Reborn From the Cosmos

ARC 2-Summoner’s Revenge-Part 9

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Moments later, a hush comes over the crowd. The small sea of people parts as two men come walking towards us. They’re both tall, with distinctive red hair cut close to their heads, bright eyes, and exaggerated, prominent features that always makes me think of apes. The Grimoires.

But there’s also an unknown figure. A beautiful woman with fair skin tinted red and violet hair with matching violet eyes. Very little of her curvy figure is covered by the tight leathers she wears. A thin red tail that ends in the shape of a spade idly whips behind her as she walks. My eyes can’t help but follow her as she approaches, even as I tell them to look away.

Damn. The Grimoires have a new thrall.

They stop in front of us. I’ve only seen him a few times but I know that face. Gordon Grimoire, the head of the Grimoire family and the king’s advisor. Another man who’s words can move the country. He’s the same age as Father but unlike him, he exudes power, from the confidence in his eyes to his bulging muscles. The man is a walking mountain.

When his eyes meet Marquis Guiness', he gives a quick bow. “Marquis, I heard rumors you would be appearing. I’m a bit surprised such a small event could grab your attention.”

“…the size of an event does not speak to the company of its participants.”

His eyes move to Kierra. Unlike everyone else, he is not surprised or awed by her. If anything, his gaze holds disdain. “Elven royalty graces us with her presence. You’re quite far from your home, princess. I’m surprised the king would allow his family to travel. These are dangerous times.”

I reach up to grab one of Kierra’s arm. Everything about him says he’s looking for a fight. My wife is never afraid of a fight but this isn’t the place for it. Let’s see him try this when there isn’t an audience around.

She gets my message and doesn’t move but her voice is laced with poison. “I am. My aunt, the queen, expressed her concern but I reassured her that most humans are a lot of bark with very little bite.”

His lips twitch. “Indeed. It’s rather shameful. This generation is disappointing, absolutely no talent to speak of.” He looks directly at me when he says that. Bastard. “Unlike my son.”

He waves his hand and the young man beside him steps forward. He’s a slightly shorter copy of the Grimoire patriarch, but far less intimidating. His face is rounder and his sneer more prominent, instantly invoking memories of my childhood.

“This is my son, Gordon Grimoire II, and his contracted thrall, Fen.”

“Junior,” I growl.

His sneer turns nastier hearing his hated nickname. “Lou. It’s been too long.”

Not long enough.

Marquis Guiness makes a thoughtful noise. “I’d heard of your accomplishment. Twenty-two is very young to make a successful contract with a circle three succubus. A rare talent indeed.”

Junior practically preens at the compliment. So what if he acknowledges you a little? Doesn’t change the fact that the only reason he’s here is for us.

Despite that, the Tomes are incensed having the summoning thrown in their face. And I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t bothered. Fen is truly beautiful. My wife’s beauty is a combination of her looks and her aura, an energy about her that makes my skin tingle. Something like a predator watching me while hidden in tall grass.

Succubi are different. Those at her level can change their shapes. Her beauty is literally perfection. There’s not a single flaw anywhere. She smiles at me and my heart speeds up. I can’t help myself.

Her eyes are focused on me. Beckoning me to come closer. The more I look at them, the more I think there’s something else in their depths. I can almost make it out—


I’m suddenly halted by Kierra’s tightening arms. I blink. When did I move so close to Fen? My arm is even outstretched, like I want to snatch her up.

Face burning with embarrassment, I drop my hand and quickly step back, leaning against Kierra as I look away. That bastard had her spell me! He wants to embarrass us in front of the Guiness. Or maybe it’s a display of power to remind us of our place.

Either way, I’m going take off one of his balls for it. Messing around with someone’s mind for the fun of it is low, beyond low.

Junior’s smirk only stokes my anger, but I choke it down. He wants to see me act out. “How greedy, Lou. Fen is beautiful but I’d think you’d at least be able to show some restraint in front of your wife.”

I open my mouth to respond but I’m stopped by Kierra, who chuckles loudly. “Haha. That’s the best thing about my Lou. So passionate.”

