Spider-Man. House Of Venom (First Draft)

Arc Twelve. Chapter Three-Hundred Fifty-Four. The Gravity Of The Situation

The shuttle landed and Yon-Rogg and his Star Force calmly walked out. He smirked as he saw Carol standing alone. He motioned and Att-Lass and Minn-Erva took off, landing on a nearby building, and Carol could see them unpacking pulse rifles, scanning the area in their little sniper's nests.

Jean and Emma had both stayed hidden. It was more prudent to see if Yon-Rogg would reveal the Kree’s intentions rather than forcing a fight, and Carol on her own should get him to relax his guard.

While she didn’t want to admit it, their time together did forge a strong bond, and his betrayal and the betrayal of the Supreme Intelligence still stung. They had fought, and it was that bond that made her spare him, but this time, there would be no second chances.

“Vers. So glad of you to see reason. Tell your forces to stand down, and nobody else will get hurt.” Yon said, Stood holding Ronan's hammer. He was in full Accuser garb, covered head to foot in its thick grey plates, with the typical black markings down his face. She saw the two gravity gauntlets he used strapped to each forearm. He was here for war, not for talking.

“You can't resist this time. We know you can try, but you also know this is all fair and legal. We have been here before, we presented evidence to the Asgardians. The Earth is Kree territory.” and Yon smirked as he pointed up, “the Asgardian fleet is slowly moving out of the atmosphere. You know they are leaving you to your fate.”

He motioned to the remaining two Star Force, Korath and Bron-Char, who fired up flight packs and flew off. “So, Vers. How about we watch, watch as, unlike last time, our forces obliterate your puny resistance.”

Yon touched the communications drive on his wrist, “destroy the fighter, destroy the island, destroy that idiot calling himself Doom, oh and that red metal  moron as well.” and he smiled smugly, “And destroy the outpost.”

The sky lit up briefly, and four energy bolts could be seen streaking across the sky,

Yon sat on a piece of rubble, torn from the initial bombardment, “You know Vers. I was considering sparing your little planet. We did so many things when we were the last here, so much to save. A fresh batch of soldiers, and you even created a nice little control collar for us, we dont even have to touch your filthy minds with the Supreme Intelligence.” 

He looked up at the red beam streaking across the sky, destroying the beams falling from his support cruisers, “but, then I realised that this place was abandoned for a reason. We need to break you first. You need to be reminded that we are the superior species, The Skrulls fell, the Xandarians fell, and once we take over this world the Asgardians will fall. It’s inevitable.” Yon lifted his wrist device,

“New orders, maximum bombardment, target organic matter only, “ and he furrowed his brown, “On second thoughts, we dont need everyone to survive, full scorch, maximum spread.” and he laughed, and walked over to Carol, “see, we found the vibranium meteor records, and as long as we use a low enough yield, it’ll survive. Everything else is just.” and he paid and leaned forwards “embarrassing.”

Now she knew his plan and spread it through the rest of the symbiotes she was done listening to his bullshit. It was the normal Kree xenophobic, egotistical nonsense, considering they had been kicked down more often than they had won. 

Carol drew in a deep breath and huffed it out, feeling the photon force flowing through her. Ravage giggled within her as the power flowed through them once more.

“The only person who’s going to get hurt is you, you asshole.” Ravage spread over her, and as her form lit up, her maw split and she hissed at Yon.

He looked surprised, “Oh, so you have one of them. And you finally shed the last of the Supreme Intelligence. You debase yourself. We offered you glory, and you are now,” and he waved  a hand dismissively at her, “this thing.”

“Talk all you want. We’re still going to kick your asses.”

Carol raged once more. That smug stupid grin of his, that condescending attitude, and that superiority complex that made her beat his ass the last time. All rolled into another package. 

“You know,” she said cracking her knuckles, “that hat makes you look like a dick with a rubber over it.” and as she flew at Yon, knocked him flying. As he crashed into the front of a store, she stood and clicked on her earpiece.

“Emma, Jean, take out the two snipers. Leave Yon to me. Tony, we have two hostiles in the area. No contact but warned, they have orders to engage.”

She heard the click of an affirmative over her headset, and leant back, taking a stance and lifting her fists.

Yon stood and rubbed his jaw. Brushing the dust and debris from his armour, “So, not as hard as last time. Maybe being bonded to that thing makes you weak. You can still come back. Just give up, let go, Conform. Obey” but he never finished.

Ravage blasted him, and followed with a punch to the stomach and then an uppercut, lifting him off his feet.

“Comply with me putting my foot up your ass.” and with a roar, she launched herself at him once more.

Jean and Emma felt for the alien minds in the city and found the two snipers deployed behind some kind of energy field. It was designed to protect them from front attacks, and while it would have been perfect, the two women looked at each other, shrugged and simply shattered the guns in their hands and lifted them from the rooftop.

“Uh, so what now? I mean, nobody said what we do with them?” Jean asked and Emma just smiled,

“Oops,” she said, “I guess I need more training” and Att-Lass screamed as he plummeted to the ground, unable to get his low altitude jet pack to work. “So?” and Emma raised an eyebrow at Jean.

“I,” and she sighed, “I cant.” Emma floats over as the panicking Minn-Erva looked at her.

