Reaver’s Song

Miss Song’s Home for Wayward Kemonomimis – The Problem With Toys

The satin-lined restraints were kind of a pain in the ass. I scowled, trying to thread the leather strap through the buckle. For whatever reason the tongue of the strap was slightly larger than the buckle and simply refused to slide in properly. The first had been no problem but this one was proving to be recalcitrant, and I was getting frustrated.

“Having trouble?” Akira giggled below me.

“No,” I lied.

“Take off the blindfold and I’ll help you,” she struggled weakly against the other restraint I’d managed to get to work.

“I can get it,” I insisted, trying to remain calm.

“Can you?” Akira teased.

“One more word from you, missy, and I will bring out the ball gag,” I scowled at her. Not that she could see me through the wide black blindfold covering her eyes, I amended.

“Promises, promises,” she mocked breezily.

“You’re being a brat right now,” my scowl deepened as I tried again to force the strap through the buckle.

“Are you going to punish me?” Akira purred teasingly.

“You can bet your ass I am,” I growled. As soon as I grow smarter than this fucking strap, I amended in my head.

“I must confess,” Akira said, moving her hand a bit to make it more difficult for me. “You were far better prepared in the other world.”

“I didn’t prepare at all in the other world,” I snapped back defensively. “I had magic. Now be quiet and let me concentrate.”

“You’re really not very good at this at all,” she clicked her tongue in disappointment. I leaned over to the table beside the bed. “Just take off the blindfold and the other strap and I’ll- “

“Bad girls get punished,” I growled, fitting the ball of the gag between her lips, and quickly securing the thankfully pliant straps around her beautiful head. “Not that you have much choice anymore but be quiet and let me get this done.” I shook my head and went back to work on the restraint.

Several long minutes of struggling later I finally managed to get the restraint to do what it was supposed to and, with a promise to contact the company I’d bought the things from and complain I stepped back to admire my handiwork. Not bad! I thought. Not bad at all!

Akira’s slender, firm thighs were spread wide, restrained by straps attached to the collar at her neck. Her sweet pussy and puckered asshole available to my gaze. Her small breasts with their pink nipples rose and fall with each breath while her arms were secured to the bedframe over her head. It had taken some time and far more labor than the “EZ restraint system” had promised, but I was impressed. And horribly turned on.

“Now,” I slipped off the bed and folded my arms over my chest, rather disappointed she couldn’t actually see the stern look I had on my face. “You were in Tokyo for months and then mock me. Not to mention killing me like 80 times. Time to pay the piper!”

“Mmf wrrr nnnuu rrrm,” She protested through the gag.

“Regardless of how many times you actually tortured and killed me, it was still far more than the zero which would have been socially acceptable!” I instantly corrected her, though it was only a guess what she’d actually said. “Besides, those are bold words for someone in your position. I would think you should be a bit less flippant.”

“Wuuu mfff,” She replied, shrugging her shoulders slightly, lips curling up in a taunting smile. I scowled, no idea what it was she’d said, but almost positive she was mocking me again. I scowled and lifted the sex crop with the jaunty leather cat’s paw sitting at the end of it off the bedside table.

“You are being extremely ill-tempered right now,” I chastised her, sliding the leather head of the crop down her smooth thigh. “Your situation doesn’t lend itself to being this way. Especially with that adorable little pussy of yours so exposed like that.” I let the crop glide over her thigh and down to her puffy lips. She jumped slightly in surprise and squeaked.

“I think you need to better understand the gravity of your situation, dearest,” I smirked at her, chastising myself once again for the blindfold. I had purchased all of these toys and more. God help me, so many more. The company probably had to hire psychiatrists for the poor people forced to package and deliver my growing library of sex toys and gadgets.

The problem, however, is once I got locked into a serious collection, I needed to push it as far as it would go, which naturally led me to using as many as I could. The blindfold, in hindsight, was not a great idea. Still rectifiable, I reasoned, but not well thought out. It was difficult to smirk superiorly when she couldn’t actually see me do it. It seemed to lose a bit of its weight that way.

