The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.


Jaina groaned as she slowly turned in the breeze, her feet inches from the ground. Her hands were tied behind her back, and her ankles were bound, preventing her from moving. A roped had been passed through the ring on her collar, down her back, and through the folds of her sore pussy. It then climbed up her stomach to her chest, passing between her breasts to a ring on the front of her collar. Two long tails hung to the ground where Julliesta could tug them back and forth, grinding them against Jaina’s ass and pussy.

All of this was incredibly shocking, but it was nothing compared to how she was suspended. Julliesta had placed a metal cap over each of Jaina's breasts and then pierced her nipples with a thick ring. It only hurt for a second, but the weight of that metal ring was like having a sword attached to her nipple, and it tugged her breasts firmly. Julliesta tied a rope to each ring, then over a stout branch above. She pulled, lifting Jaina to her toes as her breasts were tugged skyward. Jaina didn't think she would go any farther, but the woman wasn't happy until Jaina was suspended above the ground.

Now, she was bound and helpless, dangling from a tree with a rope firmly wedged in her body. Julliesta sat below, admiring her handiwork as Jaina squirmed in tension.

“You look good like that,” Julliesta said as she ran a hand along Jaina’s leg. “And you haven’t begged me to stop yet. Maybe you will be hard to break.”

Jaina threw her head back to pant as Julliesta tugged on the rope, grinding it over her clit. Were this situation any other girl, she would probably be afraid. As it was, Jaina knew she could escape any time she wanted by turning into slime and pouring down. She also knew Alexandria was watching and carefully judging if Julliesta had gone too far. Right now, it was just a little firm bondage, but if she got overzealous, she could count on Alexandria and her guards showing up to end the little game.

“This is the place of every submissive woman,” Julliesta said. “You exist to be played with.”

“I kind of like doing a little playing,” Jaina replied as she thrashed.

“I bet you do,” Julliesta said as she tugged the rope again, causing Jaina to arch her back. “Have you ever had denial training?”

“I don’t even know what that is?” Jaina groaned.

“It’s where you are trained not to orgasm,” Julliesta explained. “Even if you are wearing the collar.”

“Why would I want that?” Jaina cried as she struggled not to breathe too deeply.

“Because you want to know what it's like to be completely submissive,” Julliesta replied. “You want to be so submissive that you seek only to please others, not yourself. You won't want to orgasm because you are here only to bring others to orgasm.”

“That's impossible,” Jaina countered. “I have tried to fight them before, but it doesn't work. All you can do is delay them, and you can't do anything about the shared one.”

“Oh, but you can,” Julliesta replied as she ran a hand along Jaina’s legs. “All it takes is a willingness to be completely subservient and a special mixture rubbed into your pussy and ass.”

Jaina laughed and shook her head before saying she was perfectly happy being submissive the way she was. She couldn't imagine not sharing the moment of orgasm with her partner, but Julliesta had other ideas. She said that was exactly why Jaina would give it up. She then explained how a woman who truly wanted to serve was always looking for a way to give more to her master. She suspected that Jaina was well on her way on that journey, but she hadn't quite seen the ultimate pinnacle.

Jaina felt a sudden tension growing inside as the woman explained her simple concept. Jaina may be submitting, but she was rewarded for it night and day. It was the pleasure of sex and the orgasms that came with it that had Jaina crawling on the floor at her master's feet. But a true slave gives up everything to her master, including the pleasure. Jaina wouldn't know true submission until she could have sex and feel almost nothing. She would exist solely to provide pleasure to her master while taking none for herself.

Jaina was struck speechless as the woman's words stirred something inside her. Was there really a way to resist the pleasure, even in a salve collar? Could she deny the power of a shared orgasm when it was triggered if she was ready or not? It seemed impossible to believe, but Julliesta insisted that it only took a little training. Then Jaina could serve in the brothel properly as a well-trained whore.

“No, this isn’t possible,” Jaina gasped.

