Pamper Eighties

Chapter 53

The doglegs suddenly saw so much money, not letting them spend it was even more uncomfortable than killing them. In fact, when they planned to go out, they went to the provincial capital to have a good time, and then bought some rare things and came back Showing off and showing off, so that they can show their ability, so the expression on that face is a little hesitant.

Seeing their stupid appearance, Niu Xingsheng’s face was completely black, and he smiled grimly and said, “Don’t forget how big the sum is this time, 120,000 yuan, enough for you to be shot several times. , ran out at this time, didn’t you hit the gun yourself? You all listen to me, if anyone dares to talk nonsense outside, don’t blame me for being rude to his family, including your brother Feng, you go back to the village Just like what I taught you before, if a police officer comes to ask you questions, you won’t admit it if you bite to death, do you hear it? Otherwise, you will die!”

Feng Dafu also knew how powerful he was, he slapped his chest loudly, and hurriedly said to please: “Brother Niu, don’t worry, I will definitely not talk nonsense when I return to the village, I promise not to remind people of you and brother Gou left. on the body hehe.”

Niu Xingsheng didn’t like to hear this. He stared at a pair of bull’s eyes, and there was danger in his tone: “What does this have to do with me? Don’t let me hear this kind of thing a second time.”

Feng Dafu also realized that what he said just now was a bit like a threat. God knows he has no such thoughts at all, so he quickly fanned the corners of his mouth to show his loyalty: “Brother Niu, look at me, I just can’t speak, I promise I’ll never…”

Before he could finish speaking, there was a burst of noisy footsteps outside the house. It sounded like there were still a lot of people, and someone could still be heard talking faintly.

The people in the room immediately closed their mouths. They were guilty of being thieves and were quite vigilant. Now they pricked up their ears and began to eavesdrop, only to hear a sharp male voice asking: “This person really came here?” Another male voice shouted loudly. He said in a loud voice: “Public Security, this is the place, I saw him go in with my own eyes.” “Shh, please be quiet!”

“No, the police are here!” The people in the room panicked instantly, and Niu Xingsheng jumped up from the chair in a hurry. Give me out, or I will kill his whole family, take the money and leave!”

He stretched out his hand and wanted to pick up the big cloth bag on the ground, but he didn’t expect that the big cloth bag would not move at all. Niu Xingsheng grabbed the big cloth bag with both hands and tried to pull it up, but he couldn’t pull it, it seemed to be firmly glued. On the ground, he seemed to be very evil, no matter how hard he tried, he would not move.

The same goes for other people’s money bags. They just can’t pick them up as if they’re on the ground. They’re anxious and confused. They can’t bear to let go of so much money. At this time, someone was kicking the door outside the yard. The kick was so loud that a group of people in the room were so scared that their legs were softened, and they didn’t know what to do.

Niu Xingsheng’s back molars were about to be bitten by him, he resolutely gave up the money bag, and in a blink of an eye he ran outside the main room only to leave a sentence: “If you don’t want the money, jump off the wall!”

In a panic, he rushed to the edge of the wall behind the house. At this critical moment, he showed amazing fighting power. He climbed and supported the wall with both hands, leading him to turn over the wall, and then fell off with a bang. On the pile of stones, he bared his teeth in pain and couldn’t care about anything, he quickly got up from the ground and limped away.

The other dog-legs were not so lucky. Their movements were half a beat slower. As soon as they ran out of the main room, the door was kicked open from the outside. When he was caught, Feng Dafu had already rushed to the fence, and was also caught by the police and fell to the ground with both hands. Got caught.

The old criminal policeman who was in charge of leading the team rushed into the main room and quickly seized all their stolen money. The policemen were stunned when they opened it. The good guy actually had so much money. Yeah, this case must be a sure thing.

The police also turned the dog’s house inside and out, and found no other people or money hidden, so they stopped work and returned to the yard. He was particularly imposing: “You’re so daring and fat, people from the same commune dare to eat the grass on the edge of the nest, and they’re so stupid that they’re too stupid to take them back to the bureau.”

The public security officers escorted the criminals out, and the whole Niujia Village was a sensation. All the villagers ran out of the house to watch, and Niu Xingsheng pretended to be mixed in. Seeing the police officers carrying so many money bags, the blue veins on his forehead were all over his head. In the riot, the money was originally his, why is this thing so wicked?

