Caitlyn’s F*ta Obsession


Thank you to my patrons: Lolop 12, SambaZero, Survivor 121, and Syndra <3

Akali licked the last glob of cum from Caitlyn’s cheek, kissed her forehead, and guided her onto her back. “Rest up, okay? You’ll need your strength for the rounds to come.”


The grass poked Caitlyn’s bare back, gentle and damp. While the sun – harsh and dry – soothed her breasts and belly. Yet, she couldn’t relax. “I have to accompany you to the door. To not would be rude.”


  “Don’t be ridiculous. Do I look like I care about manners?”


  “I care. And so does Ahri.”


  “We’re whores, Caitlyn. I just throat fucked you until you were a slobbery, teary-eyed mess, and glazed your face with a fat load. When were manners ever on the table?”




  “I’m asking you to rest.” Akali knelt and caressed Caitlyn’s hand. “Please, it’ll make me happy.”


Caitlyn chewed her lip. “Well… fine. If that’s what you want, I’ll rest, even if it’ll only be a few seconds until my next partner is ready for me.”


  “Thank you.” Akali kissed her hand. “I’d hate to see you struggling for the sake of politeness. You look so cute when you’re calm.”


Caitlyn’s cheeks burned. She grinned. “Kiss me before you go.”


Akali laughed, cupped her cheeks, and kissed her into the grass. The firm, damp earth pressed against the back of her head. Birds sang, the air smelled of sweat and cum, and the wind’s long fingers caressed every inch of bare skin.


Her lips smacked when Akali’s departed. The light skin of Akali’s bare chest glowed beneath the sun’s glare. Shadows draped the valley of her breasts. As she turned to leave, she flashed Caitlyn a grin. “That offer to be my clan’s sex pet for a few days – it wasn’t just pillow talk. When you’re done here, the offer still stands.”


  “I- I’ll keep that in mind, Ma’am.”

Akali burst into laughter and strolled towards the house. Her ass swayed with a hypnotic grace unbecoming of a warrior. Three words were tattooed above her round cheeks in bold, black ink.




As butterflies fluttered in Caitlyn’s stomach, Akali lifted her hand, and vanished beyond the glass doors.




A few agonising moments wracked with insatiable lust passed before a curvy silhouette approached the glass doors. Caitlyn’s hand froze between her legs as a woman with hips far wider than her shoulders, dark brown skin, and heavy eyeliner graced the outside world with her beauty. Thick, dark blue robes draped over her hips and hugged her large bust. She smiled at the sun. Birds landed on her shoulder, and nipped at her short, black hair.


  “Caitlyn?” she asked, scanning the garden.


Caitlyn tore her hand away from her pussy. “Over here, Ma’am!”


The woman’s eyes lit up. She hurried across the marble tiles and lush grass, robes swirling around her ankles. The birds took flight and hurried back to their treetop perches. “Are you well?” she asked in a voice strong with tenor, yet delicate like a mother’s. “You look exhausted. Come, I’ll take you inside and prepare you something warm to drink. Do you like tea? I know many wonderful brews. Or do you prefer the coffee of the mainland? Oh, how silly of me. Of course you prefer coffee. You’re the spitting image of a Piltover girl. High cheekbones and full lips, just like Camille.”


Before Caitlyn could even think of refusing, the woman was shepherding her back to the house. Her firm hold on Caitlyn’s shoulder and lower back left no room for argument. In a state of bewilderment, Caitlyn allowed herself to be seated on the couch, wrapped in a fluffy blanket, and handed a steaming cup of coffee. The burnt, bitter smell transported her back to the inner city where hundreds of cafes vied for your attention with flashy signs and their unique fragrances.


She took a sip. It tasted like youth. “Thank you… uh. Oh. I’m sorry, I forgot to ask you’re name.”


The woman was sitting beside her, hands folded in her lap where her robes pooled. “I have two names, but for the sake of simplicity, you may call me Karma.”


Karma? Oh shit, she’s like a major spiritual leader. And a revolutionary, I think. “Uh… hi, Karma.”


Karma giggled. “Hello, Caitlyn.”

  “Sorry, that was weird. It’s just, I know who you are.”


  “I’m afraid I can’t say the same, however there will be plenty of time to get to know each other later. For now…” Karma brushed Caitlyn’s cheek with the back of her hand. “Get your rest, and let me know when you’re ready to begin. Okay, dear?”


