Caitlyn’s F*ta Obsession


Thank you to my patrons: Lolop 12 and SambaZero

Caitlyn bowed her head. "Again, sorry for making you do this."

In the doorway of the quaint farmhouse, Riven let loose a sweet, wonderful laugh. "Nah, it's my fault for destroying those pants. Should have figured it'd leave you with nothing to wear on the walk back."

"Even so, I'm the one who asked you too."

"And I listened. We could go around in circles all day arguing who's at fault. But what's the point when it's not a big deal to begin with? You don't feel comfortable walking down the path with your ass out, and I only have enough clothes for me. So, I should go bring the portal here. It's only right. Hell, after the time you gave me, I'd walk a hundred miles to keep you comfortable."

"I know. But still, thank you."

Riven slipped her arm around Caitlyn's waist and kissed the top of her head. "Thank you. I haven't had a nice, calm fuck in a while. We're doing this again when you're done with the others, yeah?"

Caitlyn kissed her back, standing on her toes. "Definitely. Although, it might not be right away. I'm afraid I've promised quite a few of the others that we'll fuck again."

"Of course you have. That's the kind of person you are."

"And what's that?"

"A people pleaser." Riven squeezed her ass. "Best kind there is."

After a few more kisses, and a little more groping, Caitlyn let Riven leave for the portal. She sat on the couch alone with her thoughts. For the first time in a while, dread was nowhere to be seen. Yes, when she told the upper brass that she'd fucked a suspect in an inspection room (property of the city), she'd lose her job. No longer would she be an officer, but that didn't mean she couldn't help people. Maybe not as many, true, yet few she would help, she could hold in her arms, taste, and smell. She could help them on a deep, personal level. When would she ever be able to do something like that on patrol?

If my body is what helps people, I'd best take care of it.

Caitlyn spread her legs. Despite how gently Riven had fucked it, a bruise surrounded its gaped rim. The human body wasn't designed for this much sex. Honestly, it was a miracle nothing like this had happened yet.

Noxians were brutal. Everyone knew that. Their national motto was literally Strength Above All. A people of conquest and war, most Noxians were born and raised soldiers. Riven was an exception. A gentle fuck was the last she should expect, even if she was hurt. More like, I should expect a pounding or a good beating. Which didn't sound awful, mind you, just inconvenient. She couldn't pass out. Not before she pleasured everyone.

A flash of light turned the world stark white. Caitlyn shielded her eyes against the corner of the room. The flash vanished, leaving white dots in the corners of Caitlyn's vision and a glowing sphere. The sphere dulled. And popped.

Riven held out her hand. "Sorry for the wait."

"Oh, it was no time at all." Caitlyn hurried across the room and threw herself into Riven's arms. "You know, making out after you cum isn't against the rules."

"Neither is groping."

As Caitlyn stood on her toes, locked lips with Riven's hot mouth, and had her ass engulfed by Riven's huge hands, the bubble whisked them away.


Caitlyn stumbled out of the portal ring, slobbery and out of breath.

"That got kind of intense, huh?" Riven said. Wiping her mouth, she strolled past Caitlyn without a care in the world. As she should.

Caitlyn fanned her flushed face. "Just a little."

Riven took a deep breath. Her shoulders squared, and the iron glare returned.

"Is something wrong? If there's anything I can do, please... let me know."

"Nothing is wrong. Our time is simply over. I must face the others. Again, I thank you. For a moment you made the world seem just and fair, and for that I am eternally grateful."

"I'll make it seem that way again. I promise."

A faint smile curved Riven's lips. "I look forward to it."

Ahri awaited them at the top of the stairs, nine tails swishing. She gave Caitlyn an amused look. "What happened to your clothes?"

"Destroyed," Riven said. "It was my doing. I'll accept any responsibility."

Ahri waved her off. "If I cared about those clothes I wouldn't have offered them to you."

"Right. I'll be off then."