But what he needs to worry about the most now is himself. He must not let the doglegs confess him. Seeing that all the doglegs are pale and soft like noodles, Niu Xingsheng bites his mandible and squeezes it. When they passed by, they beat them head-to-head, roaring like a mad bull: “I beat you scumbags to death, what bad things did you do to get the police to come to the door? Our Niujia Village has been humiliated by you. You have parents and children. How can you let them raise their heads in the village? I tell you, go to the Public Security Bureau and talk to me well, or else you Parents and children will not be able to survive.”

No one expected Niu Xingsheng to rush out like this. The police who responded quickly pulled him away, and the old detective who led the team said sympathetically, “Xingsheng, don’t be so impulsive, it’s a new society now. It’s not about their parents and children, you do the work well for the villagers, don’t blame their family members.”

Niu Xingsheng blushed with excitement and had a thick neck, and was still yelling: “Bah, the atmosphere of our Niujia Village has been corrupted by you, and there are so many prisoners in one village, where do you put my face? I If you are your parents and children, I will hang them tonight, so as not to be embarrassed to live in this world, if you still have a little conscience, and the police ask you anything, you can explain it to me well, don’t talk about those who have no , think about your parents and children, don’t let things happen to them.”

He was beating and threatening, but the police didn’t know the truth of the matter, and thought he was going to be mad as the village head. It’s a shame to have such a big case in a village these days, and people outside can’t help it. To point and point, even the people who said they were close were unwilling to be close to such a village. Folk customs and customs were so important, and the police officers comforted him a few times before taking the criminals away.

Niu Xingsheng was not at ease after the police left. He was afraid that the scumbags would give him up. He had a family and business and was the village chief, so he couldn’t accompany this group of people to die. Fortunately, he had done it beforehand. To guard against, he just made an idea about this matter, and he didn’t show up from the beginning to the end. Even if he was confessed, he could pick it up clearly, but it’s better to ask his old leader to help him talk about it, so as not to be in the gutter. Overturned and planted somersaults, um, that’s all.

The fraudster was caught, and the people in Taoyuan Village soon knew that it was Director Zhao of the Public Security Bureau who came and said that he was very happy that a major case was solved so smoothly. The most fortunate are those Not a penny of money is missing.

Thinking of the swindlers, he said sarcastically, “Yimin, you don’t even know how stupid these swindlers are. The police in our bureau went to the DMV in the provincial capital and found the license plate along the way. Those drivers who heard that they were liars were bluffed, and they quickly explained everything. It turned out that after they deceived the watermelons, they transported them to the next door overnight and sold them. The next day, the driver also took They took them back to the commune and let them get off at the intersection in front of Niujia Village. Our police officers took the photos to visit Niujia Village. Some villagers had seen Feng Dafu. We went to one of the prisoners’ house and arrested them on the spot. Right, haha.”

Without waiting for Feng Yimin to ask, Director Zhao said with empathy: “Don’t worry, we have also confiscated the money, a total of 120,000 whole, they sold the watermelon cheaply, not as much as 130,000, the money We have to wait until the court makes a judgment before returning it to the villagers. The IOUs are all in our bureau, and they are also key physical evidence. At that time, we will use these IOUs to send money to the villagers. You can talk to the people in the village. I still have something to do in the bureau. , then I’ll go back first.”

Feng Yimin quickly stood up to see him off, put his arms around his shoulders all the way to the door, and shook hands there, with a sincere expression of gratitude: “Oh, Lao Zhao, I really don’t know how to thank you, we reported yesterday. The case, you solved it today, you are really the protector of the people, I will not say more, I will make two pennants tomorrow, and write a few thank you letters to send to you, if there are more Whatever needs the cooperation of our village, you can speak up, if the money can be recovered, you are the benefactor who saved our entire village.”

Director Zhao looked up at the sky with a hearty smile: “Haha, don’t say that, we were lucky this time, and we just caught up with them to divide the spoils. Do you know what those prisoners said? They actually said that the money bags were stuck to the ground. I can’t take it anymore, so we asked the police to pick up a big bargain. Haha, I’m really laughing. I’ve been a police officer for so long, and I’ve never seen such a stupid liar. I can’t even make up lies. Believe it?”

