My Lewd Reincarnation

Chapter 98 – The End of the Work Day

As much fun as I was having at the Red Den, my new job was also quite tiring. Sex could actually be rather exhausting, and when you were having it hour after hour, for the entire working day with only slight breaks in between, then well, it was no wonder that I and many of the other workers there were tired by the time midnight came around. That said, my blessed by an angel trait helped wonders in this regard, meaning I was only really mentally tired from spending so much of the day being active and my muscles weren’t actually sore in the slightest.

It was at that time when the moon was at its highest that the Red Den’s crowds began to thin, and those clients that remained were ushered out of the establishment by the bouncers. Although many of those frequenting this business would have been happy to continue engaging in our services throughout the night, it was actually city law that certain types of businesses couldn’t operate throughout the night, hence our need to shut down until the early hours of the morning tomorrow, when we were legally allowed to reopen our doors.

Of course, considering that many of those working here tonight had stayed up rather late, few of them would be working those early-hour shifts. Even though Cassidy and I put our names down to work tomorrow morning, we would not be doing so before getting a good amount of rest first. Luckily, that was something I had the hindsight to make absolutely sure of when jotting my name down in the scheduling book earlier today. Still, though, both of us would be coming back here to work, quite early in the day tomorrow. Something that both she and I were quite excited about, even though she was starting to feel the burn a little more than I did.

"Ah… Gods, Paige was right! My pussy is aching." Cassidy groaned as she lay there on one of the couches in the changing room, completely naked as she cupped her pussy with one of her hands. "But… like in a good, only slightly annoying way. I can’t believe I had that much sex in one day and I get to do it all again tomorrow too. This job is the best."

In contrast to our meeting at the start of the day in this same room, the dark-skinned woman’s attitude towards not only me but being naked around all these other people getting changed back into their normal attire was completely different. I guess walking around in lingerie and constantly getting your pussy fucked could make a woman less reserved with her nudity, but what I was more interested in was the fact that she warmed up to me significantly.

I wasn’t exactly sure what caused her to start being this friendly with me, but whatever it was, it only started to happen after our lunch together. Most likely it had something to do with what I told her, but whether that had to do with the misunderstanding about what happened with the bandits, my relationship with the daughter and father, or the fact that I managed to evolve my class in a short amount of time, was not something that I knew. Either way, I didn’t give it much thought, not wanting to look like a gift horse in the mouth and all that.

"I know, right!" I beamed a big old perverted grin as I stepped out of my pearl panties, returning them to the clothes hanger that my dress and panties had come from at the start of the day. Despite being worn the whole day and no doubt going to be cleaned overnight by the cleaning staff, my constant use of freshen-up made them look just as clean and spotless as they were this morning. "A part of me feels like I’m cheating in life, getting to have this much fun at work."

"All right, men and women, it's time for the moment you’ve been waiting for, pay time!" Arriana’s voice boomed over the crowd of those gathered here, drawing everyone's attention away from their own idle conversations and state of dress. "We had a good night tonight, one of our best non-event ones for the last couple of months. There’s a lot of coins to go around, so if you can be a little patient, I will make my way to you all."

After her announcement, the red-haired woman began to do just as she said, making her way around the room from person to person. As she did so, she looked over a book in her hand before fetching a corresponding pouch of coin from a satchel slung over one of her shoulders.

"You’re new to the city, right, Eve? Are you staying back in the apartments that the mistress offers her workers a place to stay in, or do you have another arrangement in the city?" Cassidy asked, drawing my attention back away from the red-haired woman handing out money to her.

However, as my gaze turned back towards her, it did not escape my notice that she hadn’t been looking at Arriana, but rather at me, or more specifically, my pussy. Given that she was casually lying down on the couch I was standing right next to while we were both completely naked, this gave her a prime view of my bare-shaven pussy. That said, I couldn’t really judge the woman for looking since I had openly ogled her more than once.

"I’m actually staying with the mistress at her estate. Why do you ask, Cass?"

"No reason in particular, just curious," Cassidy responded, but her answer probably wasn’t truthful as she seemed a little bit disappointed by my answer. "But how did you manage to get yourself a room at the mistress’s estate? I don’t think I’ve heard of anyone staying there instead of just staying at the apartments out back."

"It’s a little complicated, but essentially I’m just staying there because, in addition to working for her, I’m also dating her niece," I answered, continuing the conversation while getting dressed back into the clothes I arrived here in.

