Pamper Eighties

Chapter 52

Director Zhao was standing under the electric light, he frowned tightly and rubbed his chin, like a black man, suddenly shook his head and said, “We can’t tell right now, what if his license plate is also fake? You What I saw with my own eyes is not necessarily true, but this is also a way of thinking. I will let them go to the DMV at dawn. If the license plate is real, then these people are too stupid. We shall find it.”

Once Director Zhao’s thoughts were opened, his mind quickly turned, “I think the whereabouts of this watermelon should be carefully investigated. There are nearly 10,000 watermelons in four carts. He has to take out so many watermelons. Selling, it is impossible not to leave clues, we will follow this line to track down, maybe we can find their whereabouts.”

“The worst result is to follow the letter of introduction to find him in Guangzhou, but I think his letter of introduction is 99% fake. You all say he doesn’t look like a Guangzhou native. If he is really from Guangzhou, we will not Knowing where he lives, this road should be impossible.”

Feng Yimin also looked solemn. His heart was heavy as if a big rock was falling. He complained that the villagers were unwilling to believe in liars. Now that they were really deceived, he felt very uncomfortable as the village chief. He sincerely asked Director Zhao and said: “Old Zhao, hundreds of thousands of watermelon money is really important to our village. Some villagers don’t grow much rice at home, so they are waiting to sell watermelons to buy food. The public food will be handed over soon, and the villagers will have to eat themselves, if the money is not recovered, our village will really suffer this time.”

Director Zhao followed with a sigh, patted his shoulder understandingly and said, “Yimin, take the people from the village back first, and I will send someone to investigate Feng Dafu’s social relations at dawn tomorrow. Who has he been in contact with recently? If you have any clues, you can also tell our police. It is so late now, you have to be careful when you go back. Tomorrow we will go to your village for on-the-spot investigation. I am also responsible for the case, even if I chase it to the ends of the earth, I will find this **** liar for you.”

Feng Yimin took the people from the village and rushed back overnight. It was already early morning when he arrived at the house, and everyone in the family was already asleep. He lay quietly on the bed, thinking about it in a mess. He also has a responsibility. He has already determined that Wang Songmu is a liar. At that time, he should have been forced to drive him away to prevent him from contacting the villagers, or to ask the villagers not to sign with him. After all, he still has insufficient prestige. His dad said it like that, it would never happen this time.

His mother is right, he is still too young to understand human nature. He usually cheers everyone up, and he works hard to make the villagers have a better life. As a result, they not only don’t believe him at the critical moment. , and stabbed him with such a big basket. It seems that he is very kind to them on weekdays. It is necessary to be a village chief. He has to have prestige, and sometimes he has to play tricks with the people in the village. rushed forward.

Feng Yimin slowly closed his eyes and barely slept much. When he opened his eyes again, it was already dawn. Today, the police were going to come to the village to investigate. His daughter had already woken up, and was sitting obediently at the dining table eating steamed eggs. When she heard the movement, she raised her head and sweetly called “Dad”, not to mention her cute appearance.

No matter how much trouble Feng Yimin felt in his heart, seeing Mengmeng’s smiling face all dissipated, he walked over and pinched her small fat arm and said, “Mengmeng, why are you getting up so early?”

Mengmeng waved a small spoon and said, “Get up early to eat and make money.”

Mrs. Feng just came in from outside the house with the porridge. She put the pot of porridge on the table and said, “Go brush your teeth and wash your face, don’t stand here and smoke us cute.”

Feng Yimin ran to the well and brushed his teeth and washed his face. He went back to the dining table and scooped up a bowl of porridge. He sat down and was about to eat when he heard his mother ask, “You went to report the crime last night, what did the police say? Can the liar surnamed Wang be caught? Feng Dafu from our village also ran away, and he must have followed the liar. If I say that he can run away, the Bodhisattva cannot run away from the temple. His home is here, and he can run to the temple. Where to go? It’s a fool too.”

Feng Yimin had no choice but to put the bowl down and answer seriously: “Mom, the police told me that the license plates are all fake, and that person surnamed Wang must be a liar. Feng Dafu mixed with the liar, and he couldn’t escape suspicion. A suspect is him, they will come to the village to investigate at work today, and other things are hard to say now.”

Mengmeng suddenly clapped her little hands and said, “Hee hee, money is in cattle, a lot of money.”

The words were unclear, and Feng Yimin didn’t understand. Madam Feng warned vigilantly, “Mengmeng, what are you talking about? Didn’t we agree? You are not allowed to talk about money when you go out. Quickly forget about this, and grandma will give you another piece of meat to eat.”

