Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City(Meruem-HxH)

Ch39- Rising Sun

Shifting his stance, Haruto glanced at the towering piles of garbage surrounding them, their ominous shadows flickering under the firelight. His voice hardened as he spoke again, the intensity of his words matching his burning gaze. "You see a dump. I see a foundation. This city, much like your people, has been discarded and forgotten. Together, we will change that."

Around him, his council watched silently. Haruto didn't give commands; he delivered prophecies. His ambitions had a way of turning into reality, and they all had learned to trust that.

Haruto's gaze fell back on Jahleel, "You can choose to stay, witness the transformation, and become a part of it. Or, you can leave. The freedom of choice is still yours. But let me remind you, Jahleel, when you return, it will not be the same city, and we might not be the same people."

As Haruto's words echoed around the room, the tension was palpable. Jahleel, caught between resentment and appreciation, gave Haruto a slow nod, indicating his understanding.

A mocking laughter erupted from Phinx's corner. "Well, well," he drawled, standing up and stretching, "Never thought I'd see the day where we play landlords to a clan of eye-shifters." His words dripped with sarcasm, his disbelief evident.

Canary, who had been silently observing the entire conversation, shot Phinx a look that would freeze lava. "We follow Haruto's lead," she said, her voice carrying an undeniable finality.

Uvogin, standing at the entrance, leaned against the wall and cracked a grin, "As long as there's a good fight ahead, I'm in."

Feitan merely grunted in agreement, his fingers idly flipping a knife, eyes locked on the newcomers. His actions, devoid of words, carried a stronger message - he was ready for whatever came their way.

Haruto's gaze moved to Koshiro. The old man looked drained, the weight of the task ahead visible in his eyes. But there was something else too – a spark of determination. He'd seen it before, in the heat of battle, in the silent moments before a fight.

"Koshiro, accommodate our new members and start their training at your convenience," Haruto instructed, his tone leaving no room for negotiation. The aged man nodded, gesturing the Kurta Clan to follow him into the labyrinth of alleyways.

Haruto turned towards his remaining companions. "Machi, Pakunoda, Shalnark, Kortopi, Nobunaga… I want you to venture into the cities. You are to steal agricultural tools and supplies." At their shared frowns, he continued, "We will not survive on trash anymore. It is high time we change this landscape. Tools, seeds, fertilizers, whatever you can find."

Shalnark cocked his head, a mischievous smile tugging at his lips. "Farmers, are we now? That's a change of pace." He was met with an unamused stare from Haruto, which wiped the smile off his face.

Machi's eyes, however, held a gleam of understanding, "A fresh start for the city. I like the sound of that." She knew better than to question Haruto's orders; they always had a reason.

Haruto then turned to the burly trio; Uvogin, Franklin, and Phinx. "Go and deliver the message to the nearby countries. Meteor City no longer accepts their garbage. The council will reject this at first, but that's my concern."

The prospect of confrontation seemed to excite Uvogin, who punched his palm with a loud crack, "What if someone tries to interfere?"

Haruto gave a cold smile. "Then, you know what to do."

The boisterous laughter of the trio echoed in the alleyway as they departed, each eager for a potential fight.

Turning to his last two allies, Haruto let out a sigh. "Feitan, Canary, we have a council to persuade. It's time this city had a rightful ruler."

Canary nodded, her eyes filled with unwavering loyalty. While Feitan, usually the one to challenge commands, simply shrugged. "Sounds fun," he said, standing up and walking towards the entrance of the alley.

Stepping into the Elder Council building, Feitan and Haruto were met by the stoic gazes of eleven old men and women, their eyes narrowed in apprehension. Canary had melted into Haruto's shadow once again, her presence a comforting constant to the young leader.

"What do you want, boy?" An old woman with silver streaks in her hair and a perpetual frown asked, her voice echoing in the dimly lit room.

Haruto's purple eyes glowed with an uncanny radiance, his Nen flaring with a threatening intensity. A dangerous smile curved his lips, "It is time for your retirement."

As if his words triggered an alarm, the elders' Nen flared in unison, their bodies preparing for battle. But Haruto nonchalantly walked to the head of the table, his confidence radiating through the room. His eyes fixated on Feitan, he merely inclined his head towards the elders, the unspoken command hanging heavy in the air.

Without missing a beat, Feitan stepped forward, a wicked smile on his face. His eyes gleamed with a ruthless intent, his aura crackling with restrained energy. He activated his Hatsu, Inferno Ascendant, a suit of armor materializing around him. The conjured armor seemed to draw power from Feitan's emanating aura, becoming a formidable defensive barrier.

With an almost theatrical flair, Feitan rushed towards the elders, his movements swift and precise. As he clashed with the first elder, his armor absorbed the impact, immediately reinforcing its defensive capabilities.

"Is that all you got?" Feitan taunted, his voice filled with scorn. His suit adapted to the incoming Nen attacks, becoming a shield against the elders' combined assault. Each blow that landed only served to strengthen his armor, the absorbed damage fueling his aura and reinforcing his defense.

With each passing second, the intensity of Feitan's Rising Sun attack magnified, feeding off the damage his armor accumulated. The room was soon filled with an unbearable heat, the ground beneath them charred and cracked. However, within his armor, Feitan remained unaffected, the flames licking his armor harmlessly.

The elders, on the other hand, were feeling the brunt of his power. Sweat streamed down their faces, their clothes sticking to their bodies, their eyes filled with a mix of fear and stubborn defiance.

"It's futile to resist," Haruto's voice rang out, his tone cold, his gaze unyielding. "You have had your time. It is ours now."

As Feitan battled the remaining elders, Haruto's gaze drifted to the vast window behind him. He watched the cityscape of Meteor City, an odd sense of calm enveloping him. The towering piles of garbage, the grimy alleyways, the dilapidated buildings...they would soon become remnants of the past.

Lost in his thoughts, Haruto barely noticed as Feitan finished off the last elder. Panting and sweating, yet triumphant, Feitan straightened up and deactivated his Hatsu. He turned to Haruto, a smirk playing on his lips, "I guess we're in charge now."

Haruto nodded, a sense of satisfaction filling him. "Yes, Feitan. We are."

The entire scene played out in front of Canary who had watched silently from the shadows. A fierce pride welled up within her at Haruto's proclamation. She knew this was only the beginning of their journey, a testament to Haruto's determination and vision.


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