"You have a girlfriend?" Cassidy exclaimed, maybe a little louder than she probably meant. "And she’s the mistress’s niece? I didn’t even know she had a niece."

Hearing a slight bit of disappointment in the dark-skinned woman's voice again, I realised why she might have felt that same emotion when finding out I already had a place to stay at the Varsen estate. If her gaze was any indication, she was interested in me sexually and if we happened to be staying in the same apartment building, then we would most likely have been seeing more of each other, giving us many opportunities to have a bit of fun together no doubt.

"Yeah, Velyna’s her name, and she’s so damned cute. I just love her to bits." I couldn’t help but grin just thinking about my girlfriend. However, seeing the expression of conflict cross the dark-skinned woman's face as I talked about my girlfriend reminded me that I should probably further explain something. After all, I very much wanted to have sex with Cassidy at some point in the future, and it would have been helpful if she didn’t think I was completely taken.

"But even though I have a girlfriend, we aren’t exclusive with each other and not just when it comes to my work. For instance, I could do this…" I trailed off as I leaned over the lying woman, bringing my lips to hers in a short but very deep kiss that left her wide-eyed and slack-jawed. "... and it wouldn’t be considered cheating between us. Hell, I could do a lot more than just that and it still wouldn’t be considered cheating. We have a very, very open relationship."

"I… ah…" Cassidy stammered, not quite able to process what had just suddenly happened.

Before the dark-skinned woman could string a coherent series of words together, Arriana arrived, and judging by the smirk on her face, she had not missed the kiss we had just shared. "It’s nice to see that you two are getting along so well. After this morning, I was a little worried that your working relationship might get a bit strained if that coldness between you two continued."

"Ah, but it's not my place to pry into the personal affairs of my coworkers. Not to mention, I’m sure you two want to find out how much coin you made today." Arriana continued on with her business, not giving either Cassidy or myself an opportunity to interject.

"Cassidy, you did quite well for yourself, especially for being new here. If you keep up like this, you are going to do great things here with us." Arriana praised the naked, dark-skinned woman as she handed over a pouch of coins. "There should be forty gold in there, ten hours of work’s worth."

"Thanks…" Cassidy meekly replied as she took the pouch of jingling coins and stared at it in disbelief, almost like she had never seen that many coins in her hands all at once before.

"As for you, Evelyn, I am honestly impressed by how many clients you managed to see on your first day. You bet many of the more established workers today. However, I don’t actually have your pay with me. The mistress has it in her office, where she wishes to speak with you before you leave together.

"Thank you. I’ll go to that as soon as I get dressed." I responded to the red-haired woman moments before she continued on to the rest of the workers wanting their pay, but not before she ogled my bare breasts a little more.

Right, there’s another one here I want to have sex with and who is clearly interested in me like that as well. Gods, working here really is going to be fun, and not just when it comes to the actual work.

After Arriana left, leaving Cassidy and myself to continue getting dressed, the two of us did just that. However, the dark-skinned woman still seemed a little out of sorts. Between our kiss and the money she had earned, she was a visible mix of nervousness and excitement.

"You know what we should do?" I said as I finished putting my underwear and dress back on, covering up the last bit of my nudity. "We should take an extended lunch tomorrow and do some shopping in town now that we have an influx of coin. I don’t know my way around the city in the slightest, and having someone to show me the good shops to visit would be a godsend."

"Yeah, that sounds nice…" Cassidy gave me a faint, but clearly enthusiastic smile.

"Plus…" I drew out my words as I leaned in and whispered the next part directly into her ear. "I wonder what kind of lewd fun the two of us could get up to together on our lunch break."

"Quite a bit, I imagine." She said, her smile turning into quite a perverted grin.

"Good, it's a date then. See you tomorrow, Cass." I bid the dark-skinned woman farewell as I turned and walked away, intent on finding my way to Sophia’s office, where she was waiting for me. 

It wasn’t until I was a couple of metres away from Cassidy that I realised what my choice of words might have implied. By saying it was a date, she might have actually thought that I wanted to date her and make her my girlfriend. Having sex with the woman was all good and fun, but starting something romantic with feelings wasn’t quite what I had in mind. After all, I already had one girlfriend, and managing two relationships at the same time sounded like a lot of work even if they were both on board with sharing me.

Oh, well, it was just a passing comment. I doubt she actually took it like that. I’m just overthinking things.