Then she gives me a look that could melt butter. My mood is instantly improved while Junior scowls. Was that an attempt to undermine my relationship? Weak. She knows what they can do, idiot. Suppose he thought that since she’s from another continent, she wouldn’t know about succubi and would just attribute it to my own lust.

Just to show how much she isn’t bothered, she turns my head and pulls me into a kiss. I hear a gasp somewhere behind me but she’s occupying the majority of my senses so I can’t tell where it comes from.

When she pulls away, I’m a little breathless and I can’t look anyone in the eye but my anger has been obliterated. I can hear her smirk in her hum as she puts her chin on my head. She stares down Junior, likely come to my same conclusions. I can’t see it but he takes a step back. “I think your elemental may be a bit of a mixed blessing, Junior. I can’t imagine any woman managing to arouse much interest from you.”

“The Grimoire men make it a point not to sleep with their summons. It degrades discipline.” Gordon says that with a straight face. I almost believe him. Junior, not in the slightest. He tries to look just as dignified but his eyes are shifty. “If we fell to that temptation, they would be the masters, not us. Summoning must not be a widespread art in your home.”

“No. We choose to cultivate our own strength. It’s necessary. When careless people offend others, it isn’t rare for them to face fatal consequences.”

Gordon Sr.’s expression finally changes noticeably, his brows coming down. I know what he’s thinking. He must be wondering if that was a threat. It definitely was but he can’t believe it because who would dare threaten the man who has the king’s ear?

I’m grinning as they keep insulting each other under a veil of civility. But a force keeps trying to draw my attention away. I’m resisting but it’s always there, a seductive whisper. It’s like Fen is standing at my shoulder. I know she’s not but I feel that if I turn around to check, she’ll have me and I’ll really embarrass myself.

When someone grabs my arm, I jump, thinking she’s made her move. Instead, it’s Jac. “Why don’t we grab some drinks for everyone?”

“…good idea.”

I let her pull me away. Once we reach the drink table, the pressure on my mind disappears and I let out a sigh of relief.

“Bastard,” Jac growls. “What?” she snaps when I raise a brow.

“Didn’t think you’d get angry over me. In fact, I’m surprised you’re not trying to buddy up with them. Talk about people with influence.”

She scoffs. “What do you take me for? They’re Grimoires. I’d rather kiss ass to a shitting mule than them. And we all know what Junior’s trying to do. That thrall is in your head, isn’t she?”

It takes me a minute to stop laughing after her remarks. “Oh, yeah. She’s in there.”

“That’s pretty brave of him. A mental caster can tell if someone’s mind has been influenced. If we were anywhere but the capital, there’d be a problem but there’s always one Interrogator stationed in the palace.”

“Unless it’s nothing but a poke.” Not that I want to admit that. A poke is only stoking the thoughts that are already there. Because it’s the subject’s own will, there’s no, or very little, sign of influence. That means I’m already attracted to Fen though. Sigh. Really, I don’t think it’s my fault. You’d need to be dead to not to be attracted to her.

Jac gives me a sideways look. “How shameless.”

“Hey, it’s not my fault I’m not blind. Did you see the pair on her?” I emphasize my words with my hands. “Saints witness, they look like they’re going to spill out of that thing some people might call a shirt.” No point in denying how I feel now that I’ve been exposed. If I embrace it, then it won’t be so damn hard to resist.

“Pervert. Come on. Grab a couple of drinks, put on your best smile, and stick close to the marquis. I’m sure he’s realized what’s happening as well. Proximity will make it harder for them and as long as you make it through another half hour or so, you can make a graceful exit. The map was a good idea. Kierra?”

“No, that was actually me. She doesn’t need to worry about money.”

“Huh. Maybe you aren’t as dumb as you look.”

“Gee, thank you.” I grab four drinks and take a deep breath as I follow her back to the group. Almost immediately, I feel the pressure of Fen probing my mind. A shiver goes down my spine but I keep my smile in place as I come to stand next to Kierra. Half an hour. I can last that long without tackling the thrall who is quickly taking up all my thoughts. No problem.

Sigh. Saints give me patience.

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