Caitlyn’s stomach flipped. She downed her coffee in three large gulps – much to Karma’s amusement – and shot to her feet. Caffiene buzzed in her head. Any tenderness between her legs or aches in her joints became long forgotten memories. The blanket pooled around her ankles.


  “How about I call you, Mommy? That’ll make it less awkward.”


Karma rose gracefully. She stood at the same height as Caitlyn. “Call me whatever you like, dear. What are you into?”


  “I’m in the mood for something fast! But not hard. Does that make sense?”


  “Perfect sense.” Karma cradled her hand. “Let’s start slow and ramp up.”


  “Yes! Yes, that exactly! Gods, you’re fucking hot!” Caitlyn cupped Karma’s face. Karma’s lips squished against hers, warm and wet. She tasted like green tea and eucalyptus incense.


The rough kiss lingered for a few heartbeats before Karma wrestled control away. She stroked Caitlyn’s back, and her soft fingertips bled the excited buzz from her body. As the buzz petered out, Karma set a new pace of long, gentle kisses paired with careful squeezes of Caitlyn’s ass.


Caitlyn held on to Karma’s wide hips, and allowed herself to be eased back onto the couch. The smooth velvet embraced her bare back. Karma’s lips departed as she sat like a mermaid beside Caitlyn, only to return with twice the vigour. Tender heat radiated through her robes against Caitlyn’s side, while bold heat pulsed from her hungry grip of Caitlyn’s thighs and breasts.


Karma’s mouth and hands were refreshing. They moved with the confidence of a veteran. Never did they hesistate, nor did they move on to quickly. Each squeeze made Caitlyn feel beautiful, as if her body were irresistible. I have to return the favor.


She found the knot of Karma’s high-waisted sash, yanked it undone, and tossed the sash aside. The robe’s hug of Karma’s huge breasts gave way. They parted down the middle, revealing bronze skin, and a black, cloth chest wrap. Caitlyn pulled the robes down to Karma’s waist, and leaned into the kiss as she searched for the chest wrap’s knot.


The kiss broke, but only by an inch. “Settle, dear.” Karma’s hot breath brushed her lips. “Let me.” Green flames burned in her eyes. Two green flames materialsed on her shoulders and lifted the robes, leaving Karma in nothing but a chest wrap and a pair of thin, black panties. The panties struggled to contain a massive bulge.


Caitlyn sat back and basked in the majesty of Karma’s body. She wasn’t toned, nor was she flabby. Minus the crazy hips and massive tits, her body was normal in the most gorgeous way. 


A scholar’s body, Caitlyn decided at once. She ran her hand over Karma’s smooth, soft belly, and squeezed what little of her thighs she could get her hands. Heaven. Pillows and clouds.


Karma clutched Caitlyn’s chin and raised her head so their eyes met. “You’re entranced, and I’m not even naked yet.”


  “Can you blame me?” Caitlyn glided her hand over the wide curve of Karma’s hip. “Fuck~”


  “No, I can’t. I was blessed with quite the body.” Karma giggled. “It makes many of the sages quite uncomfortable.”


Again, Caitlyn sat back. “I… I don’t even know where to begin. I want to touch and taste all of you at once.”


  “You say that as if you’re going to lead.” Karma shoved Caitlyn onto her back, and straddled her, pressing her warm pussy against Caitlyn’s abs.


Of their own accord, Caitlyn’s hands settled on Karma’s hips. They didn’t resist her grip, conforming to it instead. “My mistake.”


  “No harm done. Now, be a good girl and let Mommy take care of you.” The green flames reappeared, swooped behind Karma’s back, and flew away with her chest wrap. Karma’s tits bounced free. They were bigger her head, and perky with fat, dark brown nipples.


Caitlyn squeezed them together. They jiggled as if filled with water. “Yes, Mommy~”


Karma brushed Caitlyn’s hands away, bent over, and pecked her lips. Her ass lifted, wide and heart-shaped. The thin string of her panties got lost between her massive, bronze cheeks. The green flames reappeared and tore the panties away. The fat shaft of Karma’s cock slapped Caitlyn’s pussy.


Shivers ran up Caitlyn’s spine. She pulled Karma into a wild kiss, and reached for her cock, but Karma slapped her hand away and eased out of the kiss. “Not yet, dear. We’re not done yet.”


Caitlyn’s pussy complained, but she ignored it. “Yes, Mommy. Sorry.”


