of everyone in the manor. Wouldn’t that have been something?

"Well, the sleep itself was good, but Vel and I probably didn’t get as much of it as we should have. I left her to get a bit more rest while I prepared for the day of work ahead of me." I replied back as I took my seat in the water, a little bummed that I had no one to wash me or play with. I could have probably asked if any of the maids were willing, but they all seemed rather occupied as it was and I didn’t want to intrude. 

Oh, well… I’ll guess I’ll just show myself some love and attention. That said, if Jessica joins us soon, I assume she would be more than up for joining me.

"It sounds to me like you could do with some coffee." Sophia laughed, continuing to act as polite as ever and as if she currently didn’t have some maid's fingers inside of her pussy.

Thank the gods, coffee does exist in this world! I celebrated to myself, pausing slightly when I realised that I had been starting to say gods instead of the singular, god. Hearing others use similar sayings in this world must have shifted me away from the more monotheistic sayings of Earth without my realising it before that moment. That small change in my verbal habits wasn’t a big deal, but it was interesting to take note of.

As such, I quickly put it out of my mind and continued on with the friendly conversation I was having with Sophia. "Coffee would be much appreciated, but as tired as I am feeling this morning, staying up was worth it. Not only did Vel and I have quite some fun together, but I managed to push my cunnilingus general skill over the edge to rank 16."

"Congratulations, Evelyn. That is quite the accomplishment, especially for one still early in tier 1," Sophia complimented me freely, something that caused more than a few of the maids to murmur to themselves, no doubt impressed by my achievement. "That said, remember not to rest on your laurels. Continue to push forwards and ever improve yourself. In fact…"

The ethereally beautiful woman drew out her words as she grinned at me with a perverted light shining in her eyes, one that alone told me well enough that I was going to enjoy whatever she said next. "Why don’t we put your cunnilingus skill to the test and see how much you have really improved over the night?"

As Sophia finished her suggestion, she left no room for misunderstanding by standing up out of the water and sitting up on the edge of the bath. As the two maids tending to her backed away, the woman spread her legs wide, revealing all of herself to me. Between her wet pussy, dripping with her excitement, and her perfectly rounded, supple breasts, I couldn’t hold myself back.

Not waiting for any further signals, I moved through the water as quickly as I could. In record time, I found my way towards the woman, lowering my lips to hers. Under normal circumstances, I might have built up the anticipation and touched the woman a bit more before getting right to the pussylicking, but she was already worked up quite a bit, and this was a test of my cunnilingus skills. As such, there was no need for that kind of foreplay.

"Gods, you taste as good as ever, Sophia!" I moaned excitedly into her pussy as my tongue slid across her slit, giving myself a little treat before I started properly.

Once I did begin eating her out in earnest, I fully committed to it. My tongue danced across her pussy, applying pressure in all the right places and making all the right kinds of motions. Thanks to my new skill at sensing sexual desires, I knew where and how her body wanted to be touched before she did. Soon enough, my lips were sucking on her clit as my fingers curled up inside her tight vagina, massaging her g-spot in just the right way to send her wild with arousal.

More and more moans began to usher from Sophia’s lips as I ate her out, drawing in a crowd around us of horny women wanting to take a closer look at the scene unfolding in the bath. With my attention focused so greatly on the task at hand, the only way I was even aware of the crowd forming was from the growing number of dots in the back of my head moving closer. I had only recently pushed my charm score over 50, and it was already proving how useful it could be in the future.

"You have proven well enough already that your skill at eating pussy is quite good by itself, but let's see if you have what it takes to continue on like this while being thoroughly distracted." Sophia moaned teasing, but it wasn’t until she added a little bit more on that I realised what she had in mind. "Girls, would you all be a dear and help me out by distracting Evelyn a bit."

After that, it was easy enough to sense the presence of every other woman in the bath approaching me. Two hands, four, eight, and then many more quickly found their way to me, each and every one of them caressing, fondling, and groping my body to their heart’s content. 

As much fun as having so many women touch me was, it wasn’t actually all that distracting in and of itself. The way their soft fingers glided over my skin was actually rather nice and only made me go at Sophia more fervently. The fingers pinching my nibbles and sliding into my pussy and ass were a little more distracting, but still not that much.

The worst of the distractions I suffered came to me not from their purposeful actions, but from my new, sexual empathy class skill, as I could not turn it off. Although one person’s sexual desire in my head was not the worst thing and easily shoved out of focus, when I was empathetically feeling the sexual desire of more than a score of horny naked women, it was thoroughly overwhelming.

As much as I tried to focus solely on the task in front of me, my efforts faltered every now and then, too often for my liking. In a few minutes, I did actually manage to make Sophia cum from eating her out, but given that she was already rather worked up and that wasn’t actually the goal of this test, it wasn’t all that impressive considering it was a rather small orgasm she had. This test just went to show that I still had a lot more to learn, and luckily I had a woman willing and able to teach me more.

"As I’m sure you know, the higher the rank of a skill, the harder it is for them to increase," Sophia spoke up as the women who had been distracting me floated back to attend to their own intimate business, all but a couple of whom left us to our own affairs.

One of the women who didn’t leave was actually Jessica, who, as it turned out, had joined us sometime during the test without my noticing and was the main culprit behind the fingering of my ass and pussy. That was just something else I had to work on, to see if I could use my new sense to distinguish individuals from one another. But that would have to wait for some time later, as Sophia was currently telling me something that might have been important for me to know.

"However, earning experience for your general skills after the rank 15 bottleneck is even harder. Often, it takes extreme scenarios like what you just went through, or years' worth of experience to get a skill to rank up at this point. Obviously, this all depends on someone’s potential, but generally speaking, you should see a significant slowdown in skill ranks for this skill now that it's past rank 15. So, don’t let that get you down when you start to notice it, Evelyn."

Shortly after Sophia let me know what to expect when trying to rank up my cunnilingus skill from then on, the ethereally beautiful woman decided that it was time for her to get out of the bath and get ready for the day. I joined her soon enough, but not before putting Jessica and her mouth to work. After being driven wild by the overlapping, amplified sexual desires of all the maids, including her, it was the least she could do to give me a quick little sexual release.

From there, it was time to have a quick breakfast with the rest of the Varsens. Vel was a bit grumpy about me leaving her in bed, especially when she heard what I got up to in the bath, but once we both got some coffee into us, we were all lovey-dovey again. Still, though, there was something slightly off about the way she was acting that I couldn’t put my finger on. She was slightly disappointed about something but wouldn’t tell me what. Whatever it was, I planned to get it out of her tonight when I returned from the Red Den at a late but more reasonable hour than I did last night.

As much fun as I had yesterday, I would only work the hours that I had already put my name down for today. I wouldn’t work myself silly again, no matter how much my pussy begged me to. It was better to continue at a steady, consistent pace than to go all at it and burn myself out. The way it was, I was loving working at the Red Den, and I really didn’t want that to change.

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