Feng Yimin also said viciously: “You’re right, these people are still quibbling about their deaths. If you can’t get the money bag, how did you get it? I think they have done all the bad things, and God sees it. If we didn’t go, didn’t we all get caught by you? Lao Zhao, you helped our village catch the bed bug Feng Dafu, and also helped us get the watermelon money back. We are really grateful to you from the bottom of our hearts.”

“Haha, it’s all right. I think the people in your village are still in a hurry. Go and tell them, I’ll go first.” Director Zhao patted Feng Yimin on the shoulder hard, facing the The villagers onlookers waved their hands dashingly, and left in such a majestic manner.

Feng Yimin finally put down a big stone in his heart, smiled and said to the villagers: “Folks, you must have heard of it, right? That liar surnamed Wang has been controlled by the police, and Feng Dafu, the scum of our village, has also been arrested. Get up, all your watermelon money has been recovered by the police, and the total is only 120,000 yuan. Do you understand now? These swindlers give you five cents more, in fact, to deceive your watermelons, they themselves It’s almost 50 cents if you sell it, and it’s not even there yet, don’t worry about it, the watermelon money is illicit money and needs to go through the procedure, and after the court sentenced it, it will be returned to you according to the amount of watermelon you sold.”

The villagers all cheered when they heard this. Thankfully, their watermelon money was finally saved. From yesterday to today, they were so tangled that they couldn’t sleep or eat. I am greedy for petty and cheap, and I will not be deceived by a liar surnamed Wang. As a result, I can only get the selling price of 50 cents after going around, and I have to wait until the court makes a judgment. The village chief sold it.

One of the older villagers said, “Village chief, we’re sorry for you. You told me that Boss Wang was a liar, why did I go to **** and refuse to believe it? It’s all my fault that I’m too stupid and greedy. Now, you and the cadres in the village are all good. If it wasn’t for your help this time, our money would not have been recovered so quickly. Alas, after this loss, we must be more careful in the future, people. It doesn’t matter if you are stupid, just because you are afraid of being stupid and won’t listen to other people’s opinions, with your cadres helping us to check, I will believe everything you say in the future, and you can’t be so stupid anymore.”

Feng Yimin felt a little comforted, but he didn’t want to talk too much: “Uncle, no one has front and back eyes, so just pay more attention in the future, and the cadres in the village can’t help you all the time. You are right, everyone needs to be more careful. Now that the reform and opening up is taking place, people outside can do anything for money. It is also difficult for our village cadres to do it. Fortunately, everyone has not lost much this time. You can go home in peace.”

When Feng Yimin returned home, the family members were also curious to inquire about him. Feng Yimin told them all about the incident, and finally said sarcastically: “These liars can’t even make up their lies, and they actually said that the money If you put the bag on the ground, you can’t pick it up, do you think it’s funny or not?”

Several adults in the Feng family laughed out loud, and the little dolls also laughed. Mengmeng smiled and clapped her little hands and said, “Bad man, da da da.”

Madam Feng pointed at Mengmeng proudly and said, “Look at Mengmeng, we all know we’re going to beat bad guys. Even God can’t see the bad things these swindlers do. Did you move?”

Old Man Feng touched his chin and said gloatingly, “Feng Dafu from our village is really bad. Didn’t you say that eight people were taken away from Niujia Village? And the man surnamed Wang turned out to be from the commune next door. They committed such a big crime. I think what is Niu Xingsheng going to do this time? There are eight criminals in a village, and he will definitely not be able to eat and walk away when they come to the assessment. When will this **** be dismissed, then he will be happy. .”

Niu Xingsheng is not only domineering in Niujia Village, but even people in Taoyuan Village have heard of his virtues, so Mrs. Feng didn’t like him very much. What are people doing? He has done so many bad things in the past, and God will come to clean him up sooner or later, you just wait and see, don’t worry about it, it’s better to make two more money if you have this skill, Mengmeng Do you think so?”

Mengmeng’s big eyes blinked mischievously, nodding her little head vigorously, and said, “Yeah, that’s it.”

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