  “No need to apologise for enthusiasm. It’s cute.” Karma pecked her nose, then trailed kisses down her collar bone, the valley of her breasts, the ruts of her abs, and the hill of her groin, until her lips graced Caitlyn’s pussy. She enveloped it, sucked, and applied pressure to the clit with her tongue.


Perfect. Caitlyn moaned as she rode the wave of pleasure. Moans melted into whimpers as Karma settled into a steady rhythm, unapplying and reapplying the pressure of her mouth and tongue. Caitlyn’s toes curled, she clutched her fists to her chest, and screwed her eyes shut. “M- Mommy!”


Karma reassured her with a gentle squeeze of her thighs. Her hand slid down Caitlyn’s thigh, and touched her asshole. Even after a whole round without sex, Caitlyn’s ass was gaped. Karama slipped her pinkie inside. Followed by her ring finger, middle finger, index finger. And finally her thumb.


Caitlyn sat up with a jolt, snatched fistfuls of Karma’s black hair, and spluttered. Pleasure punched her gut. She squirted all over Karma’s face, whimpering like the helpless slut she was. How could anyone pretend to be powerful while euphoria emptied their mind of thoughts?


Karma rested on her knees and laughed. Golden sunlight glittered across her drenched face, warming the dark tones. Her enormous tits shook. And her cock… it was as long as a sausage, thicker than Caitlyn’s wrist. A vein throbbed down the length of the bronze shaft as it stood tall, bouncing slightly with Karma’s laughter.


Caitlyn reached for it, but missed. Strange. It should have been within reach.


The couch’s arm slapped the back of her head, and the cushions crashed against her back. Her arms were noodles; her muscles were jelly. But… it was only one orgasm. 


Karma’s laughter gave way to a frown. Concern broadened her eyes. “It must be that time, then.”


  “Wh- What time?” Caitlyn tried to sit up, but her body betrayed her.


  “Your exhaustion has finally caught up to you. As it does for everyone. This might be your last round.”


An invisible weight sat on Caitlyn’s chest. “It w- won’t be.”


  “A shame too. I dislike being the one to do this. What good is it to knock you out, when you could look up at me with pleading eyes as you cum instead?”


  “Then I definitely won’t!” Caitlyn mustered all her strength. Straining, she planted her palms against the cushions and lifted her back from the couch. An inch at first, then two, but her arms melted into jelly. The cushions crashed against her back, and the armrest slapped the back of her head. “I won’t…”

  “Shhh, sweet thing.” Karma spread Caitlyn’s legs. “Enjoy it while it lasts, and smile for the pleasure the future holds. They’re waiting for you. Everyone is so excited.” She pressed her fat, brown, cut tip against Caitlyn’s pussy, thrust, and plunged balls deep. Her balls slapped Caitlyn’s gaped ass, her huge tits enveloped Caitlyn’s, and her warm mouth hugged Caitlyn’s quivering lips.


I don’t want to go… 


Karma’s cock stretched her tender walls and pounded her cervix.


But she’s so big…


Caitlyn tried to squeeze Karma’s giant ass, but her arms wouldn’t even leave the couch, let alone reach all the way to the huge, clenching cheeks. Even her plump thighs were out of reach.


And I’m so weak. So pathetic. Mommy’s… weak, pathetic slut.


Caitlyn’s heart thrummed. “Call me a…” she whispered against Karma’s lips. “Call me your slut, Mommy.”


  “You’re my slut, dear.” Karma squeezed her waist. “My precious, adorable slut.” She fucked Caitlyn into the couch. “Take my cock.” The crash of her heavy ass and hips cut Caitlyn’s breath short, making her gasp between kisses. “All of it!”


  “I will, Mommy!” A fire raged in Caitlyn’s chest. “And more!” Caitlyn smothered Karma with a deep kiss, wrapped her legs around her waist, and twisted. Together, they rolled.


And fell off the couch. They landed as one, slamming onto the velvet carpet. Caitlyn landed on top of Karma, cock buried deep in her pussy. She planted her hands on either side of Karma’s head, arched back, and looked over her shoulder. Her ass bounced on Karma’s fat cock, flailing her hips as if she were the one with a cock.


Karma wailed a long, husky moan. “Sweet heart~”


A hundred badass one-liners raced to the forefront of Caitlyn’s mind, yet they all died as Caitlyn cried, “You’re so big, Mommy!” She whimpered on Karma’s cock as she fucked it with a frenzied fervour. It took all her focus to maintain any semblance of a rhythm, so all manner of pathetic and humiliating words escaped her lips.


