Caitlyn’s F*ta Obsession


Thank you my patrons: Lolop 12, SambaZero, Survivor121, and Syndra

Rell tucked her limp cock inside her sweatpants. “You promise?”


  “For the millionth time, yes! I won’t tell anyone about what we did,” Caitlyn said, leaning against the wall beside the portal ring. The housewife dress lay crumpled at the foot of the kitchen counter. She tried not to look at it. “I don’t exactly want them to know about it either.”


  “I am not ashamed!”


  “Yes, you sound very proud of it.”


Rell pulled her hoodie down over her head. “Whatever…” She stormed into the portal ring. “Let’s just get back already. I want to fuck Sona as many times as I can before the Demacian girls go on standby for their turn.” 


The ring flickered. “Home, Mistresses?” Orb asked.

  “Yes, Orb. Thank you.” Caitlyn entered the ring. “Who’s Sona?”


The bubble formed and whisked them away.


Rell smirked. “Only the cutest girl in the world.”


  “You’ve seen every girl then?”


  “Don’t have to. I’ve seen Sona.”


Caitlyn snorted.


  “You’ll see,” Rell huffed. “And when you do, you’ll feel pretty stupid.”


  “I don’t doubt she’s hot. But, come on. At this level, I think the lot of you are equally hot. It’s like you’ve reached peaked hotness and have no more room to grow.”


Rell waved her off. “I said cute, not hot. You’ll see.”


  “I guess I will. Now you’ve got me all excited.”


  “You’ll need that energy for LeBlanc. Trust me.” Rell scowled and got a faraway look in her eyes. 


The rest of the trip was spent in silence.




  “Yes. She’s been expecting you, actually. Room 12,” Ahri said, smiling.


Rell perked up. “Sweet! See ya Caitlyn!” She barged past Ahri and hurried through the doors.


Ahri lost her smile. Her tails flicked back and forth like whips. “That makes three for three, dear. You’re no longer in trouble.”


  “And… forgiven?”


Ahri narrowed her eyes. “We’ll see. At the very least, I no longer feel the need to check up on you after every round. I am trusting you to obey the rules without my oversight. Am I right to do so?”


  “Yes, ma’am. You can trust me.”


  “I hope so. Of course, should you make it through the next round, I’ll check up on you as usual, but after that, it’s back to normal. However, let me be clear.” Ahri moved her face inches from Caitlyn’s. “Break my rules again, and you’ll never set foot inside these walls until the day you die,” she whispered, her breath brushing Caitlyn’s cheeks. “Are we clear?”


Caitlyn swallowed. “We’re clear.”


  “Good. I’ll send LeBlanc in then.” Ahri left.


The doors opened. A masked figure garbed in black robes glided across the red carpet. White dots, as small as pinpoints, studied Caitlyn from behind the angular, white mask. It reminded Caitlyn of an owl’s face.


  “Hello. How can I serve you, LeBlanc?” Caitlyn asked, putting on her best smile.


  “No names,” Leblanc said, her voice hushed and full of bass. Too much bass. More than even the burliest of men.


Caitlyn dipped her chin. “Of course. My apologies.”


  “Upstairs you will find the rags of a street rat. That is your role until our time is done. Put them on and wipe that makeup off. Clean yourself too. Extensively. It matters not how long it takes.”


  “I can be a street rat for you, but I’m not fucking in any alleys.”


  “No alleys. We’ll go to a bedroom. However, there will be another person present. They won’t be participating. Is this acceptable?”


  “Do they consent?”




  “Then that’s fine. I’ll go get ready… uh-”




Caitlyn smiled. “I’ll go get ready, Mistress.”


LeBlanc nodded. “Good. Meet me in the basement.”


And with that, LeBlanc strolled past Caitlyn and headed downstairs, leaving her with a hundred questions swimming in her head. As Caitlyn scrubbed herself raw, removed her make up, and dressed, she pondered the questions. Why the mask? Who would be watching? Why? Countless answers presented themselves, but by the time Caitlyn was dressed in a scratchy burlap smock and clean as a whistle, she hadn’t settled on one. Her best guess was that LeBlanc was insecure about her looks. 


When she entered the basement, barefoot and dressed in a stitched-together burlap sack, LeBlanc greeted her by caressing her cheek with a robed hand. Her fingers betrayed the illusion of the robe. Small and slender, while the robe suggested size and power. “Perfect,” she said. “He’ll love you.”


  “Thank you, Mistress. May I know who?”


