The Red Rose and The Black Rose

Chapter 45: Interlude 30.5

Lady Maria, the head of all Titania's maids, walked straight and firm through the perfect and clean halls of Titania's Pact Palace.

Every time she looked at even a single brick of the wonderful palace, she could do nothing but be moved by the incredible and perfect architecture brought by the Supreme Lords, their Gods and Creators.

It was simply impossible not to be. Even the windows that faced nowhere brought divine and majestic light through their colored glass, as if an imaginary sun was passing through such a wonderful and mystical window.

Well, that would be if it were daytime. Instead, the windows only shone mystically from the light of the moon, both the real and the non-existent one. And if that wasn't enough lighting, even if there were many inhabitants of Titania capable of seeing very well in the dark with the slightest speck of light, there were countless chandeliers, chandeliers and magic stones illuminating the hallway so that the darkness was nothing more than a pale shadow in some corner. Even if so much lighting was not necessary, it would be unacceptable for the divine palace of the Gods to look nothing but wonderful and presentable, even for the most mortal.

Only the Dungeons and the Catacombs were the only ones that were plunged into perpetual and sinister darkness. Or the gardens in search of giving more natural and beautiful environments. Or the Fae Town , since it was a city of living people who also needed to rest.

Such was the decree of the Supremes for the Faes since their foundation. 'Rest, eat and live. That way, they will serve us with the greatest joy and energy.'

Maria could do nothing but resist the urge to let out an 'Amen' and put her hands together in prayer.

But she was a perfect servant, she couldn't do something as etiquette as giving herself such a luxury, even if she was alone in the halls, only seen by the few guards or entities standing guard.

What was Maria doing so late at night walking the halls instead of resting?

Well, first of all, as a high-level Angel, she didn't need to sleep. She was a servant of the Supremes after all. Sleeping when she could be serving her divinities was unacceptable.

Secondly, she had a duty. One that, while it could be somewhat heretical in certain cases, she couldn't let go.


Both curiosity and duty.

The Supremes, their kind and merciful Goddesses, who stayed with them instead of leaving like the other Supreme Lords, had dismissed their respective maids for the day hours ago, and were without news for several more hours.

The two maids in charge of the Supremes, while remaining obedient and understanding, could not help but feel worried that they had not been able to meet the expectations of the Goddesses of Titania.

Therefore, both out of a stroke of curiosity as to what had caused such an occurrence, as well as concern for her lovely girls and the Supremes, and the duty to be informed of anything important, even if it was a small detail, and to serve her Ladies, she was on her way to the only place where the two divinities of Titania seemed to be.

The room of the Supreme Black Abyss•White Flower.

As expected, she could guess this based on the fact that meetings were usually held in the Throne Room, on some balcony of the Palace, or in the room of the Supreme Dont-Say-My-Name. And the Supremes were not in any of these places.

Therefore, it only left the room of the other Supreme as a possible place. A place where the Goddesses did not usually meet.

If this were not the case, Maria would be forced to ask Lord Bachelory himself, the Prime Minister of Titania.

After walking at a calm, elegant and perfect pace through the wonderful halls of the Palace, appreciating and revering each brick, each slab, each chandelier, each window of the divine place, because everything was built by the Supremes with the help of the Founder, who could be considered the 'Second Deity' below the Supremes, because she was the one who decided to help the Supremes in their wise decision, and grant them this palace under a pact. One where the Faes will live happily and in harmony under the government of the Supremes.

Sure, the Founder, Titania, was only a Lesser Deity compared to the Supremes, but she was still a Deity of sorts. Though her worshippers in Titania's Pact Palace were none really, as worshipping any Gods other than the Supremes was outright insulting heresy against them.

Only the Fairies were allowed such a possibility.

Regardless of the Founder, who, all Titania had to admit, was enormously merciful, as some Supremes boasted of having killed her several times, using her core to create one of Titania's Commanders, Maria had one goal in mind.

Reaching the Supreme's room.

It didn't take long for her to arrive anyway. As the Head Maid, she knew every corner of the Palace like the back of her hand.

Standing in front of the divinely carved marble door, she looked at the two official guards guarding the Supremes' quarters, personally deployed by Lord Bulldoger. Two Paladins of the Holy Mandate. Well, a pair for each room.

