Caitlyn’s F*ta Obsession

Xayah and Rakan

Thank you to my patrons: Lolop 12, SambaZero, Survivor 121, Syndra, and minimized

Looking over her shoulder, Caitlyn was watching her back in the bathroom mirror as she wiped off the last dribbles of cum with a towel. Not the most exciting way to clean such a mess. But what choice was there? She tossed the soaked towel into the corner and re-entered the bedroom.


Karma was still asleep, flat on her back. The last golden rays before dusk filtered through the open, glass sliding door. They painted Karma’s rich, dark skin in gilded tones, and shadows draped over her curves. Wind licked Caitlyn’s sweaty skin with a chill-tipped tongue, whistling through the banister’s ornate, wooden balusters. It rusted Karma’s crop of black hair.


Caitlyn slunk onto the bed, sat against the headboard, and admired Karma’s delicious body; her huge breasts, fat cock, and the elegance of her peaceful sleeping face. She stretched her tired legs. The tendons in her thighs tensed and wrung out the soreness. For a brief, blissful moment her legs were jelly rather than wood.


Three knocks wrapped the doors downstairs, yet Karma didn’t so much as twitch.


I should probably wake her. Ahri will think we’ve started round two… but she’s so peaceful… like a baby lamb. To think someone so gentle and beautiful inspired so much change in the world. The faces in history books are often plain and fierce. Her’s would be more at home in a fairy tale.


Footsteps pounded up the stairs. Caitlyn braced herself for fury, but met ecstasy instead. Calm and Passion swam in Ahri’s eyes and softened her subtle smile. Her tails danced without a particular rhythm in mind. And her ears were drooped ever so lightly. “Couldn’t bring yourself to disturb her, dear? I can’t say I blame you.”


  “Yeah… she’s beautiful.”


  “You all are.” Ahri snapped her fingers, and a blue veil enveloped Karma. It lifted her and guided her into Ahri’s arms.


Caitlyn swung her legs off the bed. “She’s okay, right?”


  “Everything’s fine, dear. She isn’t the first to lose their battles with stamina today. The second day will do that to you.”


Caitlyn chuckled. “Let me guess. Seraphine, Gwen, and Neeko.”


  “More than that. And not Gwen. Almost every mortal-bodied member is tucked away safe and sound under the covers in various states of filth. The evenings of day two and three belong to gods, the magically inclined, and resolves of steel.” Ahri smirked. “Which are you, I wonder?”


  “That’s a… joke right?”


Ahri giggled. “Yes, dear. I think I’d know by now if you were a god or magic user.”


  “Right… sorry, I guess exhaustion is catching up to me too.”


  “So, the wonder girl isn’t infallible after all? So much for powering through to the end.”


Caitlyn shot to her feet. “I’m still gonna make it! Even if I’m half-conscious and aching head to toe. I’m getting that wish out of you.”


A glint of ecstasy Caitlyn didn’t recognise flashed in Ahri’s eyes. Close to Thrill, but not quite. “Ah yes, our deal. Do you know what you’ll ask for?”


  “No idea.”


Ahri burst into laughter. Her ears shook. Tails whipped into a frenzy. “Better give it some thought. When your mind isn’t soup and pudding, that is.”


  “I’ll figure it out when I get there. Now, if you’d follow me, your next partners are-”


  “Daaaarliiiing,” sang a man’s voice.


A woman’s hushed, hissed whisper followed.


Undeterred, a bird vastayan male waltzed up the stairs. He slipped by Ahri like water on taloned feet, his long, yellow cape slithering after him. A bird’s skull broach fasted it around his neck above his pale, toned chest. His smiling, golden-orange eyes drank Caitlyn in. The late afternoon sun set his white hair a glow and enriched its frontward shock of blood red. 


  “Well… hello Gorgeous~” His long, blood-red, plumaged ears twitched and his golden, feathered forearms bristled. “Two days of non-stop action and your beauty still takes my breath away. Tell me how you do it. What are your secrets?” He knelt, looked up at her, and kissed the back of her hand.


If Katarina gave her butterflies, this man, he… he made Caitlyn overflow. “U- Uh, aren’t all my partners meant to be women? O- Or at least accompanied by a woman?”