Each one made Karma laugh. Ecstasy swam in her eyes, singing songs of joy. Joy; that was a new one. When Joy sang, sorrow hid in the shadows, and shame died.


Caitlyn kissed her and slowed to a crawl. “And you doubted me.”


  “M- My mistake, sweet girl. Please don’t stop.”


  “Never.” Caitlyn swivelled her hips. Karma squeezed her ass, kneading her cheeks like dough. “Mmm, your hands are so soft.”


Karma caressed her lower back. “All of you is soft.”


  “I could say the same.” Caitlyn sat up, and squeezed Karma’s breasts together. “You’re like one, big pillow. I’d fall asleep on you if I could.”


  “W- What I would give to have you warm my bed for a night,” Karma whimpered.


  “That can be arranged. After this is all over, and everyone goes their separate ways, how about we organise a night or two for just the two of us? Would you like that?” Caitlyn pinched Karma’s nipples. “Mommy~”


  “Mmm, yes! More than anything, yes.”


Caitlyn burst into laughter. “Great!” She lifted her pussy off Karma’s cock, kissed her, and stood. “Alright, enough soft mommy shit. Let’s take this upstairs. I’m gonna fuck your brains out.”


Karma sat up. Stroking her cock, she sported a grin. “Should I call you mommy now?”


  “Hmmm. No. Let’s try Ma’am.”


  “Yes, Ma’am.”


Caitlyn shivered. “Ooo I like that. Definitely keep it up.”


  “Yes, Ma’am,” Karma giggled.




Karma tore the sheets out from the mattress. “Harder, Ma’am, harder! Oh, please fuck me harder! Fuck me fuck me fuck me! Bless the spirits, you’re big!”


Caitlyn’s strap on pulverised Karma’s ass and gaped it to the limit. Frantic, violent thrusts flailed her massive tits, and spread ripples through her fat cheeks and thighs. The red, velvet sheets were tangled around her slim, bronze arms. Ecstasy painted her face; a mixture of Thrill and something new. Wonder. As if she couldn’t believe how good she was getting fucked.


The masturbator cup probably helped. Caitlyn had never heard of such a thing. Powered by hextech of all things, it was a plastic sleeve which you inserted your cock into, and apparently felt like a real pussy. Gears whirred as it pumped the full length of Karma’s huge cock. Intense vibrations rattled it and Karma. It even slurped, as if it were somehow sucking her off. And judging by Karma’s lolled eyes and open mouth, it was doing just that.


Caitlyn wished she had a cock, if only to experience whatever pleasure managed to reduce the spiritual leader, revolutionary to an ecstatic slut. She slapped Karma’s tits, and marvelled at the jiggle. “Hard enough for you, whore?”


Karma moaned, and lazily shook her head. She squirmed, tangling the sheets further.


Fuck me, I’m going as fast as I bloody can. “Greedy bitch. Turn it up to full power then.”


  “Hgnhhh… Yes, Ma’am~” Karma turned a dial on the front.


And the cup blurred. Karma’s back arched, her toes curled, and she cried deep from the gut. Caitlyn felt… jealous? Of a machine? She grabbed the back of Karma’s knees, leaned forward, and pinned them to the bed. With her ass at the perfect angle, Caitlyn plunged deep inside Karma, clapping her cheeks.


Karma grunted. Her eyes rolled. The device slipped out of her hand, fell off her cock, and rolled off her bed. As it hammered the bed’s side, Karma whimpered. “My belly…”


Caitlyn admired mound sprouting in the middle of Karma’s soft belly. It turned her innie into an outie. She jostled her hips, and the mound moved. Karma bit her lip. Her eyes filled with a new, delicious ecstasy. Desperation.


  “Oh, I’m sorry. Do you want me to fuck your ass?” Caitlyn asked. She squeezed the back of Karma’s thighs.


  “Y- Yes, Ma’am.”


  “Sure you wouldn’t rather I get your pocket pussy? And I don’t mean me.”


Karma shook her head.


Caitlyn moved her strapon back and forth, but only half an inch or so. “But it looked like you couldn’t get enough of it. Don’t let me get between you two.”


Karma vigorously shook her head. “I only want you, Ma’am. Please fuck me!”


