The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.


Jaina woke to find she was firmly held in Alexandria's arms. She smiled and brushed some curly hair from the woman's face as her bright eyes opened, and she returned the smile. Jaina greeted her with a kiss and then asked if there was anything she could do for her. Alexandria shook her head and insisted she would take care of Jaina instead.

Her hair was brushed in the old-fashioned way by sitting before a mirror as Alexandria did all the work with a brush. Her skin was oiled with a lovely scent as the woman worked it into every crack and crevice. She was powdered and adorned with jewelry from Alexandria’s private collection before being given a modest dress that concealed but was tight enough to show her figure.

“There,” Alexandria said as she smiled. “You look amazing.”

“I have no idea what to say,” Jaina said as she looked in the mirror at her stunning image and shook her head. “You are a wonderful master.”

“I try to be,” Alexandria replied as she took Jaina's hand and reached up to brush a long ear. “And I love this rabbit look.”

“It was Rajeen’s idea,” Jaina laughed as Alexandria ran a hand along her back, admiring the tattoos. “Oh, that reminds me,” Jaina said in a hurry. “Can you get Evalynn and Gisley here? I need to warn them to hide some of the tattoos.”

“Why would they need to hide them?” Alexandria asked.

Jaina explained how she had told some of the guests that she was new to the kingdom and didn't know much about the political landscape. It was part of her cover to get them talking about their beliefs, but it had one fatal flaw. She had tattoos on her back that proved she had made love to the masters of the Jade Harem, so those marks had to be hidden using her mimic ability. She felt it prudent that her sisters hid them as well so people wouldn't associate them with the harem.

Alexandria understood and went into the hall. She returned five minutes later with both girls, and they went over a careful examination of the tattoos. They used Jaina's mimic power to remove any that would raise questions and reduced Gisley's overall amount, as it proved she had been here for months. They would tell guests that they came here specifically to experience the Lovewood and had been very active in it. However, now they wanted something more refined and came to the brothel, seeking a place with the girls.

“That should work,” Alexandria agreed. If I catch any guests discussing your tattoos or how they have changed, I will use my skills to help them forget about them.”

“You are going to use deceptions,” Jaina stated.

“I prefer to think of it as avoiding problems,” Alexandria countered. “My foremost job here is to maintain the peace. People are here to relax and enjoy the services on offer, not worry that there is some kind of plot at work. Anyone too dangerous to use my powers on will be told that you three painted some of those on to impress me and gain entrance. When I discovered it, I made you wash them off and promise never to lie to me again.”

“That sounds plausible,” Evalynn agreed. “But what about the paw print?”

“Oh, my god, the paw print!” Jaina cried. “We have been announcing to the whole estate we are harem girls.”

“Mine’s gone,” Gisley said as she turned her rear to show them. “It wasn’t there yesterday, either.”

“What?” Jaina gasped as she hiked her dress and yanked down her panties. Her mark was gone as well, leaving smooth, bare skin where it should have been. “Why is it gone?”

“You were sold,” Alexandria said. “Thus, Rajeen’s mark of ownership faded. My guess is this is why they sold you in the first place. They didn’t want you running around with your harem marks.”

“Oh, thank goodness,” Jaina sighed. “I feel such a fool. I was so focused on the idea of being a sex spy that I didn’t give a moment’s thought to my marks.”

“Well, your masters did,” Alexandria said. “You may not realize it, but Rajeen is very crafty and well-connected. Some of my guests have spoken about her influence in other regions. Her harem is known to send special girls to make political connections if you understand what I mean.”

“Rajeen does that?” Evalynn gasped.

“She always talks about keeping her girls pure,” Gisley added.

“No,” Jaina said with a shake of her head. “Remember, she said that Hannah would be used for diplomats and special guests.”

“So, Hannah does whore out,” Alexandria said.

“Not like we do,” Evalynn countered. “But she came close to being exactly like us.”

Alexandria looked confused, so Jaina filled her in on Hannah's current conflicts. She explained Rajeen's desire to keep Hannah in the harem but how that caused a great deal of trouble for Frank and Blackbast. To alleviate the problem, Hannah had been transferred to Rajeen and was now restricted to the harem. However, she wasn't exactly pure; she had made love to an archdruid and most of the rogues guild.

“Do you think she would work here?” Alexandria asked.

“I don't know,” Jaina replied as she considered it. “I would have said absolutely not two days ago, but things are changing fast. She might be open to the idea, but she doesn't have a reason to, considering she could work in the temple.”