After the meal, the police came to the village not long after, and they were divided into several groups. Some went to Feng Dafu’s house to search carefully and took his photos. Some went to the ancestral hall to inquire about Feng Dafu’s wife, others. People went to the villagers’ homes to visit, and they asked about Boss Wang’s appearance. They had to write them down and take them outside the mountains to investigate.

Before leaving, Director Zhao also comforted Feng Yimin and said, “I have sent the most experienced old criminal police officer in the office and asked him to take Xiao Wu to the vehicle control office in the provincial capital. , you can find out the whereabouts of the watermelon, you can rest assured that I will notify you as soon as there is news.”

The police at the police station left and took away the spirit of the villagers. They sighed and sighed all day, and they couldn’t get up to do anything. As long as they thought that the watermelon at home was gone and the money was gone, they were angry. It hurts the heart, the liver, the lungs, and the lungs. In short, there is nothing right in the whole body, and I feel regret and depression in my heart.

This kind of atmosphere also affects the little dolls in the village. Today, they don’t dare to go to the canteen to drink iced soda. They are afraid that they will be grabbed and beaten by the adults at home. They were in a bad mood, and they were also affected. They all stayed at home obediently, and did not dare to go out and play crazy.

So Mrs. Feng and Mengmeng were sitting in the canteen today, and they were busy enough to catch flies. Mrs. Feng couldn’t find anyone to talk to, so she said to her little granddaughter, “Mengmeng, you mean the people in the village. Why are they so stupid? Anyone who understands a little bit can see that the surname Wang is a liar. Why do they just send them to the door to be fooled? Well, although they deserve it, they look too pitiful. Now, the people in our village have lived in this small ravine for hundreds of their lives. They don’t have much knowledge, and they have some problems with petty and cheap, but no matter what, the meat in our village would rather rot in their own pots. It’s not cheap for outsiders, that Feng Dafu is also a swindler, and he actually helped the liar to deceive the people in our village, it’s fine if he doesn’t come back, if he dares to come back, the people in the village will not take his skin off.”

Feng Dafu, what is he doing now?

He was staying in Niujia Village happily counting the money, hahahaha, their four carts of watermelons were shipped to the neighboring provincial capital and sold cheaply, and they made a profit of 120,000 yuan, which was distributed to Niu Xingsheng. After most of it, he gave Wang Gou the rest and took away the rest. After removing the money for hiring the car and the money for running errands for the dog-legs, there was still 20,000 yuan when it was distributed to Feng Dafu. Alas, he When have you seen so much money? I can’t help counting and counting, looking at the money with eyes that are more kissable than my own son, I can’t wait to sleep with the money tonight.

Niu Xingsheng’s reaction was not much better than Feng Dafu’s. A group of people gathered in a dog-legged house and closed the door tightly. They divided the dirt inside. Seeing that they had so much money in their hands, each of them felt in their hearts. They are all very satisfied, especially Niu Xingsheng, he got the most money without much effort, and he is proud and proud.

He put all the money in the big cloth pocket he brought, and said with a particularly amiable smile: “Brother Feng, you are a very good person. You have helped our brothers to find a way to make a fortune, and there will be more in the future. With such an opportunity, you have to take care of us a lot, and how much manpower and material resources you need, you can speak up, you brother Niu, I will never say a word, hahahaha.”

Feng Dafu also laughed and said, “This is what it should be. If Brother Niu didn’t plan well this time, we wouldn’t have made so much money. The people in our village must still be like flies without heads. Yes, I guess they don’t know they have been cheated. I’m not bragging. They are all human beings. Brother Niu, why are you so smarter than us? You can come up with a fake license to cheat others. I admire you so much.”

This is also what Niu Xingsheng is most proud of. He laughed and patted Wang Gouzu next to him and said, “Gouzu, my uncle asked you to fill in those license cards casually, you did not fill in wrongly, right? “

Wang Gou Zuo thought with a sneer in his heart, his uncle is also stupid, and the officials of Taoyuan Village are not blind. The signs on the Da Jiefang are so obvious that they can see it with their eyes. If he is casual Can you deceive them by filling in a few numbers? Fortunately, he was smarter and filled in the license plates truthfully. At the entrance of the village that day, he saw the cadres check the license plates several times with his own eyes, and this allowed him to successfully deceive the watermelon. If the uncle said to do it, it would be good if he was not caught as a liar.

He laughed fiercely in his heart, but on the surface he pretended to be a grandson and said: “Of course, I will do whatever my uncle asks me to do, and I will fill it in whatever you want me to do, and I will never take the photo. I’m not stupid.”

“That’s good, I’ll be relieved if you say that.” Niu Xingsheng smiled with great satisfaction, and he did not forget to instruct him carefully: “You all put away the money, the wind will definitely be tighter these days, you all give it to me. Be careful, don’t go out when you have money, hide the money for a while, and then take it out and spend it after the limelight is over, can you hear it clearly?”

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