  “You’ve got a keen eye. I am in fact not a woman. No, she’s-”


  “Right here,” a bird vastyan woman said from the doorway, draped in a dark violet cloak and bound by a tight dress that stopped just low enough to conceal, but not hide her bulge. Torn thigh highs left a sliver of milky pale thigh bare, as well as her taloned toes. “And she is called Xayah. Wife of Rakan.” Xayah swept her dark purple hair out of her flawless, heart-shaped face and glared daggers at Caitlyn.


Caitlyn snatched her hand from Rakan. “And I’m serving both of you or…?”


  “Both,” Ahri said. “I’ll leave you to it, shall I?”


  “Yes,” Xayah said.


Rakan smiled. “That’d be appreciated, darling. Thank you.”


Ahri carried Karma downstairs, leaving the three of them alone.


Xayah gestured to Caitlyn with her chin. “You don’t look tired. What magic did you steal?”


Rakan shot Xayah a look. She dodged it and clicked her tongue.


  “No magic,” Caitlyn said, putting on a smile. “Just willpower, I guess. Never been the sort to back down.”


Rakan laughed. “We’ll get along great then! Darling, could you fetch our gorgeous companion some clothes? Something body-conscious to compliment her lovely figure, but hardy enough for the road.”


  “Sure.” Xayah stalked across the room and shouldered open the walk-in closet.”


  “Is she okay?” Caitlyn asked.


Rakan patted her thigh. “Yes yes, she’s fine. It takes a little while for her to open up to strangers is all.” His hand was softer than expected. It lingered, tracing lazy circles. He smiled, eyes cool and inviting.


Caitlyn swallowed the urge to fill them with ecstasy. “She does want to be here, right?”


  “Don’t let her disposition fool you, sweetheart. She loves this; sharing our company. Although, for her, this is more about pleasure than the people. While me, well, people fascinate me. Humans, vastayans, everybody. And so far nobody I’ve gotten to know here has left me disappointed.” His hand wandered up the inside of Caitlyn’s thigh, skirted inches from her pussy, and settled on her hip as he transitioned seamlessly from the ground to the bed. Arm wrapped around, Rakan pulled Caitlyn against his firm body and squeezed her hip. He smelled of sweaty sex and sweet cum and gaped assholes; a thick aroma that settled in the back of Caitlyn’s throat.


  “Well…” Caitlyn traced his sharp jaw. “So long as she’s comfortable sharing her husband, I can provide all the pleasure she wants.”


Rakan smirked. “Humans… you’re so, hmm, singular. Us Vastayans are more open-minded. No, open-bodied is more appropriate. Free. Live and let live. You catch what I’m putting down?”


  “You like to fuck?”


  “Some of us!” laughed Rakan. “Sex is more open amongst our people. Well, my people. Different tribes, different customs, yadee yadee yah.”


  “I hope you’re one of them.” Caitlyn traced his long ear. Its plumage was soft as carpet.


Rakan cupped her face with his soft hand. His golden forearm feathers bristled. “Some say I like to fuck a little too much.”


  “No such thing.”


  “Oh, we’re definitely going to get along.” Rakan guided her lips to meet his.


Caitlyn let him lead and closed her eyes. Their lips glanced. A peck. He nipped her bottom lip. She returned their favour. His grip on her cheek tightened. He attacked. His soft, supple lips locked with hers and his adventurous tongue flicked her teeth. The taste of cock filled her mouth. Caitlyn reached for his baggy trousers.


Xayah cleared her throat. “Here.” She tossed a green dress, yellow belt, and black hooded cloak onto the bed. 


Rakan pulled away, smooth and slow, hand planted on Caitlyn’s hip. He peered over his shoulder. And baulked. 


Xayah sighed. “What? It’s what you asked for.”


  “I don’t even know where to begin…”


  “It’s body-conscious! The belt takes care of that, the dress is made of hardy cloth, and the cloak will help her fit in. It’s fine.”


  “Green and yellow…”


  “She doesn’t need to look pretty. It’s not like she’ll be in them for long anyway.”


Rakan sighed, but nodded. “I guess so. She’ll look pretty anyway. But does she need the cloak?”


Xayah narrowed her eyes. “You do remember the plan, right.”


  “Yes yes, I remember it.” Rakan turned a smile on Caitlyn. “You don’t mind the colours, do you?”


Caitlyn shrugged and pulled the clothes over. “She’s right. I won’t need them for long.” She watched Xayah for a smile.

None came. “Your name’s Caitlyn, yeah?”


  “That’s right.” Caitlyn stood and stepped into the dress. “Pleased to meet you, Xayah.”


Xayah grunted. “What are you into?”