"Visit Gwen, won't you? She just got done with Kayle and could use a gentle touch when she wakes up."

"How bad?"

"Actually, quite good. She made it to the end before passing out."

"Impressive. She might be ready to go all the way when it's her turn next."

"Maybe." Ahri eyed Caitlyn. "It's no small feat. How many attempts did it take you again?"


Riven bowed her head, snapped on her heels and left Caitlyn alone with Ahri.

"I didn't break any rules, Mistress," Caitlyn said.

"I know. Your soul speaks for itself. That makes two acts of obedience and three of disobedience. And what else is that I see? Pride?"

Caitlyn fidgeted. "Yes... I've, uh, come to terms with what we did."

Ahri cocked her head. "What did we do?"

"Fucked in a public interrogation room, Mistress."

"Ah, yes. What's there to come to terms with? It was fun!"

"It was... pardon any disrespect... but it was illegal. And wrong."

Ahri shrugged. "I won't argue the legality of it. But wrong? It's a fairly harmless human taboo to break, public decency. Vastayans pleasure each other where eyes can see."

"Without consent?"

"Do you ask for consent when you eat in front of others? Or laugh?" Ahri's golden eyes flashed blue. "Ah, never mind. I see your soul will not be moved on the matter. Let's just agree to disagree and not keep your next partner waiting. Yes?"

Caitlyn gave a stiff nod. "Yes, Mistress."

"Very good." Ahri knocked on the double doors. "Rell, come in."

The double doors opened for a tall woman with a head of poofy, golden hair and eyes to match - both of which glowed yellow like old lightbulbs, glittering across her bronze face. She wore normal clothes. Black sweatpants and a hoodie. Compared to the fanciful outfits of the others – wraps of cloth, form-fitting leather, shiny silk – everyday clothes were uncanny. With a thick, raised eyebrow, she evaluated Caitlyn.

"Are the clothes treating you well?" Ahri asked.

Rell looked Caitlyn up and down. "Yeah. Thanks."

"What's mine is yours, dear. Apologies again for Camille's behaviour. You know how she gets."

"Wouldn't have worn 'em if I couldn't afford to lose 'em."

"Of course. Well, I'll leave you to it. Fair warning. She's a bit sore."

"After Riven?"

"After four rounds of anal."

"Oh yeah. That. Do I have to do that? Anal's a fucking chore."


Rell clicked her tongue. "Whatever. Can you leave now? I'm horny."

"Yes yes, I'll get out of your hair." Ahri shot Caitlyn a strict look and shut the doors behind Rell.

Rell jutted her chin at Caitlyn. "So you're Caitlyn?"

Caitlyn smiled. "I am. And I take it you're Rell?"

"The one and only. They say you're the kind and polite type. That true?"

"I'd like to believe so. I'm afraid I don't know anything about you."

"Let's keep it that way. Can you keep a secret?"

Caitlyn blinked. Her smile faltered. "A secret?"

"Yes. A secret. I don't want you blabbing about what we get up to, to the others. Especially, Leblanc. That something you can do?"

That's all? Caitlyn's smile returned. "If it's discretion you want, it's discretion you'll get. We're here to serve each other. As long as it's reasonable, I'll do or be whatever you want."

Rell scowled. "Swear it."

"Like an oath?"


"Okay... I swear that whatever happens between us will stay between us, on my honour."

Rell's scowl flickered. She avoided Caitlyn's eyes. "Thank you..."

"Shall we head downstairs, or do you want to do it here?"

"Downstairs, but not yet. The men have prepared an outfit for you. Wear all of it. And tie your hair into a bun; a wide one; low, so that it touches the back of your neck."

Caitlyn dipped her head. "As you wish. Any makeup?"

"Y- Yes. Lots of it. Lay it on thick." Devilish excitement bubbled in Rell's eyes and a grin split her face.

Caitlyn giggled. "Doll myself up. Got it."