“The reason is it would draw power players from all around,” Alexandria countered. “They would come from miles away to take the princess to bed. In return, she would have private access to the powerful elite among her neighbors and may be able to negotiate some cooperation.”

“Rajeen did say Hannah might be used for important people,” Evalynn said. “And hearing she has done this with other girls only makes it more likely. Still, it really isn't her choice, and she would never do such a thing without the express permission of the masters.”

“I have seen bloody disputes settled in a bedroom before,” Alexandria countered. “So much of what these people fear is because they don't know Hannah. If they had a chance to spend some intimate time with her and talk, I am sure it would change everything.”

“You're right,” Jaina said. “But I still don't know if they will go for it.”

“If half of what I hear about Rajeen is accurate, she will jump at the chance,” Alexandria said. “She is very skilled at using sex as a tool to get things done. Look at you three. Why do you think you are here?”

“She’s right,” Gisley said. “This was Rajeen’s idea.”

“And she didn’t explain it to us,” Jaina said. “She just gave us orders and marched us out. She is using us to get a job done.”

“And she will do so again,” Alexandria replied. “But I wouldn't hold that against her. It happens with all masters who have more than a couple of girls. Powerful harems draw attention, and masters end up having to play games to ensure their girl's safety. I did the same thing when it came to you.”

“You did, and it has happened to Roric with other people,” Jaina agreed. “They see the harem as a power base.”

“And powerful players like to keep rising stars in check,” Alexandria warned. “Now, the morning has started, so I need to make my appearances.” She went to a desk and took out two small coins, one of bronze and the other silver. She held the bronze one up and told them that this was a paying guest. The girls were free to entertain their desires, but they had to present the coin and give it to the girl if they wanted more than a kiss. The silver coin was a member of the club. The girls were to treat them with extra care and entertain them at will. The silver members retained their coins and had their names etched on the back of them.

“So silver members have unlimited access, and bronze members have access equal to the number of coins they have,” Jaina summarized.

“Yes, and be careful about letting one of them lure you into a bedroom for hours,” Alexandria warned. “You are free to give a bronze member a good hour, but if they try to keep you after that, use your bracelet to alert me. I will politely inform them that you have other duties, and if they want more of your attention, they need to buy more coins.”

“I love her system,” Evalynn laughed. “She won’t let them cheat.”

“My girls are my sole reason for existing,” Alexandria said. “I would do anything for them.”

“I am pleased to hear that,” Jaina said as they parted and headed into the hall. They debated what they would do next, and Jaina had a plan. She would try to get close to the pirate queen while Gisley and Evalynn would look out for Count Arvin. If one of them could hook his interest, it would open the doorway to more questions. Gisley offered to try to glitter him so she could pry at him in his dreams if that would help.

It was certainly worth a try, so Jaina told her to go ahead but be careful. They didn't want to arouse anyone's suspicions by trying to douse them in glitter, but a little pinch in a drink would be enough. They headed downstairs, meeting other girls who wore scandalous sun dresses. Jaina kept seeing outfits she wanted Hannah to wear as they headed into the dining hall fit for a royal court.

The ceiling went up thirty feet to a metal mosaic of fine gold and hand-painted scenes of women. The walls were paneled and trimmed with the finest detail, while great crystal chandeliers hung overhead. The table was long enough to seat a hundred and adorned with a red silk runner. Candles, crystal, and the finest silverware were set out for guests, creating an air of wealth.

“This is amazing,” Gisley whispered.

“It's like a grand hall from some fantasy castle,” Evalynn added.

“She pampers her guests,” Jaina said as she noticed girls walked the table with drinks to pour.

“I wonder what they serve,” Jaina said and headed to a smaller table alone one wall where three girls stood behind a row of silver containers.

“So, what’s for breakfast?” Jaina asked.

“Oh, are you three new?” one of the girls asked. Jaina nodded and introduced Gisley and Evalynn, carefully using their fake names. The serving girls nodded and welcomed them to the family with warm smiles and genuine excitement. They then removed the lids to reveal a smorgasbord of treats. There were traditional things like sausage and bacon, but these had been crafted with sage, pepper, and other herbs to give them more flavor. There was steak and every variety of egg, including one that fascinated Gisley. It was a square pocket stuffed with either sausage, cheese, and mushrooms, or Onions, peppers, and steak. There were three varieties of toast, a dozen jams, several butters, and an assortment of breakfast tarts. There were sweet treats as well, with donut like cakes, cinnamon rolls, and sugared pastries.

“They have crescents,” Evalynn said as she reached for one. “Oh, look how flaky they are.”

“I want to stay here,” Jaina mused as she looked at the fruit bowls. “This is a rather nice setup.”