Caitlyn slipped her arms through the poofy shoulders. “All sorts of thing. Might be easier to give you my limits.” She turned around and Rakan rushed to do up the zipper. “I won’t suffer abuse. Make-believe is fine. Pain too. But I won’t accept genuine savagery or humiliation. We’re here to pleasure each other, and I feel the most pleasure when I know the other person is excited to be with me. Even if it’s only on a physical level.” She fastened the belt around her waist. It clashed horribly with the green. “That sound acceptable?”


  “Sure. So you won’t mind if I’m rough with you and call you names?”


  “As long as you’re not genuine.”


Rakan gave her the same look as before, but this time Xayah smiled. “It’s all roleplay. We’re good.”


  “Great!” Caitlyn shrugged into the cloak and flipped on the hood. “Let’s get going then. Where are we off to?”


Rakan beamed. “The Shimmering Woods!”


Xayah groaned. “You did forget the plan. Dammit Rakan, we can’t bring her there. Not after what her people did.”


  “Caitlyn is from Piltover if I’m not mistaken.”


  “You know what I mean.”


  “I do.” Rakan took Xayah’s hand into his. “Think of how happy it would make the spirits to see mortals congregating after all this time.”


Xayah dodged his eyes, but didn’t snatch her hand back. “We can give that to them anytime. Ahri wouldn’t bat an eye if we asked to borrow the bubble. But I will not spoil the wood’s sanctity with a human. The plan was to take her to the Wayward Wharf. You agreed, even if you don’t remember. So that’s what we’re doing.”


A soft smile crossed Rakan’s lips. He whispered in Xayah’s ear. Xayah glanced at Caitlyn and nodded.


  “If that’s what makes you most comfortable, then we’ll do it,” he said. “I’m sorry I forgot.”


  “It’s alright.”


  “No no, I insist I make it up to you. How about we do that thing?”


Xayah’s sharp eyes lit up. “Really?”






Caitlyn walked down a forest trail in between Xayah and Rakan, as if they were her bodyguards. Xayah stood a head taller than her, and Rakan two. They shared the occasional sultry glance over the top of her head.


Rakan slipped his arm around Caitlyn’s waist. Even when he was gentle, his grip was iron. “You’re going to love this place. It’s teeming with adventure! A true melting pot of cultures and ideas.”


  “Keep your hood up,” Xayah said. “The types the Wharf attracts like to flirt first and ask questions later. With your face, we’ll end up with a handful of strays nipping at our heels before we make it to the bar.”


Caitlyn peered up at her from under the lip of her hood. “You think I’m pretty, then?”


  “I can see you’re pretty. Just like I can see the sky is blue and the trail is made of dirt. Don’t read into it.”


The thrill of a challenge thrummed Caitlyn’s heart. I’ll break open her shell before we’re done.


Xayah and Rakan led her around a bend in the trail. The forest parted, revealing an expansive lake. Calm still water reflected the afternoon sun like a pane of glass. A tavern sat in the middle of the lake on stilts, connected to the shore by a sturdy boardwalk. Humans, vastayans, and all manner of bizarre humanoid creatures streamed up and down its length in pairs or groups. Few walked the boardwalk alone. A sign hung from an archway above the boardwalk which read, ‘The Wayward Wharf’.


Rakan squeezed Caitlyn’s waist. “Well? Is this a sight or what?”


  “Looks fun. What do people do here?”


  “Whatever they want.” Rakan’s hand slid down onto her ass and stole a handful.


Xayah tugged on Caitlyn’s hood, pulling it over her eyes. “Keep your eyes down. I mean it. The last thing we need is stragglers. Three of us is plenty.”

  “Will do, Ma’am.”


Xayah huffed and marched ahead. The heels of her taloned feet (and Rakan’s) didn’t touch the ground, so she looked as if she walked everywhere in an invisible set of high heels. It added a certain, confident strut to her steps. While adding a graceful elegance to Rakan’s.


  “She likes that,” Rakan whispered as he guided Caitlyn down the boardwalk. “Worshipping the ground she walks on is the quickest way to her heart.”


  “I’ll take your word for it. You’re the expert.” Caitlyn leaned against his shoulder, eyes fixed on the wooden boards. They gleamed, free of algae, moss, or any of the grime you’d expect to find by the water. “Any other advice?”


Rakan chuckled. “Hold off on winning her over until we’re away from prying eyes. Her true colours will show once things start to heat up?”


  “And how does the heat affect you?”