Rell hunched her shoulders. Her scowl returned. "Don't take too long. I'm horny," she muttered, skulking towards the stairs.


The waves of Rell's golden afro shone like hammered gold under the many swirling colours of the portal bubble. She stood a pointed distance from Caitlyn, hands tucked in her hoodie, eyes absent.

Meanwhile, Caitlyn felt like a clown pretending to be a housewife. The outfit Rell chose was an ankle-length dress that billows at the hips, an apron, and high heels. Not exactly sexy, but if it's what she wanted, it's what she wanted. Did she have to make me wear underwear, though?

Frilly knickers and an ornate wire bra clung to her body, trapping it. The human form wasn't meant to be so constricted. Barely any of her skin showed, save her face and arms – the dress had a high collar.

The bubble popped. An apartment – with a distinctly noxian flair – appeared in the blink of an eye. Black walls. Red furniture. Does every Noxus home have to be designed by vampires? At least it was clean. Too clean. It looked like the pictures on for-sale signs, where everything was strategically placed so that even the most mundane places looked like dream homes. Cleaning chemicals burned Caitlyn's nose, and lemon lingered on her tongue. A crib full of baby toys sat in the corner of the living room.

"Who lives here?" Caitlyn asked.

"Don't worry, it's my place. No one lives here."

"You have a kid?"

Rell shot her a glare. "It's mine from when I was a kid."

Caitlyn crossed her arms. "I'm not fucking you in it."

"Wha... no! God, why did that even cross your mind? Just ignore it, okay? Please..."

"Sorry." Dumbass. "So, what is it you wanted to do?"

"You can't judge me."

Caitlyn uncrossed her arms and smiled. "Rell, I'm not going to judge you."

"Okay..." Rell chewed her lip. "I, uh, I want to roleplay."


"As – and you can't judge me, I mean it – as mother and daughter."

Caitlyn raised an eyebrow. "Incest?"

"You said you wouldn't judge me!"

"I'm not! It's just... that's illegal."

Rell deadpanned. "We're not related, Caitlyn. It's just pretend."

"I guess... that's true. It's not harming anyone, so it's harmless. Right?"

"Are you asking me, or yourself? Because it sounds like yourself."

Caitlyn squared her shoulders. "It's harmless."

"Great. Now that you've dealt with your crisis, swear you won't tell anyone about this."

"But, I already-"

"Swear it again."

Caitlyn rolled her eyes. "I swear I won't tell anyone about this."

"Especially LeBlanc."

"Especially LeBlanc."

Rell narrowed her eyes. "I... believe you. Break this oath and I break you. Clear?"


"Good. Follow me. I'll show you what I want you to do."


Caitlyn was counted down from fifty at the end of a narrow hallway, like a villain waiting in the wing. Nervous. She actually felt nervous, as if she was twelve again back at her elementary school play. I've fucked a cyborg with scissor legs and a cock longer than my fucking forearm, and this is what makes me nervous.

There were no windows in the hall. Slithers of sunlight light trickled under the hallway doors. Except one. Warm, orange candlelight split out from under the door at the end of the hall.

Count to fifty. Clack your heels against the floorboards. Act surprised. Simple. So, why the hell was she so nervous?

Her count reached zero. She took a deep breath, stomped down the hall, and opened the door at the end of the hall without knocking. Rell was laying on her bed, cock perched above her waistband, jerking off to a drawing of a female lion vastayan spread eagle. Caitlyn's stomach dropped.

Rell's cock... it rivalled Camille's. No, it matched Camille's! Thick as a water bottle. Longer than her forearm. A shaft bulged with muscle, flawless skin.

"M- Mother!" Rell cried, fumbling to hide her cock and drawing.

Never mind her cock! Act, you idiot! "Daughter, what is this?" Daughter? Fucking daughter? What kind of mother calls their daughter, daughter? Idiot! Stupid! Dumbass!

"It's nothing! Get out!"