Jaina was about to reach for a pear when a clatter from behind turned her attention.

“Keep that thing to yourself,” a man growled as he got up and flared with anger at the woman in the chair beside him. Jaina recognized the woman in red and black as she waved a long tail in the man's face.

“What's the matter?” Julliesta laughed. “Afraid of a little tail?”

“I don’t need your tail trying to pick my pockets,” the man snapped and moved away.

“Well, there’s your target,” Evalynn whispered.

“She seems in a good mood,” Jaina replied as she put a few items on a plate. She watched as the woman smiled and teased other guests nearby, drawing an icy stare from another woman with white hair. “She's not popular, though.”

“She likes to annoy the men,” one of the serving girls whispered. “She likes to annoy nobles by convincing them she is up to something. In reality, she's just trying to unsettle them so they can't enjoy their time here.”

“How annoying of her,” Jaina said.

“Be careful around her,” the woman said. “She's a total lesbian and likes to dominate girls. The stronger willed, the better. She says she likes to break them and make them submissive.”

“She sounds perfect for you,” Evalynn teased.

“I may be in love,” Jaina replied, taking her plate around the table. She intentionally sat in the woman's sight and began to pick at her food as if not interested in the people around her. Gisley and Evalynn sat together near the other end and were instantly chatted up by guests. Jaina wondered how long it would take to get the woman's interest but felt something caressing her leg. Sure enough, the long tail had reached under the table, signaling her interest.

“Does that belong to you?” Jaina asked as she selected a plum.

“It might,” the woman replied, leaning over her food. “Are you new here?”

“I got here last night,” Jaina replied with a polite smile but showed no interest. “This is my first breakfast.”

“So you haven't been broken in yet, then,” the woman teased as her tail searched for the hem of Jaina’s skirt. Jaina shot her a little glare and reached down, helping the tails slide between her legs. She took a long, slow breath as it brushed at her panties, and the woman smiled even more.

“That's so helpful,” Julliesta cooed. You might not take too much to break after all.”

“I don't know that I like the idea of being broken in,” Jaina replied, playing on the woman's desire. She wanted to show a little fire and feisty nature so Julliesta would think Jaina was a challenge. Judging by the look in the woman's eyes, it was working, and the tail began to caress Jaina's thighs.

“That's the beauty of it,” Julliesta said. They all think they won't like it, but eventually, they break, and then they wonder why they ever resisted.”

“I don’t break easily,” Jaina countered before biting a strawberry.

“I like a woman with spirit,” Julliesta stated. “They moan the loudest when they finally succumb. Fancy a walk in the garden?”

“I haven’t eaten my breakfast yet,” Jaina replied.

“Bring it with,” Julliesta suggested. “It’s just a little fruit.”

Jaina hid her smile as she collected the small fruit into a bowl before carrying it off. She joined Julliesta at a side door that took them into a marbled hall, then passed a few rooms set aside for romantic encounters.

“Don’t you ruin that one,” a man called from a room as they passed.

“I never ruin them, Count Drianni,” the woman replied as they walked by. “I just teach them how to behave.”

“She wouldn’t be working here if she didn’t know how to behave,” the man argued, but Julliesta hooked Jaina's arm and hurried her on. Jaina felt a tingle of excitement as they went out a set of glass doors into the upper terrace. She was taken down a broad flight of steps as Julliesta smiled and used her tail curl about Jaina.

There was a tall hedge at the base of the steps and a lawn beyond bordered by even more hedges to act as walls. They went to the path beside the lawn and turned right, heading for an arch in the hedge barrier.

“Where are we going?” Jaina asked as the woman had been silent too long.

“Someplace special,” Julliesta replied. “I think you will like it.”

“Will I like it as much as you will?” Jaina asked, noting her wicked smile. They crossed into a second yard, where trees grew among the broken stones as the land began to slope toward the lake.

“So, are you a guest here frequently?” Jaina asked.

“I spend a fair bit of time in places like this,” Julliesta replied, mostly avoiding the question. “But what about you? What made a rabbine come here to serve on her knees?”

Jaina didn't miss the insinuation that Jaina was here to be on her knees. She answered that she had a friend who had come here after hearing about the prince and princess. This friend then discovered the Lovewood and what went on there and sent word that she had to see it. She arrived a few weeks ago, exploring the city and spending long days in the Lovewood.

“Oh, are you a slutty girl?” Julliesta asked as she leaned over to see Jaina's back. The dress covered her marks, so Jaina stopped and loosened the straps, allowing the back to drop.

“Oh, my, you are a slut,” Julliesta laughed and ran a hand along Jaina’s back. “You’re a busy girl.”