  “I’m an open book.”


  “So you’ll catch on fire?”


  “More like what you see is what you get, but I do enjoy a bit of flair.”


Caitlyn giggled and leaned against Rakan. For the rest of the walk, she enjoyed his greedy hands and firm muscles and stole the occasional sneaky glance at Xayah’s ass up ahead. Her violet dress hugged her body like a second skin. It did nothing to hide her hourglass curves or round, heart-shaped ass. Her ass jiggled ever so slightly with each step, drawing the eyes of strangers wherever she went. No one dared approach. The venom in her eyes assured that.


Chaos reigned inside the Wayward Wharf. Shouts and songs filled the air, gamblers argued over cards, groups laughed over huge mugs of blue beer, couples fooled around in the shadowy corners and in the light for all to see, and hopeful lone wolves prowled the bar with a drink in hand and lust in their eyes. It smelled of fun and tasted of pleasure. Who knew heaven was on top of a lake? Alas, Caitlyn wasn’t here to party, so she kept her hood down and her eyes to herself.


A grizzled bear vastayan bustled behind the bar. Scars cut pale pink groves through his rich, brown fur. One split his face in two. He smiled upon noticing Xayah and set aside the drink he was filling, much to the dismay of a barely conscious patron. One sideward glance shut him up, and he gazed at the half-filled beer longingly.


  “Xayah, what can I do you for?” The bear-man asked. A grin full of sharp, pointed teeth split his face. He touched the brim of his flat cap.

  “A room, Bartan,” she said, leaning on the counter.


  “A large room,” Rakan said.


Bartan’s grin thinned as he lay eyes on Rakan. “Right.” He fished a box out from under the counter. “Your usual is open. Number 32. Will that do?”




  “Right-o, here she is then.” Bartan popped open the box, snatched up a key, and tossed it into Xayah’s hands. “No charge, of course.” He tipped his hat.


  “Thank you.” Xayah left for a side door.


Bartan waved after her. “Don’t mention it!”


  “You’re too kind,” Rakan said.


Bartan grunted. His grin faltered, but only for a moment before it found Caitlyn. “Good luck, miss. You’re gonna need it with the mood she’s in!” Bartan hacked and wheezed a laugh that spoke of a lifetime of tobacco.


Caitlyn’s heart skipped a beat. It took all of her resolve not to chase after Xayah like an overexcited puppy. Her insides quivered, anticipating a pounding on two fronts. She clung to Rakan’s arm as they slipped through the side door. “Please tell me you’re going to fuck my brains out,” she whispered against his shoulder.


Rakan squeezed her ass. “You know it, sweetheart.”


On the way to their room, Caitlyn passed a drunk passed out beneath a window sill, a group of humans throwing dice in the middle of the hall, and two deer-women vastayans giving sloppy head to a lion-man vastayan with a glowing, yellow eye patch. He snarled at Caitlyn and licked his jaws. His hungry eye followed her to the end of the hall, and then some (she swore she felt his gaze through the walls).


  “Are you sure we can’t have one more join us?” Caitlyn asked.


  “Yes.” Xayah suddenly turned and unlocked a door. She hurried inside with a speed that betrayed her cool, calm front. Caitlyn left Rakan’s embrace and followed her with a grin.


The room was the size of a large studio apartment, with a bed fit for five people, homely mahogany walls and beige carpet, and a view over the gorgeous golden lake. It smelled of simple comforts. 


In full view of the open window, Xayah was stripping down. All work, no play. She undressed as if she’d come home from a long day and wanted nothing more than to slip into her pyjamas. Her dark, crimson hair spilled past her slim shoulders and settled above her small, flat breasts. She was chiselled abs and squishy thighs; a perfect compromise between fierce and sexy. Caitlyn was sure she had a perfect, little thigh gap, but her long, thick cock and smooth balls covered it.


A scar split Xayah’s left nipple in two, flowed with the curve of her underbust, and wrapped around her waist like a snake, settling above her right hip.


  “Kneel, both of you.”


  “Yes, Ma’am~” Caitlyn knelt on the soft, beige carpet and grasped Xayah’s tip between her gummed lips.


Rakan shut the door and hurried to Caitlyn’s side. Looking up into her eyes, he massaged her balls. “You’re beauty is hypnotic, my love.”


Caitlyn smiled, and nodded in agreement.


  “Is that so?” Xayah grasped the back of his head. “Show me how beautiful you think I am with your mouth.” She pushed Rakan’s face against her balls. He hungrily accepted and wrapped his lips around them.