“It’s fine darling, Look.” she pulls Jean into a hug, and then away from her, “not everyone is a killer.” then, she leaned forwards and french kissed Jean, and as her concentration slipped, Minn-Erva plummeted as well. “Oh dear. Who would have thought a kiss from little old me would have that effect.” and she smirked as the pair floated apart.

“I, I didn't” and Jean looked at the broken and bleeding corpse of Minn-Erva, “I, no.”

Emma tutted, “and you didn't. Your momentary lapse let your powers slip. Hasn’t Peter been warning you that when you get unstable you might lose control. Well.” and she motioned down at the ground. “Jean. go home, get into whatever little shelter Peter has in place and protect your home. Nobody will fault you if you can’t.” Emma began to float up, “Peter won’t hate you if you won’t kill.”

Jean clenched her fist, “I, I just can’t” and as she squeezed her eyes shut, Emma placed her hand on her shoulder.

“Go home. Protect the people you love. Leave the trash to us.” and Jean nods,


Jean, this is Shuri, please. I need help.

Tears fill her eyes as Shuri explains, and her normally pure yellow, golden aura flares into red, and tinges black. As her hair darkens, Emma steps back and is forced to raise a shield against the heat

“How DARE they!” Helios roared, and took to the skies, blasting away, leaving a fiery trail behind her.

“Well,“ Emma said looking over at Yon, “I have no idea what you did, but she is not someone you really want to make angry.” Emma lifts back up, “deal with him, I’ll find the other two.” and she flies off as well.

“You killed a lot of people we care about.” Ravage says, two blades sliding from each arm, “and this time there is only one message to send to the Kree. Invade Earth and die.”

Yon laughed, “Oh Vers, you never learn do you.” and he held out Ronan's hammer. “You think we didn’t record your little stunt.” 

The head of the hammer glows purple for a moment before it crumbles into dust and the energy flows down cables and into the gauntlets covering Yon's arms, 

“We know it was the Space Stone. Mar-Vel worked for us before she became soft.” and there was a thrumm as the gauntlets powered on, sending forks of purple energy crackling over them. “And the best way to destroy one stone” and he lifted his fists and motioned her to attack, “is to use another.”

As Ravage sped towards him he punched well before she got to him but from the gauntlet. The air seemed to shimmer as space warps and she felt a shock wave push her back and then impact her body. Flying back, it was her turn to crash into a building, and she grasped at her ribs as the pain flared.

“Gravity, the bending of space-time, resulting in the mass of an object becoming heavier. Your photon powers won't work. I can stop you as easily as I can breathe.” he said with a smug grin, “and I really am looking forwards to this.”

He leapt at her, thrusting his fist down, and she saw the space around it bend once more, pushing the gravity wave towards her. She felt the power flow through her and leapt, trying to fly but she was slow and much heavier and the wave slammed into her and into the building behind her, crushing her against it.

“Vers. Vers. Vers.” he said as he sighed, “What did I just say?” he said as he crouched over her, “Gravity. Did you not listen?” and he stood, and walked a few steps away, “You know. I had hoped that you would put up more of a fight. I mean,” and as Ravage stood and roared at him, “this is just pathetic.”

Turning and raising both hands both gauntlets fired once more and a double wave hit her, pushing her back through the wall and into the building. It was an empty store, already evacuated due to the protests and she crashed through hangers of clothing.

Ravage gasps in pain as she stands and her powers ignite the clothing around in. burning it into ash. Binary was the only way here, and with those gravity gauntlets, she needed to be smart, not powerful.

“You see.” as Yon walked into the ruined store, “this is the true power of the Kree. We take what we want, we do what we want.” and as Ravage wiped the blood from her mouth with the back of his hand, she watched as he raised his arms in victory, “We are the superior species.” and bringing his arms together once more he fired a blast of distorted gravity at her.

Crouching low, she braced and crossed both arms in front of her face. Even then, she was still blasted back, but she saw the small intake as the heavy wave blasted at her and dragged the clothes with it. 

He can only warp space in front of him and has to drag it from somewhere.

I can use that, Ravage thought to herself, but sorry, it’s gonna hurt.

Ravage dived through a wall, uncaring this time about property damage. She needed to be out in the street, where she could see Yon, and keep him occupied.

“There is no use Vers. You can’t run from me.” and she dived away as the wall she had just broken through exploded outwards, covering her and the street in crumbled brick and plaster.

“Who said I’m running, you big blue asshole.” and two beams struck out, as Ravage crouched on the sidewalk.

Yon crossed his arms, and the space warped, sending each beam spinning off at an angle around him,

He sighed, “I honestly thought I trained you better than that. Did you not listen. Gra-Vi-Tee,” he spelt out, “I’m disappointed.” and as he raised his arms once more, she smirked,

“No, you’re a disappointment.” and as he looked down, two symbskin tendrils had hold of each wrist, and pulled them down as he fired.

As the gravity wave blasted into the concrete at his feet he was blasted upwards by the pushback, and with Ravage holding him, she whipped him into the building and then followed through with a double-fisted charge to his back. Smashing them both into the second floor of the store.

Yon struggled upside down to free himself but as Ravage wasn’t as gifted as her sisters she opted for the easier option and the two gauntlets sparked at his wrist. She wasn’t a gifted technopath, but she could still break stuff.

“Aww. See. I don’t like gravity. It just brings you down.” and he rolled his eyes at her.

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