  “Lying slut.” Caitlyn spat in her face. “Only me? There are like fifty other whores upstiars who’ve all had a turn with your juicy ass. Do you know what I do with lying sluts?”


  “N- No.”


  “I make them beg to cum.”


Joy and Wonder flooded Karma’s eyes. For a split second, she grinned, before Caitlyn wiped it off her pretty face with an ass pounding. The bed complained. It creaked and groaned, but Caitlyn hardly heard it over Karma’s hoarse groans and explosive moans. The belly bulge travelled the length of Karma’s squishy tummy, from the top of her groin to the bottom of her ribcage. When Caitlyn’s thighs clapped her cheeks, Karma’s cock flexed, only to limp as she pulled out. Still, it was as long and fat as a sauasge.


Caitlyn’s heart hammered her head, hot breath burned her nose, and her muscles screamed with every heavy slam of her cock. Gods, I am getting weaker. I’ve barely gotten started and I already need a lie down. She didn’t slow down though. What was she, an amatuer? No. Proper whores committed. Changing positions however? Fair game.


So, she changed positions, and often. 


Karma bit on a pillow as Caitlyn blew her back out against the headboard. Her huge, bronze cheeks clapped a frantic, dancing rhythm as they jiggled wonderfully. Caitlyn added a countermeasure of one, and two-handed slaps to the beat. All in time with her hips of course.


When Karma begged to cum, she called her a bitch and slapped her ass twice as hard.


Caitlyn played with Karma’s enormous tits as she fucked her on their sides. They were like two carnival balloons. When they eventually made good on their promise and shared a bed, she was going to use them as pillows without a doubt. Like putty, they conformed to her hands’ every each whim. However, the nipples defied her. Erect and perky, they hardened against the will of her hands. She pinched them for their insolence. 


When Karma begged to cum, she twisted her nipples and fucked her twice as hard.


She had Karma ride her strap on, reverse cowgirl, while she thrusted too of course. Her bouncing ass was hyptonic, but Karma could barely moan at that point, let alone sit up without assistance. And all that ass and thigh made her heavy. So, it turned out to be more trouble than it was worth. Caitlyn made Karma bounce on her cock until she collasped.


And when Karma begged to cum, she told her to unbuckle the strap on and lie on her back. And slapped her ass.


Karma sprawled out on the tangled sheets, golden sunlight refracting off her sweaty, bronze skin. Her chest bounced her breasts as she fought for a breath. Wonder danced in her emerald eyes. “Are… Are you going to ride me, Ma’am?”


Caitlyn pinned her knees to her chest. “Something like that.”


Karma’s cock stuck up between her thighs, hard as a rock. It heaved as Caitlyn mounted her, and throbbed as it was swallowed by her pussy. The position gave Caitlyn all of the control, as if she were the one penetrating, and not the other way around. She kissed Karma’s ankle, and settled into a slow rhythm.


As one, they melted, and moaned each other’s names. Caitlyn giggled. Karma blushed. Without a word, Caitlyn picked up her pace, and moaned along with her. The position wasn’t great for depth, only allowing little over half of Karma’s cock, but fuck did it make her feel powerful. As her hips crashed against Karma’s cheeks, and pleasure trembled her pussy, she slapped Karma’s bulged hip and flattened her thighs against her stomach with every ounce of strength she could muster.


Karma groaned. Her toes curled. “P- Please let me cum, Ma’am.”




Caitlyn’s hair hung around her face. It swayed with the rhythm of her frantic hips, brushing against the back of Karma’s huge thighs.


  “Hngh… p- please!” Karma’s cock heaved.


  “Not yet, you little bitch!” Caitlyn snapped. Pleasure turned her muscles to soup. “Not… yet…” Words melted into moans. Long, whiny moans. Her insides were a light show, alive with electric euphoria. 


Caitlyn clenched, froze, and came with a pathetic wailing moan. Her pussy clamped Karma’s cock. Throbs pulsed through her groin and up her spine. By some miracle, when she collapsed, she collapsed forward right into Karma’s gentle arms. Karma’s cock popped out of her pussy.


And blew its load all over her back and ass.


  “N- Naughty slut. Who said… who said you could cum?”


Karma opened her trembling lips to speak, but Caitlyn shut her up with a kiss. She tasted her mouth and groped her softest, squishiest parts until three knocks wrapped the downstairs doors.

Thanks for reading! Feedback is appreciated <3

Next chapter, Caitlyn fucks Xayah and Rakan, The Rebel and The Charmer

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