Caitlyn suckled on Xayah’s tip. Spit filled her mouth, ready to escape down her chin at any moment. The wet sounds of her mouth and Rakan’s filled the air, yet Xayah only spared Rakan her attention. She ran her fingers through his shock of red hair amidst the white, played with the tips of his pointed ears, and drew circles on his cheekbone with her thumb.


Spit bubbled past Caitlyn’s lips, spilling down her cheek. Xayah paid it no mind. Caitlyn relaxed her throat and swallowed Xayah’s cock whole in one smooth motion. Xayah smiled at Rakan and made him swallow her ballsack. Caitlyn's throat fucked Xayah’s thick cock, spluttering, and making gluack gluack gluack sounds. While Xayah’s cock twitched, and her hands trembled, her eyes never left Rakan. She plugged his nose. Spit dribbled down his chin. He moaned. She smiled. Precum leaked from her cock, and her eyes snapped to Caitlyn.


Xayah snatched a handful of her hair, wrenched her head back, then Rakan’s, and made them kiss as if they were her dolls. Caitlyn baby-birded Xayah’s pre-cum to Rakan. His grin pressed against her lips. He swallowed, and broke the kiss.


  “She’s talented, huh?” he asked.


  “You’d hope so after thirty or so cocks. But you’re better.” Xayah turned away from Caitlyn. She tilted Rakan’s head back and rammed her cock down his throat. “Get on the bed, whore. All fours. Don’t touch yourself.”

  “Great idea, Ma’am,” Caitlyn said. She got on all four on the bed’s silky cream sheets and watched Rakan worship Xayah’s cock.


He adapted to his new role without a moment’s hesitation, sucking her off with the skill of a practised cock slut; a subtle twist of the head to heighten the pleasure, gagging at the end of each stroke to apply extra pressure to the tip, slobbering without an ounce of shame, and a gentle grip on her balls. He shattered Xayah’s facade in a second and had her moaning like a shameless whore.


When Xayah eventually tore herself away, her cock heaved so heavily that Caitlyn was convinced she’d blow her load. Not the end of the world. She only had to stop if she came because of Caitlyn, but it would be agonizing not to be able to fuck her right away. 


  “Fuck, I think you might be better at sucking cock than me,” Caitlyn said.


Rakan wiped his mouth. “Don’t take it too hard. I’ve been doing it longer than you’ve been alive.”


  “Oh? I didn’t realise I’m fucking an older man. You don’t look a day older than me.”


  “Sweetheart, I’m older than your great-grandparents.” He raised his hand to his mouth as if to block it from Xayah’s sight. “And so is she,” he whispered.


Caitlyn giggled.


Xayah took a deep breath, and didn’t cum. “Right. You, in the corner.”


  “Come now, darling. Don’t be like that. You don’t look a day over three hundred.”


Xayah snapped her fingers. “Now.”


  “Can I at least touch myself?”


  “Fine, but no cumming.”


Rakan shot to his feet and pecked her plump lips. “You’re so kind when you want to be.”


  “Don’t make change my mind.”


Rakan scurried off into the corner. He undid his baggy trousers and unveiled a cock just as long and thick as Xayah’s, only he was uncut where she was cut. 


Xayah thumbed the tip of her cock as she mounted the bed, knelt behind Caitlyn, and shoved her face into the sheets. “Your pussy is quivering. Aren’t you a desperate, little slut?”


  “I am, Ma’am. I love cock more than anything~”


  “Then you’ll have no trouble begging for it.”


Caitlyn pouted. “Please fuck my pussy, Ma’am,” she whined.


  “My cock in your filthy human pussy? Why should I?”


  “Because it’ll feel so good, Ma’am! Don’t you want to use my worthless holes? Please, use them. Please please please.” Caitlyn ground her pussy against Xayah’s tip.


Xayah slapped her ass. “No more talking. All I want to hear out of you are moans and groans and all manner of the little sounds cock sluts like you make.”


Caitlyn nodded, rubbing her face against the sheets.


  “Good, you know your place.” Xayah yanked Caitlyn’s head up by the hair and rammed her cock inside her pussy. It stretched her the perfect amount as it buried deep inside. Far enough to make her melt, but not far enough to threaten a tear. Her fat tip rammed her cervix and Caitlyn limped as pain shot through her groin and gut. And then it rammed her cervix again, and again, and again. Slow, angry thrusts pounded Caitlyn into the bed. They lingered, like a painter admiring their work before striking a new stroke.