LeBlanc retracted her hand. “It’s best you do. I don’t want you panicking in there. The man who will be watching us is Jericho Swain, The Vision and Grand General of Noxus.”


  “Wha…” Caitlyn’s jaw dropped.


  “Will this be a problem?”


  “Yes! Swain’s a monster! Everyone knows that!”


LeBlanc nodded. “So, would it not feel good to fuck in front of him, to see the desperation in his eyes, to torture him with unrequited lust? As we speak, he is bound and gagged. For the past day, I have been edging him without mercy.”


Caitlyn’s mind went blank. The words LeBlanc said were impossible. They had to be.


  “How, you ask?” Leblanc said. She opened her arms.


And split into three identical copies of herself. As one, they took a bow.


  “O- Okay, you can clone yourself. Sure. Doesn’t Swain have a country to run?”


  “He cleared his schedule. It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity.”


Caitlyn ran her hands through her hair and paced, fighting to ignore the yearning of her groin. “It… doesn’t hurt anyone, right?”


  “No, I suppose it doesn’t?”


  “It’s all consensual.”




  “And will it satisfy you?”




Caitlyn paused, took a deep breath, and nodded. “I’ll do it. Let’s cuck the bastard.”




Jericho Swain, the tyrant of the New Noxian Empire, pulled at rope fastened around his ankles, and around his upper arm pinning his one good arm in a folded position. A masked woman dressed in skimpy, tight leather was stroking his cock. The one who commanded the power of half a continent whimpered at her touch. His desperate eyes begged Caitlyn as she entered behind Leblanc. The woman stayed focused on her work.


Beg all you want, bastard. I’ll never give you relief. “Who is that? You said it’d only be him.”


Without looking at her, Leblanc backhanded Caitlyn. Hard enough to sting, but little else. “Speak when you’re spoken to, Rat. The woman is me. Do not ask why. Accept it as the wise truth of your superiors and sit on the bed’s end, like a good whore.”


Right. I’m supposed to be some clueless beggar. “Yes, Mistress. Sorry, Mistress.” Caitlyn performed a curtsy that would’ve made her mother sick to her stomach, and sat on the bed, back arched, chest puffed, with a slight tremble to really sell it.


LeBlanc gestured to all of her. “She’s to your liking, Vision?”


  “Sh- She’s…” Swain threw his head back against the corner of the room. His pathetic cock heaved, but didn’t spill as LeBlanc’s clone let go. He sighed and flicked his long, white hair out of his face. “She’s perfect, Guile. How on earth did you find such beauty amongst the riff-raff?”


  “I have my methods.”


Swain nodded. “See she’s sent to a brothel in the burrows. With looks like that, and the might of a Noxian, she’ll climb high.”


LeBlanc dipped her head. “Strength above all.”


  “Strength above all.” An iron gaze hardened Swain’s face as he spoke the Noxian words, yet in the next breath, it vanished, replaced by sheepish desperation. “When… When will I be allowed to cum, Guile?”


LeBlanc’s clone perked up as if startled awake and resumed stroking Swain’s cock.


  “Sooner if you behave and stop fighting your restraints.”


  “I would, but my body has – ohh~ – other ideas.”

  “Excuses. You misbehave because deep down, you’re a naughty boy. Aren’t you?”


Swain fought a smile. “M- Maybe.”


  “Say it.”


  “I’m a naughty boy.”


  “Say it properly.”


Swain pumped his hips against the clone’s hand. “I’m a naughty boy, Mommy!”


  “That you are.” Leblanc raised her hand to the mouth of her mask. It clicked and split in two, revealing everything below the nose. A smile plastered her plump, black lips. Two clones shimmered into existence on either side of her. They sported the same smiles, but when LeBlanc’s fell, theirs’ remained. “Both of you disrobe. You, tear those rags off the rat. And you, get her nice and sloppy for me.” Her voice lost its unnatural bass, but it still rolled off her tongue like fog. Thick. Husky.


The clones nodded. “At once,” they said in her voice. Their robes fell to the floor and unveiled the same leather bondage; it showed more skin than it covered. Small lumps bulged their crotches. 


Before Caitlyn could so much as fix a smile on her face, they rushed her. One grabbed her waist and flung her onto the middle of an enormous bed. The other crawled after her. No sooner had Caitlyn’s back hit the silk sheets did the clone grasp her face with small, warm hands, and smother her with a kiss that tasted of roses and perfume.


The other clone grasped the collar of her burlap smock. With one yank, tore it clean in two with a rip that hammered her ears. Body heat brushed her bare skin, flattening her perked nipples, and soothing her racing heart. This was her element.