“Ah, you say it isn't possible, not that you don't want it,” Julliesta teased, reaching up to squeeze Jaina's rear. You are thinking about it now, wondering if you could really do it, wondering if you could give it up.”

“I…” Jaina gasped as Julliesta swung her hand, causing Jaina to spin as she hung from her breasts. Her mind was on fire as the woman had somehow stirred a strange desire. Could she give up the pleasure of sex and devote herself solely to providing it?”

“You are afraid to answer,” Julliesta whispered. “You are afraid to admit what we both know. You are both anxious and terrified to take the next step because you know there is no going back. Your mind is in the right place, so now you just have to commit to giving up your pleasure. Tell me to take it away, and I will make you a true slave.”

Jaina thrashed in her binds as her body was ablaze with sexual tension. Surely, this was a game, a test of some kind, but what if it wasn't? She looked down to see the woman smiling before giving the rope a firm tug. Jaina arched her back as six inches of rope slid through the folds of her pussy. She could feel the rough abrasive surface grinding on her sore clit as her body shook to try and relieve the pressure.

She cried out as she turned, her body thrashing against her binds. Her heart was racing, and her body was trembling as she found herself unable to think. She kept imagining a life where she couldn't feel sexual pleasure and existed solely to provide it. It was completely one-sided, a total devotion to the other, her body just a toy for her master.

“I can tell by your thrashing that you can't bring yourself to tell me,” Julliesta said as she stepped back and went to a nearby bag. She reached inside and pulled out a glass bottle that glowed with blue liquid. “This is a special elixir that only works if you are burning with sexual fire. If you rub it anywhere on your body, that location won't be able to feel sexual stimulation anymore.” She carried the bottle to Jaina and held it up for her to see a little more clearly. “Now, are you ready to become a true slave?”

Jaina panted as her eyes fixated on the bottle, unable to look away. She tried to speak, but her voice caught in her throat, and all she managed was a mumble.

“I understand,” Julliesta said with a nod. “You need a little help.”

Jaina wasn't sure what that meant until the woman took up the rope between her legs. She held the bottle out to avoid getting on herself and poured a sticky sap-like liquid onto it. Jaina began to twitch as Julliesta coated a good three feet with the substance that glowed with a blue light. She then set the bottle aside and grabbed the second rope, giving it a tug. Jaina watched as the glowing sap was pulled toward her body, rising until it was an inch below the ring of her collar.

“Just admit what you want,” Julliesta said. “I can tell you have a submissive heart. Just tell me to take your pleasure away and close your eyes.”

Jaina heaved for air as she looked down on the rope covered in the magic sap. If Julliesta tugged it would go through the ring on her collar and down her chest. Coating her breasts and stomach with the blue goo before passing through the folds of her pussy and up her ass. The rope would do all the work, rubbing the substance in and rendering Jaina unable to feel sexual pleasure.

She would be a sex doll forever more, with three holes for men to stick their cocks in and dump their loads. As terrible as that thought seemed, she felt a tension inside, a desire to give in and become the ultimate sex slave. A slave who was wholly devoted to providing her master pleasure while having none for herself. A life with no ulterior motives or hunger for the orgasms that would come. She struggled to tell herself that thought was crazy, but it only resulted in her trembling.

Suddenly, there was a burning in her groin as the rope slid, and Jaina's eyes went wide. She looked down to see it slowly sliding through her ring, the blue sap just now reaching it. Then she pulled the other way, allowing almost two feet to slip back, giving her some breathing room.

“You can't admit it,” Julliesta said as if feeling sorry for Jaina. So, let's do this another way. I will pull very slowly. All you have to do is say stop, and I will yank it back. Or, you can close your eyes and let it happen. I won't tell you when, but when we are close, I will yank, and it will be done.”