“I like a little fun,” Jaina said.

“So what made you decide to put on a collar and become a slave girl?” Julliesta pressed.

“I don't know,” Jaina said with a shrug. “I guess it's all the harem talk in the city. I spent some time in the Jade Temple and saw how happy the girls were. I became curious, but I am too afraid to commit to a harem.”

“So you thought you would try it first by being a whore here,” Julliesta finished as she ran her hands around Jaina's sides. “Are you enjoying the role of a whore?”

“It has its perks,” Jaina sighed as those hands came around the front and cupped her breasts. “But I wasn’t prepared for the collar.”

“Oh, those wonderful collars,” Julliesta said as she leaned into Jaina’s back, rubbing her nipples between two fingers. “Don’t they make sex absolutely wonderful?”

“Yes,” Jaina said in a gasp.

“And the orgasms come so easily,” Julliesta whispered as she tugged on Jaina’s tender nipples. “A good hard man can have you cuming in forty seconds.”

Jaina rolled her head as the woman assaulted her chest, tormenting her nipples in her iron grasp. She then let go and took her hand, turning her to look deep into her eyes.

“I am Julliesta, the pirate queen,” she said with a mile.

“I am Kasine,” Jaina said as their eyes met.

“Well, Kasine. I have a secret little spot nearby where I am going to learn everything there is to know about your body,” the pirate woman said. “And then I am going to make you love pleasing a woman.”

Jaina had to fight her urge to laugh. If only Julliesta knew just how many women Jaina made love to on a regular basis. She knew the taste of more women than she would ever know of men and considered it a mark of pride to say she was a lesbian. She doubted Julliesta had anything to show her or could somehow make her appreciate a woman's body more than she already did. As exciting as this was, she had to keep on task. She let Julliesta lead her on while returning to the earlier conversation.

“Do you have a harem?” Jaina asked.

“Me, no, I prefer to love my women and leave them,” Julliesta replied.

“Not a collector then?” Jaina asked.

“No,” Julliesta laughed. “If you want a collector, you need to look into a woman named Rajeen.”

“I already know about her,” Jaina said. “My friend says she’s the real power behind the scenes here.”

“I doubt that very much,” Julliesta said as they turned down a path that took them closer to the water.

“My friend is usually pretty accurate about these sorts of things,” Jaina pressed.

“The true power is Prince Frank,” Julliesta stated. “All the others are his pawns in a daring game of power and politics.”

Jaina nearly jumped to hear the woman repeat what she had heard earlier. She, too, believed that Frank was the real danger and the others were just parts of his plan. Jaina found that impossible to believe as Frank was the kindest man she had ever met.

“I don’t know anything about the prince,” Jaina said. “People are always talking about Hannah.”

“Of course they are,” Julliesta said. “She's his distraction. The loving sex devil that sings to the city and showers its inhabitants with magical love. He rarely makes an appearance, and when he does, he is in the background manipulating events. You mark my words; when his plan is finished, he will rip off the mask, and people will see the truth.”

“That's frightening to think,” Jaina replied, truly concerned. I wonder if his plan had anything to do with that trouble in the city?”

“What trouble?” Julliesta asked.

“A fight between Hannah and a man with four arms,” Jaina replied. “I didn't witness it personally, but I heard people saying he was killing harem girls.” She watched the reaction on Julliesta's face as the woman made a slight frown. There was a delay in her response as if she needed time to consider her words, and then suddenly, she was back to normal.

“I doubt he was working for the prince,” Julliesta said. “He would have no reason to kill harem girls.”

That reply wasn't helpful, but her reaction before it indicated she knew something. Jaina needed to tread carefully and not bring it up again too soon, or it might be perceived as prying. She let the matter drop as they rounded a clump of trees to find a small clearing beside the water. It was unremarkable except for all the rope hanging from a stout branch.

“Get undressed,” Julliesta commanded as she went to a nearby bush and dragged out a wooden box. Jaina did as she was told, stripping bare and waiting to see what happened next. Her breasts were a little sore, and her nipples pert and hard from the rough handling.

“So, are you ready to be my plaything?” Julliesta asked as she opened the box and took something metal out.

“Umm,” Jaina replied as the woman turned back to her, holding something in her hands. It was two metal bells with a raised bump in the middle. It was obvious they were for going over breasts so the firm nipple could fit into the bump.

“What are those for?” Jaina gasped as the woman came closer.

“They are for you,” Julliesta said as she held the bells in one hand and two thick metal rings in the other. “Tell me, little rabbine, have you ever had your nipples pierced?”

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