Caitlyn put on a gentle smile; a perfect one, mind you. She closed the door and sat on the end of Rell's bed. "It's nothing to be ashamed of, sweetheart. Was that drawing of a girl?"

Rell flushed. Whoa. "Yes..." She slipped her cock back inside her sweatpants and sat up, stiff as a board.

Caitlyn cradled her hand. "That's perfectly natural, okay?"

"You're... not upset?"

"Upset? Sweetheart, you could never upset me."

Rell enormous bulge twitched. "You mean it?"

"Yes. I love you, Rell. Nothing will ever change that."

"I love you too, Mother." Rell squeezed it back.

Caitlyn kissed her hand. "I..." Gods, this feels wrong. "I couldn't help but notice your technique, sweetheart. It's all wrong."

Rell laughed. "Thanks for the pointer. What are you gonna do, show me how it's done?"

"Actually~" Caitlyn ran her fingers up Rell's thigh. "That's exactly what I want to do."

"H- Haha. Very funny mother." Rell's bulge heaved.

"It's no joke, dear. I had something of a wild streak when I was your age. So, I know my way around a cock. You must learn the proper technique. Self-pleasure is vital for your health. And no daughter of mine will be going around giving meek handjobs. Unless you're only into girls."

Rell's eyes widened. "I'm not."

"Then it's imperative you learn." Caitlyn clapped. "Now, cock out. Let's not waste time getting you hard again. Cocks your size can be finicky like that."

"Y- Yes, mother."

Rell pulled her waistband below her balls, and her cock sprung free. It stood tall with a slight curve, the cut tip level with the bottom of her chest, leaking precum. Caitlyn grasped it. Her fingers didn't meet, nor could her palm fit Rell's balls comfortably.

Rell gasped. "M- Mother, this is wrong."

No shit. "Oh please, I changed your diapers, Rell. It's nothing I haven't seen. Now, it's tempting to try and stroke your cock from tip to base, and if you weren't so big that would be fine, but when it comes to such lengths all you're doing is wasting time. All the pleasure comes from the tip." Caitlyn cupped the tip and massaged it with a tender grip and a twist. "See? Don't bother with the shaft, sweetheart."

Rell melted. She braced herself to stay sitting. "Mother~"

"So young," Caitlyn tittered. "An older cock won't even twitch at this. Idle hands are the bane of pleasure. While one hand attends to the tip, the other must serve the balls." Caitlyn gently squeezed Rell's balls in time with the twist of her other wrist. "Or the ass, if you're feeling adventurous. Let's keep it simple though, yes?"

"Uh huh..." Rell threw back her head and let out a moan. Ecstacy trembled on her lips and shimmered in her electric eyes.

"Look at you. Aren't you so pretty when you're enjoying yourself?"

"You're..." Rell grunted. "You're pretty too, Mother. So pretty."

Caitlyn leaned over to Rell. Rell didn't hesitate. Her mouth rushed into the embrace of Caitlyn's lips. She tasted sweet. A familiar sweet. Is that cum, I taste? It appears my daughter isn't so inexperienced after all. Wait... not my daughter. Rell. A stranger. This isn't real, idiot. Caitlyn broke their kiss.

Rell gasped a moan and pleaded with her eyes.

"Your father won't be home for a couple of hours. Shall we try something a little more... advanced?" Caitlyn asked.

"Y- Yes please, Mother."

Caitlyn grasped Rell's face and kissed her until they were out of breath. "Get undressed and meet me in the kitchen," Caitlyn said, breathless. "You're going to love this."


The snow-white granite of the kitchen counter chilled Caitlyn's back, even through her dress's thick cloth. It felt like ice cubes were pressed against the notches of her spine. The chill excited her desperate pussy, and it took all her resolve not to break character (and Ahri's rules) and beg Rell to obliterate it.