“If you behave yourself, I’ll remove the blindfold so you can better see what I’m going to do to you. Will you be a good girl?” Again Akira shrugged noncommittally. Goddammit, I thought in exasperation. She’s really pushing this ‘brat’ thing to the utmost limit. Well, I thought with a shrug. I guess there’s really no help for it. Order must be maintained.

The crop brushed along the swell of Akira’s exposed ass for a moment before I raised it and brought it down with a snap on her exposed skin, leaving a delightfully saucy cat paw-shaped red mark on the pale skin of her butt. Akira jumped in surprise and gasped through the ball gag. I covered my mouth with my hand tightly to suppress a wild giggle.

“You chose not to behave,” I pointed out, forcing myself to sound severe despite wanting to giggle like a loon. Akira shifted her hips slightly in alarm and surprise. “The cat’s paw on your butt cheek is adorable!” I chuckled in what I judged was a sufficiently evil manner and moved a bit to give myself more room, bringing the crop down again in a different spot, causing her to jump in surprise and strain against the binds.

“You know, I think the second one looks even better than the first,” I leaned a bit closer until I knew she could feel my breath on her reddening skin so I could admire my handiwork. She wriggled helplessly and gasped through the ball gag. “You really do need to behave yourself more,” I lectured her sagely, bringing the crop up and then back down again, leaving yet another paw-shaped mark on her left butt cheek, causing her to jump in surprise. “You’re not a countess anymore. You’re just my plaything at this point.” Once again, a paw mark appeared on her soft and supple skin and her body jumped.

I leaned down and repositioned her, rolling her over so she was face down, her butt raised in the air provocatively, the paw-shaped marks lurid against her skin. I ran the crop down between her supple buttocks, causing her to whimper through the gag. I traced a finger over her taut skin and between her thighs, feeling her wetness soaking her skin sent a thrill through my body.

“You are so wet, right now,” I marveled, slipping the tip of one finger between her swollen lips and dipping it inside her hot body. “Does it turn you on that much being exposed like this?” She tried to say something through the gag in her mouth, but I quickly brushed her words aside. “I can’t understand you. Be a good girl and nod. Does it excite you to be exposed like this?” I repeated. After a moment’s hesitation she nodded, her black hair falling around her onto the pillow.

“You taste so good,” I told her, slipping my finger into my mouth and sucking on it curiously. “I’m not going to lie; I like seeing you like this.” I leaned closer to her exposed pussy and ass and ran my fingers over her skin approvingly. “I can feel the heat coming off your body.” She tried uselessly to close her thighs, but the restraints kept her locked where she was. “I really want to do terrible things to you right now.” I smirked at her, once again chastising myself for the blindfold. I leaned over and reached under the bed, pulling free my latest and greatest toy I’d purchased.

Sliding the device and bottle of lube free from the box I stopped short, taken aback. I searched desperately through the box. Son of a bitch, I thought, disappointment beginning to set in. I had no batteries. A total of 4 vibrating dildos protruded from a leather harness, two for me and two for her. All of which required batteries, none of which seemed to have come with the device. I made a mental note to buy batteries by the bulk when the sex dungeon was finally completed.

For now, however, it appeared the vibration feature would be unavailable. Much to my disappointment. This is why I should always check the requirements before purchase, I chided myself. What had happened to the days when batteries were included with things? When had that fallen out of vogue? It seemed rather like a giant middle finger to the consumer to me.

“Here!” It said gleefully. “Here is your new toy! Of course, you can’t use it until you find somewhere that sells batteries because we won’t be providing stuff to actually enable you to use your new purchase without additional work on your part!”

“Mrrff ahh chuu nnng?” Akira asked curiously through the ball gag. I brought the crop down on her backside again, another delightful cat’s paw blossoming on her skin as she jumped in surprise.

“Never you mind,” I scolded her. Regardless of my disappointment at the state of my powered toy, the cat’s paw crop had been an amazing purchase, I decided. I struggled for a few long moments with the tube of lube, the foil and paper anti-tamper stopper thing across the mouth of the bottle giving me more trouble than it should have. Yet another in a growing series of gaffes due to a lack of preparation on my part, I thought with exasperation. Finally the foil peeled away from the lid, spilling some of the slippery, viscous liquid down my hands and onto the sheets.