Caitlyn groaned, her jaw hung open, eyes rolled back. Pain and pleasure mixed a gorgeous cocktail of electric sensation. Once, she would have powered through it to give Xayah the performance she deserved, but her exhausted, used body refused. All that remained were her genuine groans and grunts that accompanied each of Xayah’s furious thrusts.


  “Bitch,” Xayah muttered under her breath. “Filth. Disgusting. Slut.” Each insult paired with Caitlyn’s shocks of pain, and made them all the more tasty.


A smile crept across her limp face.


In the corner, Rakan watched Xayah rail her as if it were grand art. Ecstasy swam in his eyes. Awe. He massaged his tip and played with the nipples of his pecs. It was the perfect length, the perfect girth. Every cock slut’s dream. Please join in. Please let me pleasure you too.


And as if she could read her mind, Xayah beckoned Rakan with her finger. “Shut her up, will you?”


  “As you wish, darling.” Rakan sauntered over, knelt before Caitlyn’s face, and plugged her mouth with his balls as stroked his cock above her head. “Such a small mouth. So tight. Damn~”


Caitlyn tried her best, she really did. But it was just too much. She could hardly think straight let alone suck balls properly. They kept falling out when her jaw went slack, or her tongue would push them out as it lolled. Her teeth nicked them as if she were some untouched virgin who’d never seen a cock a day in her life. She’d never been so embarrassed. Which, oddly enough, made every violent slam of Xayah’s cock all the more titillating.


Eventually, Rakan gave in and just plugged her moaning mouth with the full length of his cock. He fucked throat at his own pace. Fast, yet accurate. Like a skilled dancer moving at double time without a stumble or lick of insecurity. The out-of-synch thrusts rocked Caitlyn’s body this way and that. She embraced the chaos, and surrendered control. Why not? Her orgasm was about to take it away anyway.


Caitlyn erupted all over Xayah’s chiselled abs and curvy hips. She felt the mess she’d made crash against her ass with every thrust. Xayah showed no mercy as Caitlyn convulsed and spluttered as her muscles clamped up. If anything, she fucked her twice as hard. So hard the bed complained with squeaks and creaks. Rakan pulled out and loomed over her with an amused grin.


  “They said she was a squirter, but damn, she fucking exploded!” Rakan laughed.


Xayah pulled out and lay on her back. “You still there, slut?”


Caitlyn struggled onto her hands and knees. “Uh huh…”


  “Ride my cock. Facing me.”


  “Y- Yes, Ma’am.”


Caitlyn got a look outside as she shakily mounted Xayah. Rowboats prowled the lake’s flawless surface. Couples and groups fucked in them. Some were watching her, touching themselves or fucking their partners. Well, it seems they wouldn’t be out there if they didn’t want to watch others. She flashed a fox-man vastayan a tried grin as she slid down Xayah’s cock. He slapped the ass of his male human cock sleeve and winked.


  “You’re so big, Ma’am~”


Xayah slapped her. “What did I say about talking?”


Caitlyn almost came again. “S- Sorry, Ma’am.”


  “Not another word.” Xayah waved Rakan over. “Bend her over and fuck her ass.”


Caitlyn’s heart fluttered. They’re spoiling me.


Rakan’s eyes lit up. “Yes, Ma’am.” He hurried over.


And slid inside Caitlyn’s ruined asshole. He and Caitlyn shuddered together. Xayah grinned. “I have to admit, she looks perfect with two cocks inside her,” she said. “Like a puzzle when you add the final piece.”


Shut up and fuck me already. Caitlyn bucked her hips, fucking both cocks at once. She wailed as more pleasure than the human body was designed for swept over her, but despite the weight of such unnatural euphoria, her hips struggled through the exhaustion and did their duty. They fucked Xayah and Rakan hard a proper, like a raging bull kicking against its cage. Rakan melted, squeezed her waist, and buried his face in her hair. While Xayah gawked up at her with an open mouth, a moan caught in her throat.


  “I- I’m gonna cum,” Rakan groaned.


Xayah whimpered. “Me too. P- Pull her off.”


  “I… I can’t. It’s just too good.”


  “What do you take me for? An amateur? As if I’d let you cum this early.”


Right as Xayah and Rakan reached their limits at the same time (adorable), Caitlyn froze. Their cocks heaved against each other through the walls of her ass and pussy, but didn’t cum. Like puppets on strings, they bent to her will.