You want me sloppy? I’ll give you sloppy. Caitlyn wrapped the clone kissing her in a hug and blew against her kiss. They spluttered. Spit bubbled in the corners of their kiss and glazed their chins. 


In the background, Swain moaned and whimpered. She tried to ignore him. But he was too loud.


Caitlyn shot the other clone a glance, expecting her to add her mouth to the equation. She knelt beside them, staring into space. On Caitlyn’s other side, LeBlanc rounded the bed. She tossed off her robes. Gods, those leather bikinis were to die for. It clung to her curves, showed off every part of the breast spare the nipple, and bulged her squishy flesh with its tight grasp. 


With the grace of swam, LeBlanc lay at the head of the bed amongst a pile of red and black pillows. She beckoned with her finger. “Come here. All of you.”


  “At once.” The clones crawled over to her and knelt at attention.


There wasn’t a graceful way to crawl, but that didn’t stop Caitlyn from taking her time. Swain had a tremendous view of her ass and pussy. Let him look. And suffer.


When Caitlyn arrived at the pillows, she was treated to a kiss. LeBlanc’s plump lips smacked as they pulled away. Her small hands wandered down Caitlyn’s waist.


  “Get me hard, Rat.”


  “Yes, Mistress.”


Caitlyn parted the thin strip of leather covering her bulge. A cock the size of her thumb slipped free, foreskin shrivelled. It was a small cock, yet it wasn’t that small; it shouldn’t have so much foreskin. Caitlyn shrugged, sucked on LeBlanc’s smooth balls, and stroked on her weird cock.


LeBlanc stroked her hair. “Don’t be shy. She needs a lot of encouragement to grow.”


A quip came to mind, but Caitlyn buried it for the sake of her character. She sucked on LeBlanc’s balls like they couldn’t feel pain, and strengthened the pressure of her thumb against her tip. 


LeBlanc shuddered. As she should. And her cock grew. And grew. And grew… And grew. Caitlyn’s hand fell to the sheets and LeBlanc’s balls slipped past her lips. The cock loomed over her, thick with pulsing veins. Even on her knees, the cock reached her nipples.


  “Impressed?” LeBlanc massaged her uncut tip.


  “I… but, that’s bigger than…”


  “Camille? Why yes, it is. No doubt you heard she had the biggest cock. A half-truth. She has the biggest natural cock, yes, but magic can take you places nature could never.” One of LeBlanc’s clones grew another clone. “You, go fetch a rubber potion while the whore pleasures me. Take your time.”


  “At once.” The third clone crawled away.


  “You two, take turns on her ass. Just your tips for now. We don’t want to break her.”


  “At once,” the clones said. Their cocks grew to full size, bursting past their leather confinements.

It was cocks like these that Caitlyn lived for. Sure, gifting others with ecstasy made her happy like few things could. But only one thing compared to a giant cock. And she’s not here right now.


Caitlyn attacked LeBlanc's cock. The tip squished her lips into her teeth as it filled her mouth. It squeezed her tongue flat. A monster. Inhuman. No matter how she tried, the tip refused to make it past her gullet. Her throat… wasn’t wide enough.


  “So ambitious~” LeBlanc caressed her puffed cheek. “Admirable, yet hopeless. It won’t fit, Rat. Focus on my tip. I’ll put your throat in due time. Can you be a good whore?”


Caitlyn met her eyes; her pin-point white eyes. She nodded.


  “Excellent, go ah- oh!


Caitlyn sucked LeBlanc’s tip, and her mistress melted. A lazy grin spread across her painted lips. Her hands fell to the sheets.


LeBlanc was a puppet and Caitlyn held the strings. Slither her tongue, LeBlanc arched her back. Apply pressure with her mouth, LeBlanc raked the covers and moaned. Squeeze the balls, LeBlanc kicked her feet, tangling the sheets. A song and a dance. LeBlanc performed at Caitlyn’s leisure.


Until the clone’s cock split her ass in two.


Caitlyn bulked. Spluttered. A tearing pain shredded her asshole as the fat tip stretched it to the very limit, further than she’d even gone before, further than anyone should go. The orgasm arrived like a slap across the head. As she squirted, Swain’s laugh echoed far away. So far away.


  “Did I say stop?” LeBlanc asked.


  “H- Huh?”


Caitlyn's jaw spun. The sharp sting appeared on her cheek a moment later.


  “Did.” Slap. “I.” Slap. “Say.” Slap. “Stop?” Slap.