Rell loomed over her without a scrap of clothing, massaging her cock's fat tip. Runes covered her body. They weren't tattoos nor paint. They were brands. She asked me not to draw attention to them, but that's kinda hard when they're on every part of her body.

"Sh- Should I take your underwear off, mother?"

Caitlyn gazed into her eyes. Only her eyes. "Yes, dear." The brands rolled over the definition of her muscles, the curve of her hips, and the bust of her breasts. Unless they'd used a curved iron custom fit for her body, they must have done it to her when she was a child.

Rell tossed aside Caitlyn's frilly knickers. Her cock twitched, and when a cock of that size twitches, it heaves. Like the arched back of a stretching cat. Caitlyn felt tiny in its shadow painted across her belly and chest. She didn't let the fear show.

"Now, dear. You're going to use my ass, okay? We wouldn't want to get me pregnant. That would cause some... inconvenient questions."

Rell nodded. "You're so gaped, mother..."

"You caught me after a self-pleasure session. A good thing too, or I mightn't have been able to take you."

"Am I really that big?"

"Enormous. Just like your father."

Rell beamed. "Would he be proud?"

"Sweetheart, he'd be proud of you no matter what. Both of us would."

Rell's eyes sparkled with tears. "I love you, mother." She grabbed the back of Caitlyn's knees.

She can really act. "I love you too, my sweet baby girl." Rell's tip prodded her ass. "Be gentle, d- ah!"

Rell rammed her cock up Caitlyn's ass. Caitlyn saw white. Her ears rang. And her head spun. When her senses settled, she returned to pleasure beyond her wildest dreams. Her belly bulged from naval to the bottom of her ribcage, sweet ecstasy swelling all around it. It paralysed her, locking her jaw and joints.

"M- Mother? Are you okay? Did I... go too hard?"

Don't play dumb. You're not actually inexperienced, you asshole. Caitlyn tried to speak, but spluttered instead.

Rell caressed Caitlyn's hips. "It's okay, mommy. I think I know what to do. The harder I thrust, the better it feels, right?"

That's not right at all and you know it! "R- Rell, D- D- D-"

"Shhh. Just relax. I'll take it from here." Rell pinned Caitlyn's knees against her breasts.

And railed her. The counter shook. Pots and pans rattled on hooks. Glasses toppled in their cabinets. A fruit bowl hopped toward the edge. Caitlyn whimpered. Rell laughed.

"I never knew you were such a slut, mommy! Fuck, you feel good!"

"Ungh... ungh..." Each thrust felt like it turned her inside out, and they were only getting faster.

"You're such a slut, mommy. A good slut. My slut. Y- Yeah, you're all mine. From now on, I think I'll use you every day. You'll be by slutty, gaped bitch! Pumped full of cum. A smile on your face. Hungry for more. I- I'll make Daddy watch, and maybe fuck him too, and watch you fuck him, and fuck you both at the same time, and we'll be one big happy family!

"Won't we? WON'T WE?" Rell slapped her. Heat seared her cheek. "Say it! Say we're a happy family!" she screamed.

"We're... We're one big – ungh~ – big happy family..."

Rell bellowed and pressed down on Caitlyn with all her strength. Pain hammered her knees, her lower back, and raked claws up and down her belly. Wonderful, heavenly pain. And to top it off, ecstasy swan in Rell's eyes. It lived in her wild smile, the glimmer of sunlight against her clenched teeth, and her laughter. Glorious, rolling laughter.

Pots and pans clattered on the floor. Glasses shattered. Apples and oranges spilled. Rell whooped.

Caitlyn came. A pathetic, whimpering orgasm to the ears. A tidal wave to her insides. If she'd had it in her, she'd have squirted like a hose sprung a leak, but only a dribble trickled onto Rell's pumping cock.

"Mommy, you're so cute when you cum!"

"Ungh..." Caitlyn grinned.

"But it made you so dirty... Can't have that. You'd never let me walk around so filthy. Would you? WOULD YOU?" Rell slapped her. She pulled out. "Get up! Time for a shower!"