“God fucking dammit,” I whispered harshly, staring down at the small puddle of lube spreading across the rather expensive comforter. This is why I needed the sex dungeon completed sooner rather than later, I decided. I knew Akira was concerned what the architect and builders would think of adding the sex dungeon, but I figured we could simply go all Emperor Qin Shi Huang and bury them under the floor to keep the secret. Or just tell them it was going to be a wine cellar and I’d finish it myself. The former sounded a bit crazy, even to me, so the latter made more sense.

Deciding to ignore the spreading puddle of lube I took the thick liquid on my hands and spread it evenly over two of the protruding dildos. I gritted my teeth slightly, my breath catching in my throat as I reached beneath me. I shifted my hips slightly to give my hands better access and slid the first dildo into my soaking wet pussy easily. After a bit more fumbling the lubed dildo pushed against the rim of my ass and finally into me with some resistance. I released my breath, not remembering ever feeling so full as I strapped the leather device around my waist, positively dripping with excitement.

“Now you’re going to get good and properly fucked,” I warned Akira, my throat gravelly with desire. You can cum when I let you and if you’re a really good girl I’ll let you lick my pussy clean after. Are we clear?” Akira remained silent, nodding her head excitedly and pushing her butt back toward me and wiggling it slightly for emphasis. “Such a wonderful girl. You’ll definitely be rewarded if you behave.” I ran my hands over the swell of her hips before reaching between us to guide the protruding dildos into Akira’s waiting holes.

“Oh! Hai! Oh!” A voice called excitedly as the door was pushed wide open. “Sayuri would like cookies!” My body snapped toward the door in shock as Akira panicked and rolled hard to the right to hide herself, falling awkwardly off the bed in her currently helpless state.

“Oh! You have a belt on! What were you doing with sir?” Sayuri came forward immediately, staring at the strap on curiously. “That’s a weird belt! Why are there things on it?” She reached out and touched the dildos before drawing her hand back, making a disgusted face as the lube clung to her fingers. “Ew! You have jelly on your belt thingy things. Oh! Sir, lady, madam, sir! Why are you on the ground? Are you tied up? Do you need help? Do you need Sayuri to call the police?” Sayuri glanced at me suspiciously.

“No! We don’t need the police! This is private time!” I protested, hands flailing impotently.

“Ohhh! Were you playing a game? Can Sayuri play?”

“No! It wasn’t a game it was…” I searched my panicked brain for something to say.

“Mrff Nnn Urr!” Akira shouted through the gag, trying to roll under the bed unsuccessfully to escape the humiliation.

“Exactly that!” I had no idea what she’d said but was desperate.

“Were you breeding?” Sayuri stared down at Akira still trying to fit under the bed, then up at me. “Are you in heat? What is that?” She gestured to the strap on. “Is one for your butt? Are you in heat from your butt, too? That’s amazing!”

“Yes,” I finally sighed, giving up. “That’s it exactly. We’re both in heat.”

“Sayuri knows how that is,” she nodded sagely. “Sayuri and Sora help each other when we’re in heat, too. Do you want Sayuri to help, friend Minji?”

“No, thank you,” I sagged on the bed, giving up on trying to salvage any dignity from the situation.

“Can Sayuri and Sora have cookies?” Sayuri asked, trying, and failing to drag her eyes from my crotch.

“Yes,” I nodded glumly.

“Thank you!” Sayuri exclaimed, bounding from the room. I closed the door morosely and helped Akira to her feet after untying her.

“That was not ideal,” I mumbled, sitting beside her on the bed.

“You think?” Akira glared at me.

“I don’t suppose you- “I began.

“No,” Akira snapped. “No, I do not.”

“Yeah,” I nodded. “Figured as much.”

“Take that thing off and let’s go to bed,” Akira growled.

“Can I have the dungeon, now?” I asked a bit later as we lay in bed together, the only light in the room coming from the moon riding high in the winter sky.

“…yes,” Akira finally answered. “There has to be three locks on the door, though.”

“Yeah,” I sighed sadly. “Yeah.”

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