Shaking that thought from my head, I made my way to Sophia’s office soon enough. After knocking at the door, her voice called out from inside, beckoning me in. Doing just that, I entered the room, finding it just as I last saw it, with the rather luxurious decor lining the walls and the ethereally beautiful woman sitting at her desk.

I wonder what Sophia does all day. Does she just take care of the business side of the establishment, or does she see clients as well? I pondered to myself as I took a seat on one of the chairs opposite the desk. However, unlike the last time I sat in one of these chairs, there were no wayward pairs of panties left behind for me to find.

"Thank you for joining me so promptly, Evelyn. There are just a couple of things I wanted to talk to you about before we head back to the estate." Sophia said as elegantly and dignified as ever, to the point that I almost felt like a student having to talk to the principal of their school, wondering if they had unknowingly done something wrong.

"The first thing I wanted to tell you was that I managed to arrange a meeting with the novice dwarf crafters in the city." The woman continued on. "The meeting is scheduled for the day after tomorrow. A couple of hours before lunch, the two of us will go to the workshop in the city then to discuss the crafting of these sex toys with them. Please make sure that you have your conjure sex toy skill ready and off its cooldown for you to demonstrate it for them."

"And for the second thing, I must say, Evelyn, that you have exceeded my expectations of you. You managed to spend thirteen hours today with clients, spending the whole day at the Red Den, even though your schedule wasn’t that full on. And what’s more, you don’t look all that tired; a little exhausted and sleepy, but not all that much." Sophia praised my efforts while inadvertently reminding me of just how much time I spent getting fucked today.

The thirteen hours that she mentioned didn’t include my lunch and dinner breakers either, nor the time between getting clients. The amount of time I spent working today was ridiculous compared to the standards of Earth and even the hours my other colleagues worked, but I had just been having so much fun that I couldn't stop myself from going back out onto the main floor.

Apparently, Cassidy must have felt the same way about it, as, in truth, the both of us weren’t actually meant to work this late. Since we were newer to this line of work, we actually had a few more breaks during the day than was normal and were meant to clock off a couple of hours ago, both of which were things I had forgotten about until this very moment.

"When I told you that the only way we would ever have sex was if you became the jewel of the Red Den, that was, in truth, not something that I expected you to live up to. It was only a bit of motivation that I hoped would push you to live up to your potential. However, now, I feel like it might actually be achievable." Sophia went on, taking me a little by surprise with her honesty about her previous manipulations, manipulations which I didn’t at all see through, but I was probably just too horny to think straight at the time.

"If you keep up this work ethic and continue to thrive here, I very much expect that in time you will become the most renowned, most sought-after woman at the Red Den. Gods, as it is, you have already managed to see more clients than anyone else on their first day. Not to mention, you already had someone asking for you by name. Usually, that takes a while to achieve."

Hearing my accomplishments laid out for me and the praise for them, I couldn’t help but grin from ear to ear. "Thank you, Sophia… I mean, mistress."

"It’s alright if you just call me Sophia when we are alone in private. After all, you are dating Velyna, which means our relationship isn’t entirely professional as it is with the others, who I expected to always refer to me more formally." She casually reassured me as if the fact that she considered our relationship more personal than the others she had with those working here was not something big, something that I was not planning to take for granted.

"Oh, and here's your coin for the day. Spend it wisely." Sophia said as she retrieved a pouch of coins from her desk and slid it across the table.

As I reached forward and picked up the rather hefty amount of coins clinking and jingling in the pouch, I did a quick bit of maths to work out that with my slightly higher rate that there should have been around fifty-eight gold and fifty silver worth of coins in there.

However, as much money as that seemed, I had no idea how much the coin was actually worth since I had no experience with the prices of anything other than an hour of a relatively inexperienced sex worker’s time. Not to mention that despite how much sex I had today, I was still rather horny. Kissing Cassidy and teasing her had gotten me all worked up again, and when I was horny, I was more than willing to push my luck so long as it could have potentially resulted in me getting laid, or at the very least a little bit of intimate attention.

"I think that what I accomplished here on my first day deserves a bit of a reward and not one of the monetary kind. Don’t you agree?”

"A reward, huh… No, I don’t think you will be getting a reward anytime soon, but a punishment for your insolence, on the other hand…" Sophia purred ever so seductively as she stood up from where she was seated and slowly strode around her desk. "Pull down your panties and bend over my desk, slut!"

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