Thin jets of water bombarded Caitlyn's shoulder blades. Water pooled under her cheek, swirling towards the drain. Your breaths quickened when you're getting fucked. It wasn't something Caitlyn had given much thought until then. Every time she breathed, she inhaled water, and she breathed with every gasp, and she gasped with each of Rell's brutal, frantic thrusts.

Rell squeezed her hips as she railed her ass. Her grip forbade Caitlyn's knees from giving out, but not her arms. The angle stopped her cock from venturing as deep as before, but at such a size the difference was marginal. It still made her powerless. Even so – be it sheer will or stubbornness – Caitlyn bucked against her thrusts, like a good whore. Rell's ecstasy is worth any discomfort.

"How does it feel, mommy?" Rell slapped her ass. "I spent three hours a day in here, scrubbing away my filth. Doesn't it feel good to be so clean?! It must! Why else would you make me do it?!"

Caitlyn couldn't even say ungh anymore. Instead, she spluttered and coughed and spluttered some more. Her ass clenched around Rell's cock and pleasure swelled in her groin.

Rell froze, halfway in, which felt as deep as Briar's cock. "Uh uh, mommy. You can't cum in here, mommy. That'd defeat the whole point!"

Caitlyn's jaw unlocked. She sighed. "When... can I cum, dear?"

"When I say! Slut!" Rell slapped her ass again. And again. And again. And didn't stop. Back and forth she went, pummeling Caitlyn's cheeks. Sometimes with her palm, sometimes with the back of her knuckles.

Caitlyn moaned as she took her beating. After everything she'd endured the past couple rounds, the inner turmoil, egos bigger than gods, Ahri's disappointment – after all that she deserved to enjoy a good, solid beating.

As she fought for a breath, Rell's arms fell to her sides. The spray of the shower filled a tense absence. She pulled out. "Get up."

Pain disobeyed. It locked her joints, and no matter how hard she tried, Caitlyn couldn't lift her face.

"Useless bitch!" Rell shoved her over. The tiles slammed Caitlyn's hip, but the pain got lost in the noise. "You expect so much of me! Demand perfection! And you can't even stand?" Black light pulsed beneath the scars of her brands.

"I'm... trying."

Rell laughed hysterically. "What was it you always said? Try harder!" She yanked Caitlyn onto her feet, squeezed her throat, and pinned her to the wall. The shower bombarded her head, spraying Caitlyn's face. "I'm going to fucking break you." Her runes pulsed. She punched the tile beside Caitlyn's head. It shattered.


Caitlyn bit down on a pillow as Rell fucked her into the parent's bed. Shattered frames hung on the wall, scraps of pictures clinging to their corners. Pulsing black light beat back the sun and painted long claw-like shadows on the wall. She bounced with each, heavy, frantic thrust. Her guts and the bed frame screamed as one.

On the first day of the academy, the fighting instructor beat the new recruits to a pulp so they could experience true pain. Rell wasn't even hitting her, and Caitlyn felt ten times worse. Her mouth tasted like steel, and pillow, but mostly steel. Her bones groaned, her muscles wept, and her ass pleaded for mercy. None came.

But that was okay. Rell was having the time of her life. So happy. So carefree. So innocent. Whatever torture she'd endured from her parents melted away, forgotten, as she lay into Caitlyn with all her strength. And then some. What was a bit of pain in the face of such beauty?

There was one... small problem, however. As much as she disregarded the pain, the human body would only endure so much. She'd pass out. Soon.


"Shut up!"

"Rell, I-"

"Shut up!" She punched the back of her head.

Stars swam in her vision; little balls of white light. She mustered all her strength, banishing them. "Sweetheart, mommy's going to pass out."

"So? I'll fuck you while you're unconscious, and you'll like it." Rell spat on her back. "Slut."