Rakan carefully pulled out. “Fuck… You’ve got some balls, sweetheart. That was close.”


  “I’m afraid you two are the ones with the balls.”


  “W- Wipe that smirk off your face you a- arrogant little bitch.” Xayah tried to slap her but only touched her cheek, light as a feather. “As if I’d-” Caitlyn clenched her pussy. “Oh!” Xayah’s cock heaved.


Giggling, Caitlyn dismounted and collapsed with a sigh. “I’m tired. You two fuck while I regain my strength.” The garish green dress clung to her belly and breasts, soaked in sweat.


  “You want a rest?” Xayah asked. “That’s not how this works, slut. Either you fuck us until we cum or you drop.”


  “Come now, dear. Let’s keep this casual. We’re not Illaoi.” Rakan crawled over to Caitlyn and flipped her over.


Xayah clicked her tongue. “I suppose not… Fine, but it’s time for you to make good on your promise. You didn’t forget did you?”


  “This is a plan I would never forget.” Rakan unzipped Caitlyn’s dress. He left her to her own devices and hurried into Xayah’s arms. Their cocks pressed together as they locked lips.


Wriggling out of her soaked dress, Caitlyn basked in the spectacle as it unfolded. Xayah wrestled Rakan onto his back. He smirked, thrill dancing in his eyes, and wrapped his legs around her waist. She guided her cock towards his ass.


  “Should I pace myself?” she asked. “It’s been a while.”


  “It’s been a week. I’ll be fine.” Rakan pecked her cheek.


Xayah licked her lips, and her tall plummaged ears twitched. “If you say so.” She plunged inside him. Rakan baulked.


And moaned. “Xayah!~” He flung his arms around her neck. Their foreheads touched.


  “So tight…” Xayah drew her cock back to the tip. She shuddered all the way. “Who’s my good boy?”


  “I am.”


Xayah thrust. They gasped as one. “You are.” She kissed him. “My good boy.” And again. “My strong man.” Again; harder. “Mmmm- Oh, Rakan! I love you.” Her pace exploded into a frantic run, pounding Rakan into the springy mattress.


Caitlyn felt the vibrations against her bare back. She lay a safe distance away, bare and naked, fingers meandering between her legs. The beauty of a woman claiming her man was unmatched. Art made flesh. The fox-man outside seemed to agree as he froze in his tracks, engrossed by the display. Xayah and Rakan continued unaware or uncaring of the uninvited observer. They fucked feverishly, holding each other for dear life, moaning like the whores they were; a wonderful mix of a lover’s tenderness and a slut’s hunger. Even as the current carried the fox-man and his cock sleeve away. Even as Caitlyn fingered herself with equal ferocity. Even as she moaned with them.


So much for resting. She sprung onto her knees, scrambled across the tangled sheets, and mounted Rakan. Xayah’s yellow eyes widened. Caitlyn grinned. “Room for one more?” She slipped Rakan’s limp cock inside her pussy, and it stood to attention, stretching her.


A smile tugged at the corners of Xayah’s mouth as she looked Caitlyn up and down. “Presumptuous little slut, aren’t you?”


  “More like, bold.” Caitlyn bounced her hips, much to Rakan’s delight.


Rakan pawed at her hips. “Bold is good! Don’t act like you don’t love it. I… oh~… I know from first-hand experience that it drives-” Xayah slammed her hips. “OH!


Caitlyn traced Xayah’s cheekbone, pressing her thumb into the squishiest part. Her fingers glided across flawless, milky skin. “May I kiss you, Ma’am?”


Xayah ran her hands up and down Caitlyn’s back. “I’ll allow it. You are rather fun in your own way.”


Caitlyn flung her arms around Xayah’s shoulders – half for support at the awkward angle, and half to squish their tits together – and attacked her plump, violet lips. The paint tasted of blackberries. Tart, with a hint of a sweet undertone. She indulged in the treat, bounced her hips, and explored Xayah’s sharp shoulderblades and chiselled back. 


Xayah was a fantastic kisser. She knew the secret; when you break for a break, keep applying pressure with your top lip. And she applied a lot of pressure. So much so that Caitlyn felt her two front teeth poke through. As if she were sucking the soul out of her. What a thrill! And like the experienced slut she was, Xayah split her attention with ease. She fucked Rakan like she was trying to split him in half.


