
Chapter 26: Chapter 26 The end of revelation.

Azazel, the lesser angel of old, the very first angel to be executed by god. He was sent in purgatory as an order by the god as punishment to his actions leading the destruction of the world, The god created. On his forehead is a tasked from the god himself, that he by himself will heal the world from the plague before the world went to its destruction. The end of all times. Bounded by a great chain on purgatory he suffered for his misgivings, for he committed a greater sin of loving a mortal and mortal woman and men. By his wisdom they were lead astray. The man closes his book and he said " The last plagues, the wrath of god on revelation. Will start now, after the arrival of babylon and the great prostitute. It says, on holy scripture. The woman, the holy spirit basked in purple and gold riding a beast on purgatory is a new devil spirit. Behind her where the blood of the saints and the prophets. Behind her were Kings and nations who rode her maddening life. It says 5 has fallen, one is about to come.". The man then did closed his book and he said "2024, the babylon is upon us, and the prostitute who drink the maddening life of it, exist. There are no action from the saints. 5 kingdom is about to die, one is about to come.". He wonder about it and he said "by the five Kings, who among the nations will die from its maddening life. Us?China? Japan? Korea? or India?. Which kingdom will arrive?. Who knows, but when the time comes, the fall of babylon will be displayed in public, and the prostitute will die and by the gods grace. Then the plague will come next. I hope lesser angel azazel will fulfill the order of the god.". On his mind and image of the dead being judged appear, the image of an angel falling from the heavens with the gods wrath appear as it poured the bowl on the living and their blood becomes of a dead man and they were killed. The angel on purgatory sending his bowl on the river and the fountain of life as it killed those who are about to arrive on every woman's womb. An angel with a bow send his wrath on lucifer and his angels and they were thrown on the life of fire. Then he closed his eyes and he said "I am afraid, the dead man rising is possible. Them becoming undead.". He closed his book, and he read the plague. On it there is a message where arc angel michael will descend unto the abbyss and on his hands he hold a key to unlock the chain of the mighty angel azazel where he will be tasked to fulfill the will of the god. He is given a short time to release his wrath, but instead tasked to heal the world from all sins that he created in the very first. Then he read the sentence "The book were opened, and another book were opened.". The man closes the book and he said "The book of the very first judgement appear, and the second book of the second judgement appear.". Then he continue and on it it says "The living gave up the dead. Then death and hades gave up the all that is in it". Then he said "I hope, azazel will do his work and heal the world from the sins.". He imagined a great lesser demon took by the mighty angel michael as the lesser demon preached the things and the acts that he created on the first world of the earth. Above him is michael waiting for for judgement of the god. Then he imagined the whole world judged by the god as it was now filled with spirit. He imagined a world about to be judged by the god and michael dragging azazel on the life of fire as he receive his judgement. Then he closed the book and he said "5 nations will die, one will arrive. 2024,and it is still on the trumpet. The wrath of gods Fury still have a thousand years to come. I still have a lot of time to repent.". Then behind him is a woman, pregnant with their kid as she hugged the man spreading their love. The holy family. Then the woman said "Are you still reading the revelation?.". Then the man nodded and he said "Yes it is, like you mam. I am also reading the revelation.".

The distinction of heaven and hell. Lucky are those who see and witness the bride and the lamb. Above them the couple a vision did appear. It was a world same with the earth however the god is watching them above, waiting them to be judge, it was the hell. On the other side is an eden, a garden filled with tree and rivers crystal as clear. There are no spirits on it, not a woman nor a man. It was mere tree bearing the fruit of life, a life and soul of those who have come through the judgement of the god. It was the heaven. It was the distinction of the heaven and earth. The heaven and hell. It was the old heaven and hell. When the judgement of the world is done and Jesus ascended as the son of god.

" I am creating everything a new.".

"I am the alpha and Omega. I am the beginning and the End. I am the one who comes first and the last.".

The new heaven and the New earth will looks like this. There will be no god, it was with the holy spirit of the lamb. There are twelve gates, that represent the 144,000 chosen by the arc angel michael, not by their deeds but by their destiny. On the gates are the names written by the holy spirit. Three on the north, three on the south, three on the west, three on the east. There will be no wise, there will be no impure, there will be no bitterness on it, it was as pure as the holy lamb. He who ever wants to live, will be given life to live. Those are the ones who were recorded and included in the book of life. Those that are not will be sent into the life of fire. It was the new heaven and earth, the new jerusalem.

The revelation ends here.

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