Jaina wanted to tell her she was crazy, but her voice wouldn't come. She felt the burn as the rope slowly slid through her body, bringing the blue sap closer to her collar. Jaina rocked as panic set in, and she fought her heart for control. She told herself to turn to ooze and drop away before this substance reached her body. Yet, a strange, decadent voice was in the back of her mind, calling her to give up. It implored her to sacrifice her sexual pleasure on the altar of submission.

The slow pulling was even more maddening than the quick yanks as it left her clit in constant torment. She threw her head back, her chest heaving as she wondered where the sap was. Why hadn’t she yelled to stop? Why did she feel conflicted? Did she really want to serve so completely that the serving was all the pleasure she needed?

Her deep breaths made her feel the rope on her stomach more acutely. She could feel it sliding, growing ever closer to the destination. She told herself to look and see where the sap was, but her inner voice said no. It implored her to close her eyes and let go, allowing it all to happen.

She realized she was lost in the moment, her mind so fixated on the tension that she wasn't thinking straight. Her eyes came open, and she looked down to see blue sap an inch above her breasts.

“You should have kept your eyes closed,” Julliesta said. “It would have been easier.”

“No, you have to stop,” Jaina implored her. “I don’t want this.”

“So, you’re just a slut who is using slavery as easy access to sex,” Julliesta said with a shake of her head. “I thought you were better.”

“I love serving,” Jaina cried as she shook, swinging gently as she dangled.

“Then commit to serving with all you are!” Julliesta commanded. “Don't do it for the pleasure; do it for the service.”

“That's enough!” A voice shouted, causing Jaina to look up and nearly cry to see Alexandria. “You pull that rope, and I will hang you up there with the bottle of your poison shoved up your ass.”

“Lady Alexandria,” Julliesta said in a sultry tone as she played with the rope. “There is no reason to be so crude. I was just enjoying your new girl.”

“I told you before, I don’t like you playing mind games with girls,” Alexandria snapped.

“But it stirs the fire inside their bellies and makes them better slaves,” Julliesta replied. “You should thank me.”

“You are not allowed to manipulate them,” Alexandria hissed. “They are here to enjoy themselves as much as the guests do. I will not have you filling their heads with this only true slave nonsense.”

“You have no vision,” Julliesta huffed. “It would set them free.”

“I am going to set you free to find another club,” Alexandria threatened. “If you play this game again, you won't be welcome in my estate.”

“Suite yourself,” Julliesta growled and threw the rope to Alexandria. “But I bet she enjoyed every minute of it.” The woman stormed off, leaving Jaina suspended before Alexandria. The blond master waited until she was gone and then shook her head.

“Will you just go liquid and come down from there,” she demanded.

Jaina nodded as her body melted, becoming a gray mass that easily passed through the bindings. It left the metal cups swinging in the wind as she reformed at Alexandria’s feet. She quickly threw herself into Alexandria’s arms and thanked her for coming to her rescue.

“What took you so long?” Jaina panted.

“I have been here since she hung you up,” Alexandria replied as she wrapped her arms around Jaina. “I can teleport to any location on the estate where one of my girls is.”

“So you saw all that?” Jaina panted.

“She likes to play with girls' emotions and has a wide assortment of mind games,” Alexandria said while scratching behind one of Jaina's rabbit ears. Most of them get the girls' passions going but are ultimately harmless. Some she uses to push a girl to a breaking point. I have warned her about that many times.”

“I was seconds away from that stuff,” Jaina said as she pointed to the rope.

“That's a numbing gel,” Alexandria replied. “It's a mix of an invulnerability potion and something else that deadens sensation. It would have made your pussy numb and led you to believe it worked. She would probably have yanked the rope back and forth to show you couldn't feel anything. Then, cut you down and fingered you until you admitted you couldn't feel a thing. It's all part of her game to get you to break and beg her to make you what she believes is a total slave. Once you had broken, she would be done with you, and an hour from now, it would have worn off.”

“So it wasn’t permanent?” Jaina gasped in relief.

“No, and if it was, I would have bathed that hussy in it and then sold her to the silk princes. Then I would have spent every coin I make paying alchemists and herbalists to find a cure,” Alexandria said.