Being level 90 Mercenary NPCs specialized in defense, healing, and divine magic, they were stronger than Maria, who was only level 80. Still, while Maria was lower-level, her position was higher than these mere guards. She was not only a creation of the Supremes, but she was the Head Maid, that is, the leader of more creations of the Supremes.

In every way, she was superior to these guards.

Therefore, the pair of Paladins, upon noticing and identifying her, bowed deeply, quickly opening the door for her.

"Gentlemen." The maid nodded towards the pair of guards as she greeted them, for although she was their superior, she still showed them her due respect.

So, moving forward, the doors closed behind her without the slightest breeze, in a perfect manner.

Internally, Maria raised her evaluation of the Paladins of the Holy Mandate by small scores. It was a way to evaluate all the Mercenary NPCs of Titania on their usefulness, efficiency, and so on in terms of etiquette, elegance, and the like, so that she could instruct them to improve so as not to embarrass or insult the Supremes.

Regardless of the thought, she quickly scanned the room. And there were already several things that caught her attention.

First, it was deathly silent, which could imply that the Supremes were not here.

And second, there was a cup of coffee on the Supreme's desk.

She almost had a heart attack at the sight of such a flaw. Fortunately, she had no one to blame, as the Supremes deliberately dismissed their day maids, leaving them alone. And Maria would not blame the Supremes for anything. That would be an insult to them, a heresy, and she would take her own life just for thinking such a stupid possibility.

Therefore, with absolute perfection, she walked over to the desk and grabbed the cup from the plate it was resting on.

In less than a blink of an eye, she put the cup away, pulled out a rag, and began vigorously cleaning the place, making it shine.

All of this at an overwhelming speed.

Once she was done, she put the rag away, and adjusted her glasses, standing straight and proud.

However, the presence of that lying there brought many questions to her. Which were interrupted by a sound.

One that came from the door to the Supreme's personal room.

With a mix of fear and haste, the Saint Maid carefully advanced towards the door, ready to kneel before the presence of her Supremes, offer her life if they were disturbed, or attack with fervor any invader after raising the alarm.

Her senses, despite being only a level 80 Angel Cleric, were quite acute above a normal human. And the Supremes' rooms did not really need that much protection. Therefore, they had no soundproofing beyond the natural one due to the thickness and material of the door.

That, added to the sharpness of Maria's senses, allowed her to hear…

"Ah~ Black Abyss~" The sound of Her Majesty, the Supreme Dont-Say-My-Name, the Queen of Titania, softly entered the Angel's ear, along with sounds not at all appropriate from the Supreme Black Abyss•White Flower.

Thousands of thoughts ran through Maria's head, all mixed together as she maintained a stone-faced expression.

Her pure white cheeks turned, for the second time in her existence, the first being due to a joke from her peer, Juliana Miss Perfect, a reddish pink. A blush.

Maintaining her composure, Maria took a step back from the doors.

Her hand trembled slightly, but she controlled her nervousness and embarrassment with pure discipline.

She turned 180 degrees on her heels, and walked in complete and perfect silence to leave the room.

Once outside, with the Paladins of the Holy Mandate looking at her in anticipation of why she stopped before continuing on her way, she turned to them.

"Ejem. Do not allow anyone else to enter the Supreme's office without their respective permission. This is ordered by me with my authority. If any servant of the Supremes with greater authority seeks to enter, inform such servant that the Supremes are… Ejem." She blushed again, in a mix of embarrassment and almost… Joy. Like a mother knowing she had a grandchild assured in the future. "Inform such servant that the Supremes are very busy with each other." She finished, before coughing falsely into her hand again and turning on her heels again continuing her way to her own room.

She was going to take a long nap of self-reflection and reproach. Likewise, she would save this moment until the grave unless it was no longer necessary. Well, while she was a servant like all the others, or at least in essence, being that she was the most perfect servant, she was not a gossip. And she would not go around spreading rumors or private information about her Ladies around like it was nothing.

No. Maria was the Saint Maid, and she would not give in to such whims. But maybe she did imagine a little what was going on in there. Just a little.

On the other hand, the Paladins of the Holy Mandate looked at each other, confused, but quickly stood firm, ready to carry out Lady Maria's orders. Only surpassed by a few, and above all those few, by the Supremes.




Titania's Hallways




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