Caitlyn matched her pace and power, utterly eviscerating Rakan. He was beyond moans or kicking feet. He lay perfectly still. Silent. His cock heaved against every violent thrust and slam. 


As much as she tried to maintain a strong, unbothered front for Xayah; resisting pleasure’s call was a fool’s errand. Pleasure was pounding on her gates. Waves of ecstasy the size of mountains. They ruined her mind, her facade, and she crumbled into ash, into Xayah’s arms. She came with Rakan, squirting out his cum all over his impressive abs.


To her credit, Xayah held her. But only until her orgasm died. As Rakan was mid-blast, she tore Caitlyn off his cock. The rope splattered against her pussy. His body vanished out from beneath her, her stomach flipped, and the sheets crashed against her back. 


Xayah pounced on her. “You whore!” She slapped her. Lovely pain stung her cheek. “How dare you make him cum when I wasn’t finished!”


  “Better teach me a lesson, huh? Seems I’ve forgotten my place.”


Xayah nearly lost her scowl to a grin. She wrestled back control, spat in Caitlyn’s face, and filled her pussy with a thrust so violent it shook her to the core. Too violent for even Xayah, it seemed. She buckled. “Sh- Shit~”


  “What’s wrong, Ma’am?” Caitlyn pinched Xayah’s pink nipple. “Too much for you?”


Ecstacy thundered in Xayah’s eyes. While her face spoke of indignation, her eyes spoke of Rage. Controlled anger. The sort you feel at your favourite villain from a story. Rage that feels so so good.


Xayah fucked Caitlyn in a far more brutal way than pure might and speed. She fucked her slowly at an irregular, lop-sided pace. Not to say that there wasn’t any violence. She slapped her face until it was raw and red, and spat on her until she was slimy from the tits up. And of course, she called her every vile name under the sun, some in a language so old it couldn’t possibly be spoken by human tongue.


To say Caitlyn was in heaven would be a disastrous understatement. The way Xayah’s cruelty clashed with the gleeful grin on her lips and electric ecstasy in her eyes should have been ghastly, like a yellow belt and a green dress, yet somehow she made it work. She defied the rules, tossed them aside, and made something brilliant regardless.


It made Caitlyn cum buckets. One, two, eight orgasms in the span of what felt like no time at all. Again contrary to the rules, sex with Xayah sped up time. It raced ahead, faster and faster and faster. Like an out-of-control metronome, and Caitlyn’s mind was the poor, flustered band. Her eyes crossed and the world melted into fuzz and soup.


This is it. I’m done. Not even a god could stay awake through all this adrenaline. My brain is going to short-circuit any second now. I’m gonna… I’m gonna…


The world returned in an instant. She would have lurched if her muscles weren’t pudding. Xayah was frozen, moaning, Rakan’s arms wrapped around her from behind. He played with her nipples and suckled on her neck as he ever so gently slipped inside her ass. Slow, delicate thrusts.


  “Let’s show her some mercy, okay?” he whispered.


  “B- But…” Xayah bit her lip.


Rakan traced the bumps of her abs. “You like her.”




  “So, show our gorgeous friend some kindness.” He kissed her cheek. “For me.”


  “Okay, baby,” Xayah whispered.


Rakan slipped her cock out of Caitlyn’s pussy. “Good girl.” He stroked her in time with his thrusts. “How would you like to finish.”


  “O- On her face, please.”

  “Yeah? You wanna glaze her pretty face?”


  “Mhm!” Xayah nodded vigorously.


Rakan nipped her ear lobe. “Say it. Say she has a pretty face.”


  “Her face is so pretty, baby!”


  “And how you love her pussy.”


  “And I love her pussy! It’s so tight. TIghter than any I’ve ever had!”


  “See? Was that so hard to admit?” Rakan fucked Caitlyn with his eyes. They glowed gold. As did his forearm feathers. Whisps swirled from the end of his finger and cocooned Caitlyn. Her pudding muscles hardened and her fuzzy mind cleared.


She didn’t need to be told. Caitlyn lay on her belly before Xayah opened her mouth, and gazed into her drooped yellow eyes. Rakan twisted his wrist and slammed his hips. Xayah buckled, whimpered, and blew a heaping load of hot cum onto Caitlyn’s forehead. The next glazed her eyes shut. And the next dozen painted a shade of white lighter than even Xayah.


Xayah moaned like a princess when she came.

Thank you for reading! Feedback is appreciated <3

Next chapter, Caitlyn fucks Irelia, The Blade Dancer

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