LeBlanc’s thigh punched Caitlyn’s nose, but it hadn’t come to her. She’d come to it. Caitlyn struggled to her hands and knees, ass screaming, cheeks burning, nose throbbing. “N- No.”


  “Then what are you doing, Rat? Serve your betters.”


  “But, it’s too big. I- I can’t take it.”


Another slap, yet Caitlyn hardly felt it. “Are you a Noxian?”


No. “Yes.”


  “Then you will persevere until the rubber potion arrives.”


Caitlyn swallowed. “Y- Yes, Mistress.”


The clone pulled out. Sweet relief. The other clone took it away faster than it came. Caitlyn bore the pain like any good whore would. She rose to her knees, cupped LeBlanc’s balls and filled her mouth with the fat tip. Sweet pre-cum filled her mouth, but it was hard to enjoy with two giant cocks coming and going from her ass.


And yet, she persevered. Even as tears streamed down her face and sobs forced her to choke, she worshipped LeBlanc’s tip.


Fate had a strange way of rewarding the diligent. The more Caitlyn worshipped, the more the pain turned to pleasure until agony made room for euphoria. Pleasure beyond her wildest dreams made a happy slut of Caitlyn. She fucked and sucked, moaning with a smile on her face.


LeBlanc stammered something to one of her clones, but Caitlyn paid it no mind. It didn’t matter. Nothing mattered. Only pleasure pleasure pleasure! More more more! Faster! Harder!


Her head tilted back, torn away from her mistress’s cock. No! She fought return but the grip was too strong. It forced her mouth open and poured sweet, blue nectar down her throat. Tingles crawled across her skin. Pain vanished.


And the clone’s cock buried inside her ass. Not just the tip, nor halfway; the whole cock, tip to base. Its fat tip settled behind her breasts, bulging their valley. As Caitlyn collapsed onto her hands knees, LeBlanc got to her knees, pressed her palm into Caitlyn’s forehead, and shoved her cock down her throat until she touched tips with her clone.


Full. Caitlyn was stuffed, lips to asshole.


Swain whimpered. “G- Go all out, Guile! Ruin her!”


  “What did I say about talking, naughty boy? You, on the floor; gag him.”


  “At once.”


Come on, just fuck me already!


Caitlyn got her wish. Like lumberjacks with a crosscut saw, LeBlanc and the clone thrust their cocks back and forth through Caitlyn. Even when one wasn’t completely inside her, she was fully stuffed at all times.


Thoughts drifted away. The pleasure was incomprehensible. Something mortals weren’t supposed to experience. So, in the face of such might, what was there to do but drift away and focus on the ecstasy on her mistress’s lips? That all too familiar smile. Open a jar. Drooped a fraction. As if a word lingered on her tongue, teetering on the cusp of being spoken, but never quite finding the strength to take the final step.


  “I’m…” LeBlanc hunched over, as did her clone. “I’m gonna…” She tugged Caitlyn’s hair; the clone squeezed her ass. “I’m gonna cum!” LeBlanc whipped her cock out of her mouth, and it heaved, heaved, heaved, but didn’t blow. Her clone didn’t pull out, nor did it slow. It froze balls deep inside her ass, shuddered, and blew its load like a fire hose.


Caitlyn came with her. She melted as her muscles spasmed all around the clone’s heaving cock.


LeBlanc collapsed against the pillows and clutched her chest as she fought for a breath.


That’s it? She talked such a big game, and orgasmed after what? Two minutes? What a letdown.


Cum gushing down her inner thighs, Caitlyn hacked a spluttering cough. “Over so soon? I expected the Guile to have more stamina than that.”


  “Over? I haven’t even started, Rat!” LeBlanc split into four more clones. They sat around her, clutching their chests.


  “But the ru-”


  “Are quite clear. Once your partner cums, their turn is over.”


  “The clones are you. You said so.”


LeBlanc smirked. “In a sense, but she was quite clear, was she not? Guile is your partner. Her?” She pointed at the orgasming clone. “That’s clone number 2, not Guile.” She snapped her fingers. Clone 2 vanished.


Caitlyn gasped as the sudden absence in her ass buckled her knees. She caught herself before she could fall, and stared LeBlanc down, grinning ear to ear. “Bring them on. I’ll take them all, Mistress!”


LeBlanc huffed. Snapped her fingers. “Run a train on her. All of you.”




Six giant cocks. All for her. A reward worthy of champions.