"There are..." Caitlyn whimpered. The pain was clouding her mind. "Rules, sweetheart." I'll break character if you make me. Don't think I won't.

Rell froze. The black light retreated and sunlight reclaimed the room. "There... there are." Her voice trembled. "Are you okay, uh, mommy?"

"I'll live. You don't have to stop, just be mindful that I don't have an enhanced body."

"N- No. I think I should get Ahri. You're bleeding, Caitlyn."

"Don't you dare!"

Rell recoiled. "Wh- Wha-"

"If you get her now, she'll end my run! I'm going to fuck all of you, no matter what! So you can't leave without cumming first!"

"But, Caitlyn-"

Caitlyn lowered her voice. "Rell, if you get Ahri, I'll tell everyone what we did together."

"You wouldn't!"

"I would. And they'll believe me too. So, get over here and shove your cock back inside my ass, or down my throat, or anywhere so long as it isn't my pussy, and blow your fucking load!"

Rell's mouth hung open. "You're fucking crazy."

"Don't test me, you little slut."

Rell gulped and scrambled back into position. "F- Fine, but I'm not using my whole cock, and I'm going slowly."

"Whatever, so long as you cum and enjoy yourself. Flip me over. I want to look into your eyes."

"Yes, ma'am!"

Rell's tip slipped inside her ass, but no more. She jostled her hips. Caitlyn tensed her abused ass, squeezing Rell's fat, hot tip.

"You do know who's next, right?"

The tip on its own turned Caitlyn's muscles to jelly "No," she moaned.

"LeBlanc! Her cock is the same size as mine!"

The sheets tangled around Caitlyn's arms as she squirmed. "Will she beat me?"

"No, but-"

"Then, I'll manage."


"Rell, shut up and have a fucking pleasant time."

Rell's cock heaved. "Y- Yes, ma'am."

For a while, an awkward silence choked the air, interrupted occasionally by a moan or sigh from Caitlyn or a squelch from her ass. Awkward as it may be, it was nice after all the yelling, screaming, and slapping of flesh, to stew in silence. Like meditation, only with the tip of a cock bigger than the biggest buttplugs up her ass.

Rell whimpered. She hugged Caitlyn's legs against her branded breasts. "It feels so good~"

"I know."

"B- Better than before. How?"

Caitlyn giggled. "Because when you go fast and hard, it's easy to lose your rhythm."

"Does it feel good for you too?"

"Yes, but it'd feel even better if you rubbed my clit. Slow. In time with your hips. And circles. I prefer circles."

Rell moaned. "Okay, mo- ma'am~" She pressed her thumb against her clit.

Caitlyn caught her wrist. "You can still call me mommy."

"I- I can't."

"You can."

Rell shook her head. "If I do, I'll hurt you."

Caitlyn let go and shrugged. "Fair enough. Well, go to town. Let's not keep LeBlanc waiting any longer than necessary. You're close, I can tell, but I expect to cum once more before you're done."

Rell grinned. "Yes, ma'am."

The circles started slow. Careful patterns of pleasure swelled alongside the jostling of Rell's fat tip. The more it swelled, the more Caitlyn moaned. The sweet music of pleasure. Ecstasy swam in Rell's eyes as she added her voice to the song; a disorderly song with no rhyme or reason. The sort of song that only sounds beautiful with a thumb on your clit and a cock up your ass.

From her time as a whore, Caitlyn had come to expect a crescendo when orgasms arrived, yet when she came on Rell's thumb and cock, it was less of a crescendo and more of a fade out. A slow release of pleasure, dwindling to silence. She floated on a warm cloud, content. Rell's orgasms snuck up on her, but it was not a gradual fade nor a grand crescendo.

Rell spluttered, collapsed, and pumped wave after wave of cum into the gaped entrance of Caitlyn's ass, making a mess of her parent's tangled sheets.

Thanks for reading! Feedback is appreciated <3

Next chapter, Caitlyn fucks LeBlanc, The Deceiver

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