“You are not who I thought you were,” Jaina said as she stepped back. “I am glad to know you now.”

“No, I was arrogant,” Alexandria admitted. I believed I had much more to offer you than Roric did. I was insulted that you refused my offer, and in my anger, I decided I would sell you to the north for their competition. What I did was born out of spite and bitterness. I don't blame you for seeing me that way.”

“I suppose it was a little spiteful,” Jaina agreed. “But here we are now. All is forgiven, and I think we have a better relationship than we would have had otherwise.”

“I hope so,” Alexandria said and hooked Jaina's arm. “So, did you get what you wanted out of her?”

“Ha, no,” Jaina laughed. “I was too busy fighting the urge to tell her to do it.”

“Really?” Alexandria asked. “I let that go on a little longer than I normally would have because I wanted to see how you would respond. Do you think you might have given in?”

“I don't know,” Jaina said as she shook out her hair. “She had me convinced that if I wanted to be a true slave, I had to do it without the pleasure. I was almost ready to beg her to take it away.”

“Well, she knows how to play at a slave's emotions,” Alexandria replied. You girls with servant hearts all look for ways to push your submission further. She came along and offered you the sacred fire, the ultimate act of submission, and of course, it struck a cord.”

“I suppose it did,” Jaina agreed. “But I didn't get what I needed, so I must face her again.”

“She didn’t give you anything?” Alexandria asked.

“She didn't, but then she did,” Jaina replied. She explained the woman's change of demeanor and her sudden silence when Jaina brought up the man-hunting harem girls. She seemed to be choosing her words carefully so as not to give away anything.

“That is suspicious,” Alexandria agreed as they came up the slope, slowly approaching the archway in the hedge.

“So, are you very high level?” Jaina asked as she considered the woman beside her.

“What made you ask that?” Alexandria said.

“It's just the threat you made and how she reacted,” Jaina said. “There was a genuine concern on her part that you might move against her.”

“That’s because they are on my estate,” Alexandria said with a smile. “I can summon any of my girls to my side instantly and grant them the free from binding spell.”

“What does that do?” Jaina asked.

“It unlocks the collar,” Alexandria replied. For one hour, the girls are at their full power- more than long enough for us to deal with a troublemaker. Did you know I have level one hundred and nine thane under my collar?”

“I am not sure what a thane is,” Jaina said.

“Think a paladin, but all storms and lightning,” Alexandria said. “She could lay waste to half the country side by herself. I have a conjurer in the eighties, and a priestess in the high seventies. I also have a deadly girl who is secretly a mimic.”

“I bet she’s nice,” Jaina laughed. “But no NPCs?”

“There are plenty of NPCs around,” Alexandria said. “The cooks in the kitchen, girls who run the stables, girls who tend the gardens. Any girl you see doing an actual chore will likely be an NPC.”

“I see,” Jaina replied as they crossed the lawn, heading for the house. “So, thank you for saving me.”

“You are welcome,” Alexandria replied, looking over with a smile. “And thank you for forgiving me.”

“You are welcome,” Jaina replied with a broad smile. “You know, I kinda like it here. Would you mind if I asked Roric if I could come back and spend the day as your slave once in a while?”

“I wouldn't mind that at all,” Alexandria said, then turned to Jaina. “Now, be a good girl and go mingle. I am sure a few nice guests would love to know your passion.”

“But I need to confront Julliesta,” Jaina insisted.

“Do that tomorrow,” Alexandria insisted and leaned in to kiss Jaina. “Trust me, she isn't done with you.” She walked off and left Jaina wondering what they meant and how she would hold her ground against the aggressive woman. One thing was for sure: she wanted to make sure she was the one who confronted Julliesta and not poor Gisley. An encounter like that would likely tarnish Gisley’s love of prostitution.

“Well, I suppose there are men to please,” Jaina said with a smile and headed for the steps, looking forward to her next sexual encounter.

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