Many times before, Caitlyn thought she’d found heaven at the business end of a giant cock. During Camille’s punishment. Illaoi’s trials. Gwen’s comfort. What a fool she’d been. This! This is heaven!


She was their communal cum dumpster, their plaything, their hole to use and forget about. The rich scent of two dozen loads large enough to fill buckets freshened the air. Buckets. They were literally cumming buckets inside her ass… her mouth… on her back… her face… one by one the clones glazed her.


And when one emptied its balls on the free-use slut, they vanished. LeBlanc replaced them with a mere snap of her fingers. Again and again and again. They took her two at a time; the ass; the mouth. When both clones finished and vanished, the next opposite-facing pair got their turn.


Not one pair finished before she came twice, at least.


Around and around she went, without end. Pleasure without end. Isn’t that the exact description of heaven? Yes. Which is why, deep down, Caitlyn knew higher heights still awaited her. She was going to pass out soon. The end of her time as the communal whore would come to a close, and she’d fail Mistress Ahri’s challenge. She’d let down Vi.


After recovering from a mind-shattering orgasm, and coughing up cum until her belly was no longer bulged, Caitlyn knocked away the next pair’s attempts to ravage her. “Some Noxian you are.” She wiped her mouth. “Mistress.


The clones froze. In the corner, Swain stopped squirming. LeBlanc sat up, death in her eyes.


  “Excuse me?”


  “Strength above all. Ha! How can you say that while you lounge about on silk cushions while your clones do all the hard work?”


Swain cackled a muffled laugh.


  “Watch your tongue, Rat.”


  “Afraid you won’t last long enough?”




  “Then stop relaxing and fuck me!” Caitlyn dipped her chin. “Mistress.”

LeBlanc snapped her fingers and all the clones disappeared. “I’m going to fuck your brains out, Rat. Consider this your only warning.”


  “Yeah yeah.” Caitlyn lay on her back and spread her legs. Her glazed skin stuck to the sheets. “You’ll last five minutes, tops.”


LeBlanc laughed. “Look at yourself! I won’t feel a thing.”


Caitlyn’s ass opened and closed. Wide. Wider than it had any right. Like a mouth yawning to the end of its limit. She shrugged. “All the more embarrassing for you.”


  “Get on the floor.”




  “The floor! I want him to have the best view of your face when you pass out on my cock. I’ll make him cum. 24 hours of built-up cum, desperate to escape, will glaze the frozen look of shock on your unconscious face!”




Caitlyn bucked against LeBlanc’s heavy thrusts, slapping her empty pussy against her balls. Mistress wouldn’t win. If she could pass Illaoi’s trials, some bitch from Noxus stood no chance, monster cock or no monster cock.


And LeBlanc’s was a monster. The pleasure when it stuffed more than half her torso blurred her vision. A lesser whore would have passed out after one stroke; hell, after just the tip. Pain and euphoria danced a duet, forcing the most pitiful, pathetic moans from her mouth.


Swain loved it. The bastard. LeBlanc had to order a clone to nail his restraints to the wall before she resumed his handjob. He had fought tooth and nail to reach Caitlyn. The way he’d eyed her hung-open mouth made her skin crawl, and not in the fun way LeBlanc’s pounding did.


Pounding was an understatement. LeBlanc was fucking her like she wanted to split her in two with every stroke, and without the rubber potion, she would have succeeded. Thrusts so savage they caused pain, spitting in the face of the potion’s effects.


An amateur mistake.


  “Y- You’re…” LeBlanc whimpered, and swallowed. “Close! You’ll… you’ll pass out any – AH~ – any moment now!”


To be fair, it wasn’t a lie. The world was spinning. Swain’s desperate eyes and wrinkled, flabby body swirled. The squelch of her ass and pitched whine of her moans fuzzed. Her limit fast approached, and neither of them planned to slow down.


Caitlyn mustered the last of her strength, collapsed onto her face, and clenched her ass. She came, instantly, the moment her ass muscle grasped LeBlanc’s bulbous tip pleasure exploded through her. The ends of her toes and fingers tingled.


The clone froze. Swain’s face dropped. LeBlanc whipped her cock out, heaved, heaved, heaved, and cummed buckets all over Caitlyn’s crumpled body.


As hot, sticky rope after hot, sticky rope blasted Caitlyn’s head, back, and ass, she smiled. 


  “I win, Mistress. I’m the greatest whore in the world… as was destined.”

Thanks for reading! Feedback is appreciated <3

Next chapter, Caitlyn fucks Akali, The Rogue Assassin

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